169 results for '"test + pressing"'
This week we have some new arrivals, and lots more items on saale. And a few more of those archival sets you love so much, including our new LABEL HEARTBREAKERS set- 5 new sealed albums for just $30.
SAALE STUFF, RESTOCKS, AND NEW!(Post)Got some new items added this week, including more of those ARCHIVAL SETS from the legendary Bomp files. Check it out!And don’t forget to check out our $5 and under and $10 and under sections, thousa ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
NEW SHINDIG + MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has landed, this time with a cover story on Aphrodites Child. Some nice restocks and Saale items too, plus a SUPER limited NERVES box set, 5 only! Check it all out below.Thanks,Suzy S ...
IMPORTS ARE ARRIVING!(Post)The monthly imports are landing Monday, and there are VERY limited quantities on some of the titles this time around, I got totally screwed on how many of each title I got, so I have turned on the IN ...
IMPORTS and MORE!(Post)Another big batch of new arrivals and restocks from Europe this week, and a couple more of those TEST PRESSING box sets you love so much. Check all of our Box sets and Bundles here.And lots of great ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Another one of those great import shipments for you guys, limited quantities so get em fast!And for you Radio Moscow/El Perro fans, Parker is on tour, check out the dates here.And of course check all ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)Yep, we’re still here and still getting in some great stuff for you guys! And don’t worry, me and Patrick are properly quarantined, along with our assistants Peter and Ryan, who are also quarantined ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More more more fun stuff for my little darlings. Here’s the latest discounts and restocks for you!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SKUS 21564, 23552, 220 ...
DISCOUNTS GALORE!(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY again, with a healthy batch of sale items up for grabs, most of them one each. No code required for these, and some are more than 20% off! Click on the pretty pink box below to ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of new stuff for the weekend, including some cheapo CDS from LITA. We are told they are destroying all of their CDS and we bought some before they hit the shredder, so get 'em while you can get ...
IMPORTS PART 2!(Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, and a ton more restocked items that were previously sold out. Limited quantities on these as always, shop fast, and shop big!Thanks for all guys,Suzy ShawDrop these sk ...
NEW ON ALIVE AND IMPORTS(Post)This weekend we have a DOUBLE dose of new arrivals for you kiddies, not only do we have that MONTHLY IMPORT shipment you love so much, we have the NEW PAUL COLLINS album on ALIVE, including a 4LP “BO ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS!(Post)Oh baby, check it out! More more more of those wacky imports you guys love so much this weekend. Everything from UK psych pop to French surf to Aussie powerpop. Get those wallets out! They go fast.H ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)More new arrivals, including some cool box sets and more imports. Don't forget to dig into the DIONYSUS catalogue, lots of $1 items! Check it all out!Thanks for all!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE!(Post)Check it out kids, we got some great stuff here. Lots of $10 DOUBLE cds in lovely slipcases, plus a new release from everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB!Those double cds are close ou ...
GARAGE PSYCH AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have a big garage psych restock from our friends at GET HIP and also GEAR FAB, lots of cheapo cds and good deals. Check their complete stock list!ALSO just in, some more of those impo ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)This time around we have some very limited warehouse finds, including some long out of print CDS. Also a brand new psych vinyl release and a reissue of a rare prog LP from Houston. Check it all out b ...
ALIVE 2016 BUNDLE + VINTAGE PROMOS & MORE(Post)OMG, IT’S ALMOST THE END OF THE YEAR!! That means we are offering our ALIVE 2016 END OF YEAR WRAP UP on both LP AND CD, for amazing prices. MAKES A GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT!Also just in, I found some adora ...
NEW IMPORTS AND MORE(Post)Another batch of goodies just in, including cheapo cds and more! And check our $5 and under section and $10 and under section if it’s cheap you want, tons of good stuff.Thanks,Suzy ShawDROP THESE SKU ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Some VERY limited new arrivals on the Seelie Court label, plus lots more. Read all about it below!Thanks guys,Suzy Drop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU24455, 24680, 24684, 2468 ...
RARE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)This week we have some rare WAREHOUSE FINDSfor you guys, plus some new releases from Permanent Recordshere in Los Angeles. And of course our usual midweek batch of adds to your 3 favorite sections, s ...
TRIP OUT!(Post)It’s the 60s all over again, check out these new singles on the HYPNOTIC BRIDGElabel, great pic sleeves and cool sounds. Perfect for your next acid trip. Some really fun stuff.And we have a repressin ...
RARE IMPORTS!(Post)We’ve got a shipment of titles formerly thought to be gone forever, back for a limited time! Most of these were taken off our site long ago and far away and assumed to be out of print, but our suppli ...
MID WEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you, selling at near cost. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.A few new goodies too, including a new T shirt for our boys LEFT LANE CRUISER.ALS ...
SELLING AT COST!(Post)Great holiday deals here, clearing out the warehouse and giving you a lot of amazing import titles at cost. Lots of other sale items here.And of course lots more deals in our $5 and under and $10 and ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have some nice discount vinyl titles just in. Great prices, and with the 2 year wait for repressings, who knows when they will return. Get 'em while you can.Also some nice restocks at ...
Previously sold out IMPORTS are BACK IN STOCK!(Post)Big restocks of some of those previously sold out IMPORT titles, including the last copies of the VAGRANTS CD!And big thanks to our friend HENRY ROLLINS, he loved our BEECHWOOD album and made “I Don' ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Lots of exciting WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, everything from the ORIGINAL Bomp promo files for the BOYFRIENDS to some very strange pressings of PEBBLES CDS!Also LOTS of adds to the LAST COPY SECTION, ...
MORE ARCHIVAL SETS!(Post)More archival sets for you this week. WOW!! The Pebbles set includes THE ORIGINAL FILING, FEB 1978, SIGNED BY GREG SHAW, FOR THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FOR THE BOMP STORE! Also included i ...
AUTOGRAPHED IGGY SET AND MORE!(Post)We got our friend James Williamson to autograph the cover of a two different Iggy sets we put together, one with a rare cassette, and we have another autographed GG Allin set from Merle Allin. On the ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Lots of deals for you guys this week, check out the LAST COPIES section, we added some great items at near cost, and another restock from GEAR FAB, more of the 60s and 70s reissues at the $10 price p ...
MIDWEEK BARGAINS & NEW(Post)The indie record biz continues to sink/plummet into the abyss, as the plants become more and more occupied with not just Adele, but Taylor Swift pressings, yay!! So all of our planned releases (and e ...
ABOUT TO BE GONE FOREVER!(Post)As you guys know from my previous emails, the legendary RAINBO Records, who has been the pressing plant for BOMP/VOXX/AIP and ALIVE since the 70’s, has suddenly gone out of business, and we're scramb ...
TUESDAY DEALS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)It’s Tuesday DEAL DAY again, and your mailorder goddess has been busy wheeling and dealing, getting you guys some fantastic bargains on all kinds of goodies!First up, because we want you to sample so ...
WAREHOUSE MANIA!(Post)SUBJECT- WAREHOUSE MANIA WAREHOUSE MANIA! Me and Ryan spent the whole day yesterday organizing the warehouse for the upcoming year, and baby,did we find some good stuff for you guys! There’s a lot of ...
MID-WEEK ARRIVALS(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some from the Bomp archives. And a big batch of saale stuff too, click on the pretty pink box to see em all.Also just in, another archival set, this time it’s the Za ...
NEW BROWN ACID & MORE!(Post)Brown acid VOL 16 is here at long last, the great series dedicated to long-lost vintage '60s-'70s proto-metal and stoner rock, on cd and color vinyl lp! All volumes now in stock, collect them all, an ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Big holiday weekend here in the U.S. The official holiday is Tuesday but of course everybody is taking off both days! I’ll be checking in over the weekend, and we will ship next Thursday, post office ...
WEEKEND!(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some restocks and saale items, and a shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label, most items at the $10 price point. Check it out here.Also ...
A Family Punk-Rock Store!(Post)Hope you all are having a great holiday! We’re here usual hours this week and next so go ahead and order.Check out the flier for the Bomp store, circa 1977, that we found in our archives, pretty funn ...
60s and 70s Reissues for $10!(Post)A nice restock from the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point, check all of their releases here!Also some restocks and reminders. We’ll be working Monday, Tuesday and Thurs ...
MIDWEEK SAALE AND LAST COPIES!(Post)Got a bunch of adds to our LAST COPY section, going at near cost! One each.Also back in, some CDS on the SEELIE COURT label, fab reissues of 70’s prog rock, ltd ed of 300. Most of these are sold out ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys this week, but very limited so get in there fast!Also a big batch of restocks, check it all out below.And be sure to get our latest releases, The Bobby Lees are selling ...
MID WEEK SAALE(Post)Got some original pressings of 60s and 70s singles this week, and a bunch of nice discounts for you, both in the one-only section and the restocks, check it all out below. And if it’s a deal you want ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy warehouse finds you love so much, including some zines from the 70s and 80s and some one of a kind vinyl. They go fast!Also that PAUL COLLINS book is back in stock, it so ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)It’s that time of month again! That’s right, those IMPORTS you love so much. Some nice new arrivals and restocks of things previously sold out. Get 'em while you can get 'em, you better hurry cause ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Another batch of deals, restocks,new stuff and more, check it all out here! Plus a big shipment from GEAR FAB, the fantastic 60s and 70s reissue label!And of course lots of adds to these three sectio ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
MID WEEK SPECIALS!(Post)Lots of amazing deals for you guys this week, plenty of discounts and adds to the BIG THREE section that you love so much:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 item ...
MORE DISCOUNTS, RESTOCKS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s our mid weeks update for you guys. This time around I found another batch of those BENT CORNER bargains for you guys, I think it’s a wonderful way to recycle these almost perfect records AND giv ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT AND MORE!(Post)A big batch of new arrivals for you, along with more SELLING AT COST items, and two new archival sets, one from IGGY POP and one from the DEAD BOYS. Lots of original items and glossy photos from the ...
IMPORT ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of vinyl and cds back in stock this week!And more of those archival sets you guys are buying as fast as I can make them! All packed in heavy poly sleeves with unique covers, and including items ...
IMPORTS and MORE!(Post)Got some nice imports back in stock for you guys, and more of those cheapo cds you love so much. Don't forget to surf our famous $5 and under and $10 and under section, hundreds of titles at great pr ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend. I’ve been going thru the fanzine archives to facilitate a big project that is being done by The RILM International Center in New York City. They are the organ ...
NEW STUFF!(Post)Some new arrivals for you this weekend, along with restocks from DIONYSUS and more adds to our famous $5 and $10 sections, thousands of cheapo cds and vinyl records for amazing prices! Also just ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & RESTOCKS!(Post)Lots of great deals for you this week, tons of items now on saale, and some last copies at near cost! Check it all out below, and more ONE ONLY LAST COPIES copies here.ALSO just in, yet another Seeli ...
JUST IN! GEAR FAB!(Post)Lots of titles from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue label GEAR FAB back in stock. Check their full catalogue.And we have RESTOCKS on the very popular BOMP and ALIVE face masks, check it out!And che ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
Midweek Bargains!(Post)More of those fabulous discounts for you guys, including huge savings on most of the stuff listed here, AND some last copies that will be going away forever.Check out our BUNDLE AND BOX set section t ...
More MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, big thanks to all of you for your love and support these past few difficult weeks. It has been really heartwarming and much appreciated. The new Gospelbeachis flying off the shelves, and w ...
Discounts and Saale Items(Post)Got some great deals for you kids today! Deep discounts on many of the items listed on the site, click the button below, including some warehouse finds and $5 items. And no need for a CODE, the saale ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE(Post)Just got the new issue of UGLY THINGS featuring the YARDBIRDS in stock!Also some new arrivals, and restocks of BROWN ACID and GEAR FAB titles that were previously sold out. Check 'em out, most at the ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, along with a big shipment of CHEAPO CDS from our friends at GET HIP. Check all of our Get Hip titles here: GET HIPPlus another batch of BENT CORNER BARGAINS. Perfect viny ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)A new cd on everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB! Tons more available at a $10 price you wont find anywhere else. Check their label here!Lots of discounts and restocks and some remind ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Some great ltd ed cds here this time around, part of the TEXAS ROCK DYAMONDS series of small press-run CD releases. Ltd quantities but I put the items on inventory in the cart so if it allows you to ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)Seriously, has it been another month since the last Shindig? Apparently so! The new issue is in stock now!Also just in, we have more of those fab SEELIE COURT titles arriving next Monday, we ran out ...
BLOWOUT! Over 20% Off (Post)Big SAALE on a nice batch of last copies, no code required!And dig into our catalogue and get FIVE cds for just $30 plus free shipping, including international. Details below.Also just in, some wareh ...
MIDWEEK RESTSOCKS & SAALE ITEMS(Post)Here are some tasty restocks and the usual assortment of SAALE items no need for a code, the discount is already on the cart.Thanks for supporting our bands! Suzy Shaw TO ORDER: GO TO BOMPSTORE and ...