192 results for 'AUTOGRAPHED'
It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
New IMPORTS for the weekend!(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys to check out this weekend. Another big import shipment, and some domestic arrivals as well, including the BROWN ACID series of 60s rarities.SHOP ON…Best,Suzy ShawNEW AR ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of $10 cds for you guys, and some LAST COPIES “selling at cost” vinyl too.And some more archival sets, compiled with items from the legendary Bomp files going back to ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got a nice batch of goodies for you guy. Check out the new titles just in from our friends at HEAVY MEDICATION, and we have 2 more archival sets, one-of-a kind items for the ultimate fan. The Lazy Co ...
NEW SHINDIG PLUS SAALE & LAST COPIES!(Post)Lots of goodies for you guys this week! First off we have the new issue of Shindig with a fabulous Little Richard cover. Also just added, some more archival sets, including an autographed Nikki Corve ...
NEW BROWN ACID & MORE!(Post)Brown acid VOL 16 is here at long last, the great series dedicated to long-lost vintage '60s-'70s proto-metal and stoner rock, on cd and color vinyl lp! All volumes now in stock, collect them all, an ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)This weekend we have some very cool new arrivals for you.First up, Dom from Datura4 was kind enough to send us some AUTOGRAPHED singles, they look amazing!And a new one from HYPNOTIC BRIDGE too, get ...
Buffalo Killers 10th Anniversary Sale(Post)Big congrats to our boys the BUFFALO KILLERS, it’s their 10th Anniversary and we’re celebrating with 10% off any BUFFALO KILLERS merch. PLUS we’ll include a BADGE, A POSTER, AND the new CUSTOM ROLLIN ...
Warehouse Organization Rampage!(Post)Ms Suzy is on a warehouse organization rampage! Good news for you kids, check all the cool stuff I found for you! ORIGINAL PRESSINGS FROM THE 70’s and 80s, and more WAREHOUSE FINDS! Plus the usual ad ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)As always, some great bargains, and some more additions to the famous “$5 And Under Section”.Featured items this week are the BOMP books, the gorgeous hardcover is at the bargain price of $14 and I’l ...
WEEKEND(Post)More of those rare test pressings that you guys have been snapping up! These are from our archives and available nowhere else. Only 5 each made, and often only 1 or 2 are still around, since we send ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & RESTOCKS!(Post)Lots of great deals for you this week, tons of items now on saale, and some last copies at near cost! Check it all out below, and more ONE ONLY LAST COPIES copies here.ALSO just in, yet another Seeli ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
GROOVY IMPORTS!(Post)A HUGE batch of imports for you this week, my darlings. Tons of NEW items and lots of restocks on previously sold old stuff. Shop fast!And it’s LAST FEW of the new DATURA 4 West Coast Highway Cosmic ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS BLOWOUT!(Post)It’s taken me a few decades, ha ha but I finally got around to going thru some boxes of weird singles that were languishing in the legendary Bomp warehouse! Lotsa Bomp and Voxx product plus some craz ...
ALIVE TOP 5, PLUS RESTOCKS AND SAALE ITEMS(Post)If you haven’t already gotten our TOP FIVE BEST SELLING ALBUMS on Alive, check them out below! GOSPELBEACH, DATURA 4,RADIO MOSCOW, THE BLACK KEYS, AND JAMES LEG are currently topping our mailorder c ...
Discounted Items & More!(Post)GO ON, take a chance on the mystery bundle and get some great tunes!. All fantastic titles that we have extra promo copies of. SKU: 11055 $5Lots of other CHEAPO BUNDLES available too, check it out h ...
NEW STUFF AND BARGAINS GALORE(Post)The holidays are approaching but there’s still time to get in on 10% off sale for all orders over $100! You can even get the discount on the legendary “$5 and under “ items!Consider some of our AUTOG ...
Weekend and new on ALIVE!(Post)Just in, the new BEECHWOOD album on Alive on clear red vinyl, the insert version is a BOMP MAILORDER exclusive, only 100 made. Give the guys some love and get your copy today!!"Whenever I listen to B ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Some new cheapo cds this weekend, along with some high end vinyl restocks. We got it all!And if you’re looking for more $10 cds, check out the GET HIP catalogue here, most under $10!And for you REAL ...
Happy New Year!(Post)While everyone else has been loafing around, Ms Suzy has been cleaning the warehouse and coming up with some new items for you guys! (Don't feel too bad, that's what I like to do on holidays)First of ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
DISCOUNTS GALORE!(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY again, with a healthy batch of sale items up for grabs, most of them one each. No code required for these, and some are more than 20% off! Click on the pretty pink box below to ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES!(Post)This time around we have some items from the BOMP warehouse, some cassettes, some albums from the 60s and 70s, and even some cds. Dig in! (These go fast so you may see a “SOLD OUT” notice on the item ...
$5 ITEMS & MORE(Post)This Tuesday we got another batch of your very favorite thing in the whole world, $5 CDS! One each, so if you cant find it on the store, it’s gone, gone gone. Plenty more where that came from in our ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We're back from our little holiday with a few new arrivals including the brand new Shindig, and a bunch of restocks, including the previously sold out DOWN UNDER NUGGETS.Plus the usual mid week adds ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS & MORE(Post)The monthly import shipment is in, at great prices! Check the list below for some real bargains.ALSO, we got a nice 10% off SAALE on T shirts this weekend, you can support your favorite band and get ...
CRAZY IMPORTS!(Post)All kinds of exciting new items this week! Plus a huge restocks of import CDS too. Want some 70s South African Psych? We got it! Maybe some 60s Peruvian garage? DONE!And check out our DIONYSUS titles ...
IMPORT ARRIVALS AND MORE(Post)Another batch of groovy imports, some new titles and restocks of previously sold out hot items! Very limited quantities, get in there fast!And of course our new Weirdos autographed set, check it all ...
NEW SHINDIG, MORE PSYCH IMPORTS(Post)Great stuff this weekend kiddies, we have the new SHINDIG for you, and another shipment of those wild 60s and 70s South American cdsyou’re gobbling up as fast I can get them! Everything from Brazilia ...
New arrivals and Radio Moscow(Post)A nice batch of goodies for you this weekend, and a bunch of additions to your very favorite section, $5 and under!For you Radio Moscow fans, Parker Griggs will be in town this weekend laying down so ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of new goodies, it’s a mail order miracle!! We managed to locate some items that we havent seen in a few years that were being offered at a great price, but very limited quantities. Also restock ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have the second half of that big import shipment from last week, AND the new SHINDIG has arrived!Even more fun… another nice batch of cheapo cds for you guys, lots of great garage and ...
IMPORTS!(Post)MONSTER import shipment landing Monday. As always with these, very limited quantities, so if you want something get that button clicked FAST. All kinds of great psych and garage and limited editions.
BARGAINS AND LAST MINUTE GIFTS(Post)Greeting my little mailorder darlings! It’s almost the holidays but we’ll be working and shipping thru Thursday, still time to get some goodies.If you’re looking for a last minute gift, we have some ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
Massive Import Shipment!(Post)We’ve never had this many new titles at once, it’s a tidal wave of new items for you guys, including a lot of $5 and under adds. Very limited quantities, first come, first serve.The FADING YELLOW fol ...
TONS OF NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have a nice big shipment from our friends at Lion, lots of high quality 60s and 70s reissues on both vinyl and CD.And another arrival from Gear Fab, including a brand new title and so ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)In spite of Covid and Brexit, we got some new stuff for you guys! AND a big restock on GEAR FAB, check all of their titles, great reissues of 60s and 70s psych and garage bands.All volumes of BROWN A ...
LASST COPIES AND MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday and that means some DISCOUNTS, LAST COPIES, and bargains galore. More adds to our famous $5 and under section AND our $5-$10 section too, be sure to have a look.Thanks for all, Suzy ...
New Arrivals + Alive Best Sellers(Post)RSD is almost here, be sure to get down to your local store and pick up our special releases by HOLLIS BROWN and LEFT LANE CRUISER! See the ALIVE site for details, and while you’re at it, check out s ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)New Ugly Things has just arrived, and lots of back issues still in stock, check all of our books and mags!And more more more of the archival sets, they sell out as fast as I make them. All with uniqu ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yeah, I know, we barely got the LAST Shindig and already a new one! Also in, another batch of wacky international 60s and 70s vinyl, and some restocks of previously sold out items.ALSO just in, a fan ...
BIG SHIPMENT JUST IN(Post)This week we have a ton of new South American arrivals, BUT I didn't get the quantities I wanted, most are just one or two, which is kind of huge bummer. The best plan I could think of was to activat ...
SELLING AT COST!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of items we are clearing out to make room for more! Great stuff at a great price.Also just in, more of those archival sets, with lots of rare goodies from the Bomp ...
LAST CHANCE - IMPORTS BELOW COST!(Post)ONE each of most of these Below-Cost Imports, get 'em while you can kids. Drop the skus into our search to see them all.Also just in, a batch of titles from our friends at Lion, great prices on 60s a ...
Mid week bargains and new stuff!(Post)More adds to our SAALE section, check it out here, and some new items too.3 more archival sets are available, including a Plimsouls set with a repro poster of the legendary Bomp magazine power pop co ...
IMPORTS AND MORE (Post)Nice restock of some previously out of stock imports, ltd quantities, so get in there kiddies.Also this weekend, we found a few of the RADIO MOSCOW Live in California album, previously thought to be ...
END OF AN ERA!(Post)We’re very sad to report that the original BOMP pressing plant, the legendary Rainbo Records, is closing suddenly next month after 80 years in business. BOMP has been there from the beginning and of ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the new SHINDIG for you, more of that rare Mexican cds you love to much and some cool $1 7”, along with a bunch of restocks and other new stuff. We got a nice shipment from our p ...
MORE IMPORTS + NEW SHINDIG!(Post)Another nice batch of imports for you guys this weekend, along with some warehouse finds and a few new archival sets. Check them all here, new ones are being added every week!ALSO new adds to our fam ...
Mid-Week Saale and Restocks!(Post)Another batch of discounts and last copies for you guys today. And be sure to use our fantastic search engine to find whatever kind of music you want, type in GARAGE to see 800 titles, type in PSYCH ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)It's that time again, more fab discounts on great items, check it all out here, and be sure to dig into our 3 CHEAPO sections, lots of $5 and under and $10 and under stuff, plus some seriously slashe ...
BARGAINS GALORE!(Post)Yes it’s the famous mid week update, with lots of deals and adds to our legendary SAALE sections. Be sure to surf thru our $5 and Underand the $5-$10 sectionfor new additions, and of course our ONE O ...
SUMMERTIME IMPORTS & MORE!(Post)It’s August and most of the record biz is taking a NAP, lazy bastards, but not here, the hits keep on coming! We got another batch of those wacko import 70s titles from all over the world (Peruvian p ...
PLANETARY INSANITY!(Post)Check out this weeks batch of imports, more obscurities from all over the world, including Portuguese prog, 60s rock from Uruguay, British 60s mod, 70s Venezuelan psych and MORE! We’re going all out ...
NEW UGLY THINGS & MORE! (Post)The new UGLY THINGS is arriving Thursday, read all about it below, and be sure to get your back issues too.And yet MORE great cheapo garage, psych, and power pop cds and vinyl for you this week. I’m ...
THIS WEEK'S DEALS(Post)I got some really nice deals for you guys today! We rounded up the last copies of some excellent reissue LPS for very low prices, and we have another list of adds to the famous ONE ONLY section, AND ...
Wednesday Update with more discounts & new arrivals!(Post)It’s another WEDNESDAY, and that means DISCOUNTS, NEW ARRIVALS.Plus ome new titles in, including more more more for the $5 and under section, AND some adds to the $5-$10 section if you’re feeling flu ...
TUESDAY SAALE + DEEP DISCOUNTS(Post)Tuesday SAALE day again, with some additions to the $5 and under section and deep discounts on some other stuff too!RADIO MOSCOW AUTOGRAPHED BUNDLE IS GETTING DOWN TO THE LAST ONES, and be sure to ch ...
IN OUR WARE HOSUE NOW - INCREDIBLE STARBURST VINYL(Post)IN OUR WAREHOUSE NOW! Wow, we are BLOWN away by these new PEBBLES starburst pressings,by far the most incredible vinyl we’ve ever seen! Available in a BOX set edition of 100 numbered sets,OR individ ...
Weekend Update!(Post)HAPPY WEEKEND! We got a couple of nice big shipments in for you, including a cool DEVO LP and CD, some restocks on SHINDIG, and FLASHBACK (the new issue is on the way but won't arrive until next Thur ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND TONS OF CHEAPO CDS!(Post)LOTS OF COOL ITEMS IN THIS WEEKEND, including a huge batch of 70s cds for that $10 price point you love so much.Also just listed, a couple of archival sets with some historical items from the Bomp/Al ...
NEW SHINDIG + MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has landed, this time with a cover story on Aphrodites Child. Some nice restocks and Saale items too, plus a SUPER limited NERVES box set, 5 only! Check it all out below.Thanks,Suzy S ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND SAALE(Post)We’re back from the long weekend with some great bargains and deals for you, along with some more fab import restocks. A batch of our AT COST one only titles too, things we are blowing out to make ro ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Not only do we have the new SHINDIG, I got yet another batch of cheapo LPS and CDs for you guys! You can click on the pretty pink box for the list, lots of 60s and 70s psych and garage. And a big bat ...
IT'S TUESDAY SAALE DAY(Post)I don't have to tell you what Tuesday means, that’s right kids, it’s SAALE day! Serious markdowns with no code required, one each on most.And of course, as always, additions to both the $5 and under ...
SAALES, BARGAINS AND BACK IN STOCK!(Post)This weekend we have a bunch of goodies for you kiddies. Lots of great titles from our Aussie friends at OFF THE HIP, the finest in GARAGE, POWERPOP, and more...And if you want an investment more sol ...
IT'S HERE!(Post)We now have the Radio Moscow CD in stock and available for ordering! (Vinyl will follow later) And we still have some copies of the AUTOGRAPHED VINYL BUNDLE, but it will likely sell out this weekend, ...
Tuesday Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And I’ve also added even M ...
NEW IMPORTS AND MORE!(Post)It’s the end of the year one more time! Many thanks to each and every one of you for making it another good year for BOMP and Alive!We got a new import shipment in for you guys, check it all out belo ...
Mid Week Mania and 10% OFF!(Post)More crazy deals, saale items and last copies here for you. Check it all out below.And until Sunday night, we’re going to give you 10% anything on the ALIVE label. Radio Moscow, Bobby Lees, Nerves, E ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)Yeah, I know, it seems like we just GOT a new Shindig, and yet, here’s another one! This time with the SMALL FACES.Plus some super groovy new comp cds that have been out of print, we found a stash.An ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND DISCOUNTS(Post)Another Wednesday with more bargains and discounts!Check the usual sections for the latest adds, some real deals in our $5 and Under, $5-$10 and ONE ONLY section, for items that we wont be restocking ...
WEDNESDAY UPATE(Post)Another Tuesday and that means adds to our famous $5 and under section, our $5-$10 section and our new wildly popular ONE ONLY section, for items that wont be restocked and being sold at near cost. A ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day one more time, my darlings. NO CODE REQUIRED, the discount is already taken off the items, just to make it easy for you. Some items discounted as much as 50% or more! As always ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SUPER SAALE!(Post)Got a batch of new items for you, a big restock of previously sold out stuff, and a super Saale on selected vinyl titles! C'mon kids, buy some damned vinyl, will ya?? There’s more to life than $10 cd ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT AND MORE!(Post)A big batch of new arrivals for you, along with more SELLING AT COST items, and two new archival sets, one from IGGY POP and one from the DEAD BOYS. Lots of original items and glossy photos from the ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND TO ALL OF OUR U.S. FRIENDS, it’ a nice long weekend for us here, so we plan to be extra lazy!Meanwhile, we got the new Shindig for you, along with a nice restock of some groovy ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Thanks for all the pre-orders for the new EL PERRO (Radio Moscow) autographed bundle, it sold out within hours, but we have the cd version with a bonus track in stock for those of you that want a pre ...
IMPORTS HAVE ARRIVED(Post)This weekend we have the monthly imports arriving, including lots of new stuff AND restocks of previously sold out titles. Also just in, restocks and a NEW title from everybody’s fave L.A. psych 7” l ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE(Post)This time around we have a some cool restocks and SAALE items for you, plus yet another big restock from the great 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB!And of course adds to your favorite 3 cheapo sec ...
UP TO 50% OFF!(Post)Crazy low prices, this week! I’m in a cleaning mood, making room for lots of new arrivals and getting rid of last copies and slow movers here, all great stuff. TONS of great bargains for you guys her ...
IMPORTS PART 2!(Post)NEW SHINDIG AND MORE IMPORT ARRIVALS! This weekend we have PART 2 of that huge import shipment, AND the new SHINDIG! Plus a restock on UGLY THINGS #50, and an absolute ton of new arrivals.Start shopp ...
10% SAALE(Post)In addition to the usual saale items, restocks, and ONE ONLY adds, we’re gonna have a 10% off all of our T shirts this week. Check out the new photos, Ms. Suzy had a blast doing a photo session with ...
Monthly Import Shipment(Post)It’s that monthly import shipment you love so much! Lots of new arrivals, rarities and limited editions, so shop fast! We’ve doubled down on the CRAMPS, you guys seem to be snapping everything up as ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Just in to the fabulous BOMP/ALIVE warehouse, a whole ton of great import releases! Lots of amazing psych, limited editions, garage fuzz, and of course, let's not forget a lot of adds to the $5 and ...
New Stuff and Saale Items(Post)Man, that was quite a Record Store Day! Ryan and me worked our butts off, THANKS for the support, it was pretty great.If you didn't catch it the first time around, we are offering the two record sto ...
Discounts and Saale Items(Post)Got some great deals for you kids today! Deep discounts on many of the items listed on the site, click the button below, including some warehouse finds and $5 items. And no need for a CODE, the saale ...