135 results for 'gospelbeach'
It’s here in our warehouse at last. Brent from BEACHWOOD SPARKS’ great new band, GOSPELBEACH, and the reviews are in,it’s a hit! The limited editions are sure to sell out quickly, get em while you ca ...
This weeks new stuff!(Post)OK, I know you guys are all distracted by (1)That crazy UK thing!(YIKES) (2) The soccer game (3) 4th of July, BUT we cant have everyone just sitting around looking pretty here, so I’m gonna tempt you ...
NEW BROWN ACID AND MORE!(Post)First off, if any of you tried to order by PAYPAL this weekend and were notified that we didn't accept PAYPAL, that’s a total lie. It was a PAYPAL glitch and they wouldn’t respond all weekend, they h ...
BLACK FRIDAY IS NOW(Post)We’re having an early Black Friday saale for you guys, along with some fabulous gift ideas for you rabid collectors! 10% off anything your little heart desires! SAALE runs thru Saturday night.We’ve g ...
NEW STUFF, AUTOGRAHPHED ITEMS AND OVERSTOCKS(Post)It aint easy doing business this week, all of our lazy suppliers are closed for something called “VACATION“ for two weeks, ha ha, but we’ve managed to get some cool merch in for you anyway. Not only ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Alright all you bargain hunters, it’s Wednesday again, time to hunker down and give a close look to our 3 big DISCOUNT sections on the shopping cart.Check out our $5 and under, our $5-$10and our famo ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
GEAR FAB SHIPMENT & BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Nice big shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s cds at the $10 price point. Check the label here.Also big DISCOUNTS on the remaining archival cds, we usually sell out of those the ...
Tons of new stuff this weekend!(Post)First off we have TWO new GOSPELBEACH shirts for you, one grey marble and one orange. These are the deluxe light fabric variety, you will love them!PLUS we’re offering two new HATS, one for ALIVE REC ...
MORE GOODIES!(Post)It’s the weekend again, and I have another batch of goodies for you guys! MORE cheapo CDs and VINYL, lots of restocks, and a BONNEVILLES LP/T shirt bundle. (Autographed bundle SOLD OUT!)And in respon ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY ALREADY?(Post)TUESDAY SAALE DAY ALREADY? Yeah, it’s time for some more discounts without a code, go for it!ALSO JUST IN, a big old shipment from our buddies at CRYPT, check it out here: CRYPT on BOMPSTORE. And so ...
BARGAINS AND NEW STUFF!(Post)We're back from the long holiday weekend with some new items and a bunch of adds to all of your favorite sections, the $5 and Under, the $5-$10, and the ONE ONLY. And dont forget to use our search to ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)WE GOT THE NEW SHINDIG for you, AND the NEW GOSPELBEACH shirts are back in stock, along with a BUNDLE including the shirt and a badge, check it out below.The reviews just don't stop rolling in, the b ...
NEW ARRIVALS and Big Discounts!(Post)Some new additions for you guys, plus more of those LAST COPY deals, items we’re clearing out at near cost or below. Get em while you can!And adds to the famous $5 and under section too, and the $5-$ ...
WEEKEND(Post)More of those rare test pressings that you guys have been snapping up! These are from our archives and available nowhere else. Only 5 each made, and often only 1 or 2 are still around, since we send ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)ALL FORMATS NOW AVAILABLE FOR GOSPELBEACH - LET IT BURN! Including a new “BOX” set,with exclusive artwork. Substitutions allowed on this one. 5 CD bundle also available, plus a great T shirt. See all ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)The new Shindig is here, with a great cover article on the Standells. Also more new arrivals and restocks, check it all out here!Thanks,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU ...
MORE IMPORTS + ALIVE DISCOUNTS, BUNDLES, AND THINGS YOU NEED!(Post)LOTS OF GOODIES FOR YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND! Not only did we get a huge batch of IMPORTS, but we have some discounts on label titles. Just look at all the amazing stuff we’ve released, an incredible ro ...
NEW STUFF FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)GREAT batch of tunes for you guys this weekend! We have some autographed copies of BEACHWOOD SPARKS and GOSPELBEACH, and a couple of rare records and CDs sent to us by Greg Allen former bandmate of J ...
LOTS OF NEW ARRIVALS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Lots of new arrivals for you guys! Check out the list! And GOSPELBEACH continues to KILL IT!!! Not a day goes by that another review doesn't roll in, the STARBURST copies will be gone soon, so g ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Another shipment has arrived with a bunch of new titles from the amazing 60’s psych label GEAR FAB, all at rock bottom prices.ALSO more from the Aussie label OFF THE HIP, check it all out here.Plus a ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS & MORE(Post)The monthly import shipment is in, at great prices! Check the list below for some real bargains.ALSO, we got a nice 10% off SAALE on T shirts this weekend, you can support your favorite band and get ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yes my darlings, the new Shindig has arrived, with none other than JIMI HENDRIX on the cover. Check out the back issues too, we have lots of great issues in stock. Also just in, some new stoner psych ...
GET PSYCHED THIS WEEEND!(Post)The reviews are rolling in for the new GOSPELBEACH, check it out here! Shindig featured the song CITY LIMITS in their “FAVORITE SONGS OF THE MONTH. Be sure to get your copy before they’re gone.RADIO ...
END OF AN ERA!(Post)We’re very sad to report that the original BOMP pressing plant, the legendary Rainbo Records, is closing suddenly next month after 80 years in business. BOMP has been there from the beginning and of ...
MIDWEEK MADNESS(Post)This week I have a great deal on import cds for you guys, everything under $10! Plus a nice batch of hugely discounted one-only items. Plus a shipment of previously sold out items. Check it all out b ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)Got some new titles for you guys today on the legendary GEAR FAB LABEL. A bunch of other new arrivals too, and some great items back in stock too.And in case you missed it in the weekend madness, the ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)We got the new Shindig in for you guys, PLUS a bunch of cool restocks and some new great new BUNDLES, including a BLUES PSYCH RADIO MOSCOW STYLE BUNDLE, an ALIVE POWERPOP 5 LP BUNDLE, and a BOMP 70s ...
NEW UGLY THINGS & MORE!(Post)It’s the brand new UGLY THINGS, just in and looking fantastic. Lots of back issues available too, check HERE!And of course the usual MID WEEK ADDS to your favorite sections:$5 and under - over 500 it ...
SAALE AND ONE ONLY!(Post)Lots of saale items and last copies for you guys, and if you want more bargains check out our $5 and under and $10 and under section! Thousands of items at rock bottom prices. Thanks for everyth ...
DISCOUNTS AND BACK IN STOCK(Post)Got another big old list of stuff that's been discounted or back in stock...In other news, LEFT LANE CRUISER “The Pusher” made the CLASSIC ROCK’S ‘Tracks Of The Week’ listSULFUR CITY appears on the ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)IT’S ANOTHER NEW SHINDIG for you guys, along with lots of other goodies. We have a lot of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section for you, these are items that we’re selling at near cost to clear off our ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS(Post)It’s been a semi-hilarious week at BOMP mailorder. Last week instead of our big order of CDs we were waiting for we got a box containing pillowcases and dishcloths! You can’t imagine the fun we had w ...
ALIVE TOP 5, PLUS RESTOCKS AND SAALE ITEMS(Post)If you haven’t already gotten our TOP FIVE BEST SELLING ALBUMS on Alive, check them out below! GOSPELBEACH, DATURA 4,RADIO MOSCOW, THE BLACK KEYS, AND JAMES LEG are currently topping our mailorder c ...
Tuesday Saale - Autographed Copies & more Warehouse Finds(Post)It’s Tuesday again, and we’ve got some nice SAALE items for you, and a list of some of our AUTOGRAPHED COPIES! Not many of these, sure to be collectors items, so get busy, kids.ALSO, check our revamp ...
NEW STUFF FOR THE WEEKEND & SAALE!(Post)It’s the weekend again, and we have some new stuff for you, AND a saale! How about 10% off any order over $50?? That should keep you amused. Between the fire and the 110 degree weather, I didn’t have ...
OFF THE HIP SHIPMENT + LABEL RESTOCKS & MORE(Post)Happy weekend! We’ve got some cool stuff coming your way this time… a huge shipment from your favorite Aussie garage/60s/ psych label OFF THE HIP, including some vinyl titles and a bunch of CDs that ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY (Post)Hey kiddies! It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY again, we got a bunch of restocks, discounts, and adds to all of your favorite sections ($5 and Under, $5-$10, and the fantastic ONE ONLY, selling at near or below ...
NEW SHINDIG AND NEW BARGAINS!(Post)Look at all this nice stuff I got for you guys today! Not only the new SHINDIG but lots of those cheapo CDS that you love so much. And of course, as for all eternity, adds to the $5 and under section ...
BACK WITH MORE DISCOUNTS & DEALS(Post)It’s TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY again, with a batch of lower priced items for you, along with RESTOCKS and ADDS to the $5 and Underand $5 -$10 section. Plus a couple of nice premieres for our very own GOSP ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This week we have a big import shipment arriving, including the very limited VIP VOP TAPES - Vol 3, legendary compilations put together by Lux Interior himself, along with a restock of the previously ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)We have a big ole import shipment landing Monday, with a lot of cool stuff for you guys. Not too late to do a little Christmas shopping, we’ll be here all next week to get your orders out. We’re clos ...
CRAZY IMPORTS!(Post)All kinds of exciting new items this week! Plus a huge restocks of import CDS too. Want some 70s South African Psych? We got it! Maybe some 60s Peruvian garage? DONE!And check out our DIONYSUS titles ...
PREORDERS AND NEW BOX SETS!(Post)This time around we have some very interesting new items for you, including 2 ORIGINAL PRESSINGS OF RARE 70’s vinyl! We have both DEERFIELD Nil Desperandum and DEERFIELD LIVE Original copies 1971, T ...
MIDWEEK BARGAINS!(Post)It’s Wednesday BARGAIN day again, with the usual pile of discounts, last copies, and label features. Adds to the awesome $5 and Underand $5-$10 sectiontoo. Dig deep!And I’ve highlighted a few LABEL r ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Got an interesting assortment for you guys today, some more of my “cleaning out the warehouse”items, including some one-only T shirts and a bunch of one each slightly damaged mags for a good price, I ...
MID WEEK BIG SAVINGS!(Post)Tons of serious discounts on some of these items, we’re clearing out the warehouse and making way for the new winter releases. And lots of LAST COPIES listed here, get them while you can. ALSO a bat ...
More Wild and Crazy Imports!(Post)Just when I think I’ve gotten them all, a new batch turns up! This week we have some fantastic crate digger specials and one only vinyl items, plus more of those box sets you love so much. Check the ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of new goodies for you, including more of your favorite “cheapo cds” and lots more.And we have some new titles from our friends at the Dionysus label, including som ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, and don't forget our new money saving bundle, 3 SHINDIG magazines for a bargain price! Also just in, a few new releases from everybody’s favorite 60s garage label, GEAR F ...
NEW ON ALIVE!(Post)Two fantastic repressings have just arrived, including GOSPELBEACH Let it Burn featuring NEAL CASAL, now with the missing insert left out of the first pressing! Also just in, Datura4 BLESSED IS THE B ...
BLOWOUT!(Post)This time around we have some rock bottom deals on all kinds of goodies, including rare cassettes, CDs, and vinyl. One each on a lot of these, start shopping, my darlings.Check all of our VINTAGE CAS ...
MORE IMPORTS and CHEAPO STUFF!(Post)We know what you like, and we got a bunch of it. Giant import shipment arrives Monday with a ton of those bargain CDs you love so much, some great psych LPs, and all kinds of cool stuff plus restocks ...
BACK IN STOCK, SAALE, ONE ONLY AND MORE!(Post)It’s our semi-famous mid week update, with all kinds of crazy stuff… BACK IN STOCK, SAALE, ONE ONLY AND REMINDERS.I’ve had a good dig thru the magazine sectionin particular, lowing prices and fixing ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got a nice batch of goodies for you guy. Check out the new titles just in from our friends at HEAVY MEDICATION, and we have 2 more archival sets, one-of-a kind items for the ultimate fan. The Lazy Co ...
WEEKEND!(Post)GOT A BIG SHIPMENT IN FROM GEAR FAB FOR YOU, we got the best prices anywhere so they sell out as fast as I get them! Most at the $10 price point, great 60s and 70s garage and psych. Check out the ent ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)It’s Tuesday again,and you guys know what that means! Discounts and bargains and even some new stuff, including the hot off the presses SHINDIG #80. Also just added, a SHINDIG money-saving bundle, yo ...
Mid Week Update with more goodies!(Post)HAPPY WEDNESDAY MY DARLINGS, Got some pretty cool stuff for you today. First, just in, our NEW DATURA 4 T shirt, it looks great! Get one of their LPS or bundles too, why don't ya!!! The guys got ...
Warehouse Organization Rampage!(Post)Ms Suzy is on a warehouse organization rampage! Good news for you kids, check all the cool stuff I found for you! ORIGINAL PRESSINGS FROM THE 70’s and 80s, and more WAREHOUSE FINDS! Plus the usual ad ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)It’s a miracle kiddies, we got a shipment of NEW records! The record biz seems to be “Closed for Repairs” lately, hard to get anything in, but we did it. Limited quantities, check it out below.Happy ...
DEEP DISCOUNTS & MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday again with some more LAST COPIES, adds to the $5 and UNDER SECTION, deep discounts, and NEW ARRIVALS for you guys. Also some “one each” archive copies, a bunch of warehouse finds, and lo ...
Big Import Shipment(Post)Lots of new arrivals this weekend, plus a batch of restocks of items that were previously sold out.And hear the new GOSPELBEACH ALBUM and lots more! Check out and stream our Alive Playlist on Spotify ...
GEAR FAB SAALE & MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)For our midweek update today we have some new arrivals, some reminders of items you may have missed, and a 10% OFF SALE ON THE GREAT GEAR FAB LABEL! SAALE LASTS UNTIL THURSDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT.GOSPE ...
NEW SHINDIG #65 AND MORE(Post)Greetings everyone! We’re finally back in action with the new SHINDIG and lots more new arrivals. Seems like everyone on the planet (including us) had the flu and our shipments were slowed down consi ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
IMPORTS AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a nice selection of restocks from all over the world! Lots of imports and some cheapo cds for you, plus a few rare box sets from our personal collection!And check out the fab 5 C ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Happy weekend my darlins, we have some more of those wild and crazy imports that you love so much, along with a big batch of previously sold out items.And our friends at the L.A. psych label Hypnotic ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)It’s that fantastic monthly import shipment you love so much. Lots of new arrivalsand some items that were previously sold out and in demand are BACK! As always, limited quantities, so shop FAST.Than ...
LASST COPIES AND MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday and that means some DISCOUNTS, LAST COPIES, and bargains galore. More adds to our famous $5 and under section AND our $5-$10 section too, be sure to have a look.Thanks for all, Suzy ...
NEW MERCH, CHEAPO LPS, RESTOCKS AND MORE(Post)It’s that time of year kiddies, time to start thinking about some great gifts, even if it’s for YOU!Here are some items of interest for your consideration:AUTOGRAPHED COPIES – 21 different titles on ...
WE'RE BACK(Post)We’re back from our Labor Day weekend unscathed, you probably heard that there was a big fire in Burbank, home of the ALIVE/BOMP offices. Check the photo I took here to see just how close it was! Lo ...
NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN(Post)WOWIE ZOWIE! New shipment just in, check all these amazing bargains. Great stuff at a fantastic price. Lots of new titles here, I’ve been doing my best to find you guys some good deals. And check our ...
MORE TEST PRESSINGS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)More TEST PRESSINGS and WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, as BOMP continues to clear out the warehouse. And lots of adds to your favorite 3 sections. Deep discounts on some ONE ONLY last copies too.★ ONE ON ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)Hope everybody here in the U.S. had a great holiday weekend. We’re back with more more more for you guys. Lots of adds to your favorite sections:$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLA ...
MID WEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you, selling at near cost. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.A few new goodies too, including a new T shirt for our boys LEFT LANE CRUISER.ALS ...
MIDWEEK DEALS!(Post)Time to check all of your favorite sections for the latest deals and bargains!$5 and Under| $5-$10| ONE ONLY! Some new arrivals too, and a bunch of tasty restocks. Click on the pretty pink box for t ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This week we’ve got a nice batch of import restocks, and big shipment of BROWN ACID cds, all at that $10 price you love so much! Great 70s prog and psych comps. LPs also in stock.Also a ONE ONLY arch ...
BROWN ACID, SHINDIG & MORE(Post)This weekend we have everything from some zany super-rare Cambodian CDRs to a bunch of super cheapo “practically giving them away” comp cds.And if that doesn't make you smile, we have the new BROWN A ...
NEW STUFF & RESTOCKS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)This weekend we have more of what you want! Everything from cheapo CDs and LPs to mags. Big restock from GEAR FAB, the great 60s reissue label. Check out all of their titles HERE, or click the pink b ...
NEW FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Plenty of new titles in this week to keep you amused! More cheapo CDs and LPs, a bunch of imports, and a T Shirt restock. All sizes now available for your favorites like Radio Moscow, Gospelbeach, an ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE - GET A FREE CD!(Post)It’s our mid week update, kiddies, with lots of fun stuff for you guys, even a FREE CD you can get with any order. We also have a big shipment of international oddities from the 60s and 70s, plus a r ...
BIG MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of fantastic titles for you guys this weekend, we have a bunch of new stuff AND lots of restocks of previously sold out items too. Plus a batch of newly discounted cds. Don't forget that these i ...
MIDWEEK SAALE and LABEL NEWS!(Post)We’re doing our best to keep rock and roll ALIVE! We’ve got a bunch of our bands out on tour, BOBBY LEES, JAMES LEG, BEECHWOOD, and HANDSOME JACK ... check the dates and locations here!Parker from Ra ...
IMPORTS AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)It’s here, those wacky imports you love so much. PLUS the new Shindig! We got it all, baby. Limited quantities on those imports, so do it now!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawSKU FOR NEW 21617,21661,21629,216 ...
NEW IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have more of those crazy international titles arriving, everything from Turkish psych to UK hard rock Blue Cheer style. Click on the pretty pink box to see the complete list. Limited ...
Super discounts! (Post)It’s our midweek update with bargains galore and adds you your favorite cheapo sections!$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLAST COPY- 200 items - Almost gone and at a discount Also ...
LAST CHANCE(Post)Tuesday one more time! That means adds to the legendary LAST CHANCE ONE ONLY section, selling at near cost, these go fast!Also adds to the $5 and under and the $5-$10 section.Thanks for all!Suzy Shaw ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of $10 cds for you guys, and some LAST COPIES “selling at cost” vinyl too.And some more archival sets, compiled with items from the legendary Bomp files going back to ...
New Shindig and More!(Post)It’s that time of the month again kids, the new Shindig has arrived with none other than Marianne Faithful on the cover. Some other nice titles just in too, check it all out below.A batch of $10 cds ...
60s and 70s Reissues for $10!(Post)A nice restock from the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point, check all of their releases here!Also some restocks and reminders. We’ll be working Monday, Tuesday and Thurs ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)That band Beechwood is taking off, 400,000 plays in Germany! Top 10 on the Red Eye charts already. Fingers crossed for those guys. Check out their video below, they look amazing.Lots of new cheapo CD ...
WEDNESDAY UPATE(Post)Another Tuesday and that means adds to our famous $5 and under section, our $5-$10 section and our new wildly popular ONE ONLY section, for items that wont be restocked and being sold at near cost. A ...
Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections(Post)Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections: our legendary WAREHOUSE FINDS, and EVEN MORE STUFF for the $5 and under section!Some new arrivals too, and a nice premiere of our own DM3 in POPM ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipment from Gear Fab just in, lots of 60s and 70s reissues, collect them all!And more of those archival sets with one of a kind items from the Bomp files, original letters from Greg Shaw, gloss ...
SAALE STUFF AND MORE!(Post)Got some fun new arrivals, including a reissue of an 80’s powerpop release from a former Bomp alumni!Also another one of those test pressing sets with lots of cool stuff from the Bomp archives, and a ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
NEW STUFF AND SAALE!(Post)Lots of items on saale this week, and a new psych arrival from our friends at Hypnotic Bridge, check out their entire catalogue here!Also a restock from our pals at GET HIP, most for $10, lots of coo ...
10% SAALE(Post)In addition to the usual saale items, restocks, and ONE ONLY adds, we’re gonna have a 10% off all of our T shirts this week. Check out the new photos, Ms. Suzy had a blast doing a photo session with ...