2152 results for '5 cd amin bundl'
Brand new issue has just arrived! Plus lots of restocks, discounts and archival cds. And be sure to check your favorite sections for more, more more additions.* ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at co ...
MIDWEEK RESTOCKS & MORE!(Post)This time around we got a bunch of crucial restocks back in, including a new release and some formerly out of stock titles from GEAR FAB, the great 60s and 70s reissue label.Also a batch of mid-week ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)It’s Shindig time again, seems like it comes out every two weeks! And we have part 2 of the LIMITED EDITION IMPORTS for you also.And, back in stock: BOMP - BORN IN THE GARAGE BY MIKE STAX. 300 pages ...
BLACK FRIDAY, AGAIN!(Post)OK, you talked me into it, it’s ANOTHER BLACK FIRDAY SAALE! We had one last weekend, cause everyone was doing it early, but some of you guys missed out and are all sad about it . We can’t have our l ...
Midweek Bargains!(Post)More of those fabulous discounts for you guys, including huge savings on most of the stuff listed here, AND some last copies that will be going away forever.Check out our BUNDLE AND BOX set section t ...
NEW MERCH, CHEAPO LPS, RESTOCKS AND MORE(Post)It’s that time of year kiddies, time to start thinking about some great gifts, even if it’s for YOU!Here are some items of interest for your consideration:AUTOGRAPHED COPIES – 21 different titles on ...
Lots of adds to our CHEAPO and LAST COPY sections!(Post)It’s the mid week update, you know what to do! Lots of add to our cheapo sections and LAST COPY section, check it out here:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 ite ...
New Stuff and Saale Items(Post)Man, that was quite a Record Store Day! Ryan and me worked our butts off, THANKS for the support, it was pretty great.If you didn't catch it the first time around, we are offering the two record sto ...
Wednesday discount day!(Post)Yes it’s time for our midweek madness… lots of discounts and restocks and even some new stuff for you!Plus a big shipment from the great Aussie powerpop/rock/garage labelOFF THE HIP. Great prices and ...
BARGAINS AND LAST MINUTE GIFTS(Post)Greeting my little mailorder darlings! It’s almost the holidays but we’ll be working and shipping thru Thursday, still time to get some goodies.If you’re looking for a last minute gift, we have some ...
NEW SHINDIG & IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Happy Memorial Day weekend for our U.S. friends! We’ll be taking a little holiday Monday, back at ya Tuesday with shipping info and all that.The new Shindig has arrived, along with a nice import ship ...
BLOWOUT!(Post)This time around we have some rock bottom deals on all kinds of goodies, including rare cassettes, CDs, and vinyl. One each on a lot of these, start shopping, my darlings.Check all of our VINTAGE CAS ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS(Post)I’ve got a nice handful of one only warehouse finds for you kids this week, some original pressings from the 70s, plus a lot of restocks from various sources, including the DIONYSUS LABEL!And of cour ...
Bargains and last copies!(Post)Got in some new arrivals for our mid-week update, along with a lot of adds to our wildly popular sections:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 items for you to dro ...
Wednesday Update with more discounts & new arrivals!(Post)It’s another WEDNESDAY, and that means DISCOUNTS, NEW ARRIVALS.Plus ome new titles in, including more more more for the $5 and under section, AND some adds to the $5-$10 section if you’re feeling flu ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the new Shindig and lots of other new arrivals too, including some one-only rare cds going for big bucks elsewhere. And check our huge $15 and under section for the latest adds.A ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)It might be a holiday in the record biz (most companies are closed until next week, lazy bastards!) but we still managed to get some new items to keep you amused.A couple of new bundles for you, plus ...
TUESDAY BLOW OUT SAALE(Post)Another batch of groovy saale priced items for our Tuesday blow out. I went thru all of the items and added some track listings and some pretty pictures too, so you damned well better order some! An ...
Tuesday Saale - Autographed Copies & more Warehouse Finds(Post)It’s Tuesday again, and we’ve got some nice SAALE items for you, and a list of some of our AUTOGRAPHED COPIES! Not many of these, sure to be collectors items, so get busy, kids.ALSO, check our revamp ...
NEW SHINDIG AND & MORE FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Just got the new SHINDIG in for you little darlings this weekend, plus the new Ugly Things if you didn’t get that one yet. ALSO just in, a repressing of the original IGGY – SICK OF YOU 45 on Bomp! Ou ...
DISCOUNTS AND BACK IN STOCK(Post)Got another big old list of stuff that's been discounted or back in stock...In other news, LEFT LANE CRUISER “The Pusher” made the CLASSIC ROCK’S ‘Tracks Of The Week’ listSULFUR CITY appears on the ...
Mid Week Update with more goodies!(Post)HAPPY WEDNESDAY MY DARLINGS, Got some pretty cool stuff for you today. First, just in, our NEW DATURA 4 T shirt, it looks great! Get one of their LPS or bundles too, why don't ya!!! The guys got ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Just in to the fabulous BOMP/ALIVE warehouse, a whole ton of great import releases! Lots of amazing psych, limited editions, garage fuzz, and of course, let's not forget a lot of adds to the $5 and ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got some import restocks this weekend for you guys! And make sure your Shindig collection is complete because the issues are selling out fast and I cant get more, get em while you can.And if you didn ...
NEW STUFF AND BARGAINS GALORE(Post)The holidays are approaching but there’s still time to get in on 10% off sale for all orders over $100! You can even get the discount on the legendary “$5 and under “ items!Consider some of our AUTOG ...
IT'S THE WEEKEND!(Post)Look at all this amazing stuff I got for you guys this week! It’s a smorgasbord of CHEAPO CDS, BACK IN STOCK items, a whole bunch of adds to the fabulous ONE ONLY SECTION, and more more more. Ms Suzy ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS AND NEWS!(Post)This week we have a few WAREHOUSE FINDS and lots of adds to your favorite sections, some real finds and fantastic prices for you. Get the scoop here!Thanks for supporting our bands, we can’t do it wi ...
MIDWEEK SAALE & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s that MIDWEEK SAALE you love so much, no code required, new prices are built into the cart.In addition to those items, I decided to go ahead and list some WAREHOUSE FINDS items that were nearly o ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the NEW SHINDIG, get our 3 issue BUNDLE for just $30. Also another batch of WAREHOUSE FINDS, rare BOMP 45s, magazines, and other rarities from the big BOMP treasure trove. Dig in ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MONTHLY IMPORTS!(Post)That’s right my darlings, not only do we have the new Shindig, we got a nice import shipment to keep you amused. Lots of 60s and 70s reissues, some modern psych, a box set or two, and all kinds of fu ...
Just In for the Weekend(Post)JUST IN… Ltd edition of 100 pressing of RADIO MOSCOW The Great Escape Of Leslie Magnafuzz on MIND BLOWING PSYCH HAND MIXED STARBURST VINYL, each one a little bit different. The images dont do it just ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Another shipment has arrived with a bunch of new titles from the amazing 60’s psych label GEAR FAB, all at rock bottom prices.ALSO more from the Aussie label OFF THE HIP, check it all out here.Plus a ...
More MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, big thanks to all of you for your love and support these past few difficult weeks. It has been really heartwarming and much appreciated. The new Gospelbeachis flying off the shelves, and w ...
IMPORTS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)Got some nice restocks and SAALE items for you this time around, and another shipment from GEAR FAB, check it all out here. Also some great bargains from DIONYSUS, lots of under $5 items.Thanks for a ...
$1 Items and huge discounts!(Post)Wow, what a treasure trove we have for you today! We asked our distributor to send us back a bunch of our titles that had gone out of print, all that was left were some copies that needed to be “refu ...
MIDWEEK MADNESS!(Post)Just in! The new DATURA4 - WEST COAST HIGHWAY COSMIC on all formats. There are still a couple of the autographed set available too, don't miss out. Dom Mariani has assembled the band membe ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This week we have a big import shipment arriving, including the very limited VIP VOP TAPES - Vol 3, legendary compilations put together by Lux Interior himself, along with a restock of the previously ...
MID-WEEK ARRIVALS(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some from the Bomp archives. And a big batch of saale stuff too, click on the pretty pink box to see em all.Also just in, another archival set, this time it’s the Za ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Yes kiddies, it’s more more, more, more from your new favorite label, GEAR FAB! All great reissues of 60s and 70s bands. A bunch of previously unavailable titles have arrived, along with restocks of ...
30% OFF SAALE!(Post)30% off this week only!I’m feeling generous and decided to do a big saale for the amazing OFF THE HIP LABEL, bringing you all the best in garage, powerpop and rock 'n' roll music from Australia and a ...
Label Spotlight & New Additions(Post)LABEL SPOTLIGHTThis week we’re showcasing two great ALIVE bands, LEFT LANE CRUISER AND JAMES LEG. The reviews are rolling in for both bands!JAMES LEG: The greatest feature of Below the Belt is the ov ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND FUN STUFF!(Post)Some interesting new items from the depths of the BOMP warehouse this week, and lots of discounts and SAALE items too. Adds to our cheapo sections too, $5 and under, $10 and under, and ONE ONLY!Check ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Lots of deals for you guys this week, check out the LAST COPIES section, we added some great items at near cost, and another restock from GEAR FAB, more of the 60s and 70s reissues at the $10 price p ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
Tuesday Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And I’ve also added even M ...
BARGAINS AND NEW STUFF!(Post)We're back from the long holiday weekend with some new items and a bunch of adds to all of your favorite sections, the $5 and Under, the $5-$10, and the ONE ONLY. And dont forget to use our search to ...
Discounts, restocks & new stuff!(Post)Some nice bargains for you guys here, lots of last copies at near cost. And some new arrivals too, check it out below!Suzy ShawNEW ARRIVALS SKU24595, 24596, 24641, 24547, 24643Drop these skus into ou ...
GEAR FAB SHIPMENT & BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Nice big shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s cds at the $10 price point. Check the label here.Also big DISCOUNTS on the remaining archival cds, we usually sell out of those the ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE(Post)Just got the new issue of UGLY THINGS featuring the YARDBIRDS in stock!Also some new arrivals, and restocks of BROWN ACID and GEAR FAB titles that were previously sold out. Check 'em out, most at the ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)Got the new Shindig for you guys (coming THURSDAY, so don’t panic if we don’t sent it out right away, keep those panties on and tight until then!)Also some nice restocks of previously sold out items, ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)ALL FORMATS NOW AVAILABLE FOR GOSPELBEACH - LET IT BURN! Including a new “BOX” set,with exclusive artwork. Substitutions allowed on this one. 5 CD bundle also available, plus a great T shirt. See all ...
LAST CHANCES & NEW RATES(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you guys, plus a bunch of restocks and NEW items, including a bundle of the last ever copies of the later volumes of the legendary PEBBLES series. Click on the ...
HOLIDAY BLOW OUT! FREE SHIPPING!(Post)Until January 1st Im gonna give you guys an amazing deal on our label CDs. Check it out below, I wont be doing this again any time soon, so get on it!And if you want the LP version, we got one of tho ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We're back from our little holiday with a few new arrivals including the brand new Shindig, and a bunch of restocks, including the previously sold out DOWN UNDER NUGGETS.Plus the usual mid week adds ...
AUTOGRAPHS AND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Last week the Bomp/ALIVE crew paid a visit to the legendary SWAMP DOGG at his home here in Los Angeles and had a great afternoon hanging out with Swamp, Moog Star and Guitar Shorty (his housemates) a ...
Tuesday SAALE DAY!(Post)Tuesday SAALE day! You know the drill, discount already built into the site, no code required.RECORD STORE DAY is coming soon, keep an eye on our site for news of our releases. We cant advertise the ...
SAALE ITEMS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Just got some shipments in from our pals at GEAR FAB and GET HIP, great cds for only $10, dig in!Plus more of those 80 collector’s cassettes, and more TEST PRESSINGS.And more LAST COPIES at a great p ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)This weekend we have the new ShindigAND that monthly import shipment that you love so much! Lots of new titles at amazing prices and a batch of restocks of previously sold out items.FREE SHIPPING DEA ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have the second half of that big import shipment from last week, AND the new SHINDIG has arrived!Even more fun… another nice batch of cheapo cds for you guys, lots of great garage and ...
MID-WEEK SAALE(Post)It’s the TUESDAY, well we're a little late so let's say... MID-WEEK SAALE, dig in fast, these are one each mostly. No need for a CODE, this saale is built into the cart, just click the big pink butto ...
New Arrivals this Weekend(Post)It’s the weekend and we have some great new stuff for you, AND some restocks too, check it all out below, click the pink button for the complete list!We’ll be pre-selling the new JACK LEE double LP ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, along with a big shipment of CHEAPO CDS from our friends at GET HIP. Check all of our Get Hip titles here: GET HIPPlus another batch of BENT CORNER BARGAINS. Perfect viny ...
IT’S WEDNESDAY AGAIN, DISCOUNT DAY!(Post)IT’S WEDNESDAY AGAIN, DISCOUNT DAY! No code required either, just go ahead and order, discounts of up to 50% of previously listed price. One each of a lot of these. Grab em while you can!.And of cour ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We’re back this week with a bunch of cool stuff for you. Ryan was on vacation so we didn't send out an update last weekend, double fun this week!First off there is the new SHINDIG, this time with Ski ...
MID WEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you, selling at near cost. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.A few new goodies too, including a new T shirt for our boys LEFT LANE CRUISER.ALS ...
NEW SHINDIG AND SAALE!(Post)Tons of new arrivals and restocks, and a bunch of items that I just put on saale to make room for more, more more!Just got a shipment in from GEAR FAB, 60s and 70s reissues mostly at the $10 price po ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)Got some cool warehouse finds this time around, including a ONE ONLY Pebbles starburst vinyl box set! Plus a batch of rare Rainbo test pressings for everything from Sun Ra to Mc5 to Iggy! Test pressi ...
ABOUT TO BE GONE FOREVER!(Post)As you guys know from my previous emails, the legendary RAINBO Records, who has been the pressing plant for BOMP/VOXX/AIP and ALIVE since the 70’s, has suddenly gone out of business, and we're scramb ...
Weekend Update: New Stuff & Restocks(Post)TO ORDER: GO TO BOMPSTORE and use the search (you can just paste inthe SKU # at the end of each item, or use the title or artist) to find any items of interest. You can also use the search to find ty ...
THE NEW SHINDIG HAS ARRIVED + MORE!(Post)THE NEW SHINDIG HAS ARRIVED and we have another DATURA4 autographed set available!Check it out below.Also a few more archive CDS and some restocks and reminders for you.Thanks guys!Suzy ShawDrop thes ...
MID WEEK UPDATE(Post)Some nice one-only arrivals and warehouse finds, along with more adds to the $5 and under and the $5-$10 sections, and of course your favorite, LAST COPY! Get em while you can, these are being sold a ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS BLOWOUT!(Post)It’s taken me a few decades, ha ha but I finally got around to going thru some boxes of weird singles that were languishing in the legendary Bomp warehouse! Lotsa Bomp and Voxx product plus some craz ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)California is on fire, but we’re here and working as usual. This time around we have 3 fab new releases from Guerssen available for preorder, plus some NEW IMPORTS and tasty restocks on previously s ...
4TH OF JULY WEEKEND(Post)Got a bunch of great import cds in for this weekend, and some more adds to the $5 and under section too.And be sure to use our search feature to find your favorite music, if you want psych, just type ...
NEW YEARS BARGAINS!(Post)Lots of restocks and discounts this week, gotta clear out the warehouse to make room for 2019! Check your favorite sections for the latest adds: $5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 IT ...
MID WEEK BIG SAVINGS!(Post)Tons of serious discounts on some of these items, we’re clearing out the warehouse and making way for the new winter releases. And lots of LAST COPIES listed here, get them while you can. ALSO a bat ...
SAALE & RESTOCKS(Post)Greetings my little darlings! I know we’re a little late with the midweek SAALE but better late than never, right? We’ve been so busy with the latest ALIVE releases that I barely have time to keep u ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy popular imports, both new arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items.Also listed, SAALE items and one only. Check it out below.And a BIG reminder that many CDs wo ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We have a nice shipment in from our friends at Gear Fab, purveyors of 60s and 70s reissues at fabulous prices, most $10, Check out the label here.And two more archival sets, BOTH WITH SPECIAL COVERS ...
THE GIRLS OF BOMP!(Post)Last time around we listed a new Pandoras set, and now we have a new autographed Nikki Corvette set! Featuring 7 vintage fliers from Nikki’s personal collection, a glossy photo, and an exclusive cove ...
ALMOST CHRISTMAS!(Post)We’ll be working Monday and Tuesday, so still time to get in an order. If you’re looking for something special, check out our AUTOGRAPHED items here!Or just surf our site. We have thousands of books, ...
MID WEEK DEALS!(Post)As always, got some bargains and restocks for you, and a nice shipment just in from our friends at the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Most at the $10 price point you love so much.And it’s cheap ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)Happy Memorial Day weekend to our U.S. customers, we’ll be off for the Monday holiday, lazy bastards that we are.Lots of fun stuff this time around, a nice big import restock, a $5 CD overstock saale ...
BLOWOUT! Over 20% Off (Post)Big SAALE on a nice batch of last copies, no code required!And dig into our catalogue and get FIVE cds for just $30 plus free shipping, including international. Details below.Also just in, some wareh ...
WEEKEND!(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some restocks and saale items, and a shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label, most items at the $10 price point. Check it out here.Also ...
STRAIGHT OUTTA BOMP! (Post)This week I’ve raided our walls and our files and put together some nice copies of archival BOMP fliers for you guys! So much great eye candy here at Bomp. Everything from THE RUNAWAYS, DEAD BOYS, PL ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This time around we have some new imports for you guys, along with the new TIMEMAZINE, coming with a 7” and a CD, plus restocks on all of their back issues too. Also restocks on the MESSER CHUPS viny ...
NEW BROWN ACID AND MORE!(Post)First off, if any of you tried to order by PAYPAL this weekend and were notified that we didn't accept PAYPAL, that’s a total lie. It was a PAYPAL glitch and they wouldn’t respond all weekend, they h ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have a few MORE Iggy test pressings for you guys! Plus some more cool warehouse finds and new arrivals.RESTOCK in from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label. Everythi ...
NEW STUFF + NEW HANDSOME JACK RELEASE(Post)This week we have a bunch of new stuff AND the HANDSOME JACK release. On ALIVE! The autographed bundle sold out like wildfire, but we have the limited edition hand mixed starburst vinyl available, as ...
NOTHING OVER $10!!(Post)Yep, that’s right, some real bargains here. AND there are 800 MORE titles under $10, everything from 7” titles from the 70s and 80s to vinyl and cds. Check it out here:Drop these skus into our search ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)BIG holiday weekend here in the U.S. so we’ll be back at ya on Tuesday with your order confirmations and all that.Meanwhile, got some restocks for you, and check out the GEAR FAB label, everything $1 ...
Holiday Schedule(Post)We’ll be closing down until Monday the 28th, but we’ll be here Tuesday shipping like the maniacs we are! Get those orders in tonight or tomorrow morning, ok?Meanwhile, a few new items for you, includ ...
JUST WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!(Post)Yep, more of those obscure cheapo cds you guys are snapping up like crazy! I’ve been doing some deals with several distributors to get you amazing prices on some really interesting product. Check it ...
New Additions & Lower Prices(Post)Some awesome buys for you this week, new lower prices on a bunch of stuff, some cool DVDS, some more $1 items in your very favorite $5 and under section (you’ll find them mixed in, start hunting!) an ...
60s MANIA!(Post)This weekend we have a new shipment from the great 60╒s psych label GEAR FAB. A bunch of new titles and restocks on many more.And if you╒re in a 60╒s kind of mood, you cant go wrong with the legendar ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of limited restocks and lower prices on some items. Some great stuff here, some wont be available again so get 'em while you can.And don’t forget to get the new DATURA4 splatter vinyl, it’s a go ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Another great batch for you guys this weekend, including the new SHINDIG and more of those tasty imports.Happy shopping!Suzy Shaw Your Mailorder GoddessNEW SHINDIGSHINDIG!-#96 STATUS The birth o ...