1252 results for 'abil vinyl'
It’s DISCOUNT DAY, this time we got some more additions to the phenomenal ONE ONLY section, items we’re clearing outta here at near cost. These go fast, get on it! Plus a ton of great restocks on ite ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)In spite of all the pressing plant problems, we managed to get a nice batch of new arrivals for you guys, along with some limited restocks of previously sold out items.Shop fast kids! Thanks for all.
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We’re back from our vacation with a brand new issue of Shindig that just arrived, along with some new items and a batch of fab restocks.And a great new Bators/Dead Boys archival set, with lots of ext ...
More new arrivals and SAALE(Post)Lots of saale items this week, check our last copies and SAALE section!Also more new stuff, including another a brand new release from Hypnotic Bridge, check out the label.And more of those BENT CORN ...
Tons of new stuff this weekend!(Post)First off we have TWO new GOSPELBEACH shirts for you, one grey marble and one orange. These are the deluxe light fabric variety, you will love them!PLUS we’re offering two new HATS, one for ALIVE REC ...
CRAZY IMPORTS!(Post)All kinds of exciting new items this week! Plus a huge restocks of import CDS too. Want some 70s South African Psych? We got it! Maybe some 60s Peruvian garage? DONE!And check out our DIONYSUS titles ...
NEW IMPORTS & 2022 WRAP UP(Post)More imports have arrived, lots of limited edition items and restocks.Also just in, the ALIVE 2022 WRAP UP BOX SET, with all 6 ALIVE releases for a great price. Everything from glam to psych to punk ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Lots of warehouse finds and archival copies this week, along with the usual suspects… adds to your favorite sections, including some deep discounts and more ONLY ONLY listings. Check it all out here: ...
LAST PRESSINGS AND MORE!(Post)We have the last ever pressing of the famous PEBBLES VOL 1 and 2 in stock! With the original covers. Once we are sold out of these it will be one for the history books.Also just in, a nice restocks a ...
New Arrivals + Alive Best Sellers(Post)RSD is almost here, be sure to get down to your local store and pick up our special releases by HOLLIS BROWN and LEFT LANE CRUISER! See the ALIVE site for details, and while you’re at it, check out s ...
NEW FADING YELLOW AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have one of those IMPORT SHIPMENTS you love so much, including the long awaiting FADING YELLOW 18!! Ltd quantities so shop fast!Thanks for all,SuzyDrop these skus into our search to s ...
Great new cheapo LPs and CDs in today!(Post)Great new cheapo LPs and CDs in today! I’m working hard to get you guys some fantastic deals. These titles are going for much more elsewhere. Ms Suzy can be QUITE persuasive!And check out the GEAR FA ...
BARGAIN BONANZA!(Post)More of those Tuesday deals you love so much, with the traditional adds to the $5 and Underand $5-$10 SectionAND the ONE ONLY Section. We’ve even got a batch of new arrivalstoo. Happy shopping, and t ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!(Post)Happy holidays to all of you, hope you are all weathering the latest of the endless storms. We’ll be closed our usual hours but here Thursday and back Monday to serve your mailorder needs!We have a b ...
IT’S WEDNESDAY AGAIN, DISCOUNT DAY!(Post)IT’S WEDNESDAY AGAIN, DISCOUNT DAY! No code required either, just go ahead and order, discounts of up to 50% of previously listed price. One each of a lot of these. Grab em while you can!.And of cour ...
MID WEEK UPDATE - WAREHOUSE FINDS & MORE!(Post)For our midweek update we have some interesting warehouse finds for you guys, rare test pressings of early BOMP/VOXX and AIP titles. Only a few of each, these are collectors items of the highest orde ...
IMPORTS!(Post)Same as last week guys, very limited quantities on some groovy stuff, shop fast!Thanks for all,SuzyDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU 24724, 24662, 24663, 24702, 24699, 24660, 246 ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys, including another one of those TEST PRESSING SETS we are starting to put together. These sets include items from the legendary Bomp archives, in addition to the actual ...
Lots of new stuff!(Post)Happy New Year and all that! I didn't want you to be bored so I did a little digging in the BOMP WAREHOUSE to find some new goodies for you, and it paid off, I found some really great items for you g ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of new goodies for you, including more of your favorite “cheapo cds” and lots more.And we have some new titles from our friends at the Dionysus label, including som ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT! (Post)Yes kiddies, it’s that monthly (or so) import shipment you love so much! Limited quanties on these titles.You know what to do! In our continuing saga of E mail and computer issues, we are being bla ...
Massive import shipment!(Post)Happy weekend kiddies! It’s that monthly shipment of the weird, the rare, the strange, and the bizarre from all over the planet.Lots of new items and some fabulous restocks of previously sold out ite ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)IT’S ANOTHER NEW SHINDIG for you guys, along with lots of other goodies. We have a lot of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section for you, these are items that we’re selling at near cost to clear off our ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
Tuesday Saale(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And even more adds to our fa ...
$5 ITEMS & MORE(Post)This Tuesday we got another batch of your very favorite thing in the whole world, $5 CDS! One each, so if you cant find it on the store, it’s gone, gone gone. Plenty more where that came from in our ...
Only a few Radio Moscow bundles left + New stuff & restocks for the week(Post)What a week kiddies! Only FOUR copies of the autographed Radio Moscow autographed bundle remain, next chance you’ll get on that one is somebody selling it for $300 on E bay! (Starburst vinyl availabl ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)As always, some great bargains, and some more additions to the famous “$5 And Under Section”.Featured items this week are the BOMP books, the gorgeous hardcover is at the bargain price of $14 and I’l ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)More imports this weekend, including lots of new items and restocks of items previously sold out. Dig in while you can!Happy Weekend!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SK ...
NEW VOLUME OF FADING YELLOW!(Post)Check it out, they released a new volume of everybody’s fave 60s psych pop cd, FADING YELLOW #19! This is by far the best selling item we have ever carried on Bomp mailorder, we ordered tons but they ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)More of those limited edition imports this weekend, and restocks on a lot of items that had previously sold out in a flash. And don’t forget the new Shindig, just in. Our friend Henry Rollins stopped ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
IMPORTS & MORE!(Post)More new ltd edition imports this weekend, and restocks of lots more previously sold out stuff.Happy shopping and back at ya Monday!Best,SuzyDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU2461 ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Lots of fab new items this weekend, and some restocks of previously sold out items too. Dig in, Happy weekend!Suzy Shaw Drop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU 25291, 25225, 25286, 25 ...
Previously sold out IMPORTS are BACK IN STOCK!(Post)Big restocks of some of those previously sold out IMPORT titles, including the last copies of the VAGRANTS CD!And big thanks to our friend HENRY ROLLINS, he loved our BEECHWOOD album and made “I Don' ...
NEW ON ALIVE AND IMPORTS(Post)This weekend we have a DOUBLE dose of new arrivals for you kiddies, not only do we have that MONTHLY IMPORT shipment you love so much, we have the NEW PAUL COLLINS album on ALIVE, including a 4LP “BO ...
MID WEEK SAALE!(Post)Got some good discounts for you and a big batch of restocks of $10 cds and vinyl! Lots of Killed by Death and as always, more of the GEAR FAB label, 60s and 70s garage and psych at $10 a pop.Also som ...
NEW IMPORTS(Post)More of those imports for you guys this week, and some restocks too. And some one only cds from the personal collection of the owner of Alive! Cool stuff.Back at ya Monday, have a fab weekend!Suzy Sh ...
It's the Tuesday Update(Post)Yeah, it’s Tuesday again! I’ve been digging thru some boxes of books and mags for you guys, I just HATE things gathering dust in the back of a warehouse when somebody could be enjoying them. Some of ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)It’s a miracle kiddies, we got a shipment of NEW records! The record biz seems to be “Closed for Repairs” lately, hard to get anything in, but we did it. Limited quantities, check it out below.Happy ...
LIMITED AUTOGRAPHED SETS!(Post)Some really great items for you guys this week, we have some sets of the BADGE LP with a rare single and autographs. And for you Radio Moscow fans we have a set of the Brain Cycles album autographed ...
LASST COPIES AND MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday and that means some DISCOUNTS, LAST COPIES, and bargains galore. More adds to our famous $5 and under section AND our $5-$10 section too, be sure to have a look.Thanks for all, Suzy ...
$1 items and warehouse finds! (Post)YEP, IT’S TUESDAY, AND THAT MEANS BARGAINS GALORE, WAREHOUSE FINDS, LABEL RARITIES, AND EVEN SOME $1 ITEMS! Check our $5 and under section to find them all, new items just added.Thanks for supportin ...
Happy Holidays and all that(Post)HAPPY HOLIDAYS and all that, we’re still here slamming the orders into the mail for you guys, we’ll be here Thursday morning too, just to take care of any last minute record emergencies for you!Ms Su ...
MIDWEEK SAALE AND LAST COPIES!(Post)Got a bunch of adds to our LAST COPY section, going at near cost! One each.Also back in, some CDS on the SEELIE COURT label, fab reissues of 70’s prog rock, ltd ed of 300. Most of these are sold out ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)Yeah, I know, it seems like we just GOT a new Shindig, and yet, here’s another one! This time with the SMALL FACES.Plus some super groovy new comp cds that have been out of print, we found a stash.An ...
Tuesday Again!(Post)TUESDAY AGAIN! Got lots of new goodies for you guys today, including some fab DVDS and $5 and under items,some crunched corner discounts, plus some new arrivals too. SALE ITEMS need no code, new pr ...
Imports and New on Alive(Post)Just in time for the holidays! A gorgeous cobalt blue pressing of the legendary POWERPOP band SHOES, Primal Vinyl on ALIVE RECORDS! These limited Alive pressings go for big bucks later, so get one fa ...
NEW ON ALIVE & SHINDIG #49 (Post)Just in to our warehouse today, the amazing JAMES LEG of the Black Diamond Heavies with his second LP.BOMP MAILORDER has the worldwide exclusive on the CLEAR vinyl, a limited edition of 150. ALIVE fi ...
Discounted Items & More!(Post)GO ON, take a chance on the mystery bundle and get some great tunes!. All fantastic titles that we have extra promo copies of. SKU: 11055 $5Lots of other CHEAPO BUNDLES available too, check it out h ...
New Ugly Things & More!(Post)JUST IN - the new UGLY THINGS! And some other really cool new items have just arrived, check the list (click the pink button!) and start shopping. Limited quantities. THANKS for making it anothe ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Yes kiddies, the new Ugly Things is in the house! Plus a nice restock of some awesome vinyl titles at great prices.And if it’s great prices you want, check out our LAST COPIES section, selling at nea ...
New Shindig!(Post)A big shipment has arrived with some tasty items for you guys, plus restocks AND the NEW SHINDIG! Lots of back issues in stock too, we have a large selection.We’ve also got some great 5 items for $10 ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
RARITIES & ODDITIES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!(Post)This weekend we have a nice batch of rarities and oddities from all over the world… lots of 60s and 70s titles featuring music from everywhere on the globe… Greek prog, British heavy rock, U.S psych, ...
SUPER TUESDAY!(Post)In addition to our usual sale items, we just got a big shipment of groovy psych and 60s titles into the warehouse, and we are now listing FLASHBACK #7 officially. It’s been on our site since the week ...
IMPORTS!(Post)Lots of new arrivals, but even MORE limited than usual, I got totally screwed on quantity this time,some items only one! It’s all on inventory tho so if you can order it, you are getting it! Thanks f ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of new goodies, it’s a mail order miracle!! We managed to locate some items that we havent seen in a few years that were being offered at a great price, but very limited quantities. Also restock ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Another shipment has arrived with a bunch of new titles from the amazing 60’s psych label GEAR FAB, all at rock bottom prices.ALSO more from the Aussie label OFF THE HIP, check it all out here.Plus a ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend, including two VERY LIMITED hand numbered TEST PRESSING "BOX" sets, you won't find these anywhere else. Only a few of these.And we have a new pressing on gorge ...
BLOWOUT! Over 20% Off (Post)Big SAALE on a nice batch of last copies, no code required!And dig into our catalogue and get FIVE cds for just $30 plus free shipping, including international. Details below.Also just in, some wareh ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS(Post)The new Shindig, featuring PINK FLOYD has arrived! And we also got in some great imports for you too, check it all out here.Don’t forget our ONE ONLY SECTION, some serious deals on last copies, some ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE GEAR FAB & MORE(Post)Big shipment in from our pals at GEAR FAB this week, including lots of new cheapo LPs for you guys, and restocks of previously sold out items! Lots of 60’s psych and garage at amazing prices. Check o ...
Tuesday saale items(Post)Yeah, it’s TUESDAY SAALE day again, as always some discounted goodies, reminders of LAST COPIES of some great items, and of course, need I remind you, additions to the legendary $5 and under section! ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND PREORDER(Post)Got the new Ugly Things in stock for you! There’s a long piece on our own WEIRDOS, their BOMP LP is in stock and listed below.PLUS we’re taking PREORDERS on some GREAT new very limited import comps, ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE(Post)G’day to all of our new AUSSIE customers! We’re hoping you are enjoying the DATURA4 LP, that thing is still flying outta here, and as Badfinger would say, you better hurry cause they’re going fast if ...
BARGAINS!(Post)Yes it’s Tuesday again, and that means BARGAINS for you guys. Lots of adds to the legendary $5 and under section, and the ONE ONLY section (last copy of items we wont be restocking).Plus a batch of n ...
Early pressings, rarities and more!(Post)Oh happy day, Ms. Suzy has been digging around in some of the archives and found some stuff to keep you amused,lots of early pressings and rarities, see the list below for details.AND go to our revis ...
DISCOUNTS and ONE ONLY!(Post)IT’s MID WEEK MANIA, with lots of SAALE items and adds to your favorite sections.Surf the ONE ONLY sectionfor items that are going away forever and being sold at near cost, check the $5-$10 sectionth ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)GET YOUR DATURA 4, JAMES LEG, and RADIO MOSCOW limited edition pressings while you’re at it, and don't forget our amazing T SHIRT section!Thanks,Suzy ShawNew ArrivalsKILLED BY DEATH- Vol 1 (legenda ...
MORE IMPORTS(Post)New arrivals and restocks are in from overseas, as always limited quantities, get that wallet out fast!!We also got more of the fabulous JOSIE COTTON color vinyl back in stock, be sure to give that a ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of limited restocks and lower prices on some items. Some great stuff here, some wont be available again so get 'em while you can.And don’t forget to get the new DATURA4 splatter vinyl, it’s a go ...
NEW ON ALIVE!(Post)Two fantastic repressings have just arrived, including GOSPELBEACH Let it Burn featuring NEAL CASAL, now with the missing insert left out of the first pressing! Also just in, Datura4 BLESSED IS THE B ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES(Post)We put together a few more of those box sets you guys are loving, all with absolutely unique items from the Bomp files, you wont find anything like this anywhere else. All of our archives are promise ...
MID WEEK SPECIALS!(Post)Lots of amazing deals for you guys this week, plenty of discounts and adds to the BIG THREE section that you love so much:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 item ...
TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY(Post)It’s TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY, you know what to do kiddies! This week I went thru the singles section and put a bunch of stuff on sale, lots of them ONE ONLY, so get em while you can get em.ALSO be sure ...
It's Tuesday Saale Day!(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, With drastic price reductions on most items already marked down on the site. Many are one copy only, so shop fast! We take the items off the cart as they sell so if you still ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS(Post)Same as last time kids, I‘m getting kinda screwed on quantity, but I got the titles on inventory so if it’s showing as still available, it’s all yours.Check out the ltd ed CD versions of some of the ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)At long last, a big shipment from our friends in Holland, lots of new stuff and restocks of previously sold out items! Shop fast, these are limited.LOTS of volumes of FADING YELLOW back in too, check ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)We have a big ole import shipment landing Monday, with a lot of cool stuff for you guys. Not too late to do a little Christmas shopping, we’ll be here all next week to get your orders out. We’re clos ...
NEW SHINDIG(Post)SHINDIG!- #46 THE KINKS 1966: Breaking Down In Swinging London. BLUE CHEER, San Fran’s loudest! One of the final interviews with Dickie Peterson, the original heavy metal kid. MIND GARAGE, ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND SAALE(Post)We’re back from the long weekend with some great bargains and deals for you, along with some more fab import restocks. A batch of our AT COST one only titles too, things we are blowing out to make ro ...
IMPORTS PART 2!(Post)This weekend we have more of those imports, lots of formerly sold out items back in stock and a ton of new stuff too. Check it all out below!NOTE: These are very limited quantities and I have them al ...
Tuesday Saale - Autographed Copies & more Warehouse Finds(Post)It’s Tuesday again, and we’ve got some nice SAALE items for you, and a list of some of our AUTOGRAPHED COPIES! Not many of these, sure to be collectors items, so get busy, kids.ALSO, check our revamp ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have some nice stuff for you guys. The new Shindig has arrived, along with more of those imports you love so much. Ltd copies, so shop fast.Also just in, some obscure cheapo rock and ...
NEW IMPORTS!(Post)Hope all of our U.S. friends are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We’ll be back at ya Monday with your shipping info.Lots of nice new stuff for you guys to check out, thanks for all!Also, Pay ...
GOSPELBEACH & MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)It’s here in our warehouse at last. Brent from BEACHWOOD SPARKS’ great new band, GOSPELBEACH, and the reviews are in,it’s a hit! The limited editions are sure to sell out quickly, get em while you ca ...
It's monthly IMPORT time(Post)The monthly IMPORT shipment has arrived, with some amazing new goodies for you, including the long awaited ULTIMATE BONEHEAD VOL 1 & 2 LPs, the STRANGE LAND, STRANGE PEOPLE comp LP, and tons more ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)It’s the new Shindig kids! Just into our warehouse, along with plenty more.I got some more of those rare Mexican 60s garage cds you love so much,and some more cheapo cds and vinyl too, we’re practica ...
MORE IMPORTS(Post)Got more of those limited imports for you guys, plus adds to our famous $5 and under and $10 and under section. Check it all out here, happy shopping and big thanks to all of you! Suzy ShawDrop ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Some really cool items arriving Monday!!! Super ltd as always with the imports, we have them on inventory so if you are able to put it in your cart, we got it!And lots of restocks of items that were ...
IMPORT ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of vinyl and cds back in stock this week!And more of those archival sets you guys are buying as fast as I can make them! All packed in heavy poly sleeves with unique covers, and including items ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, and there are still some $5 saale issues, check our BOOKS AND MAGS section to see all of our books and mags.And for those of you who preordered DEERFIELD, we’re shipping ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)New Shindig just in, along with some adds to our famous LAST COPY section, selling at super cheapo prices!Also just arrived, restocks from our friends at GET HIP, purveyors of garage, psych and rock… ...
PREORDER & MORE(Post)This weekend we have a PREORDER section for a batch of incoming vinyl titles, get your orders in by Monday and we’ll ship to you the following Monday! Check it out below.Big restock on the BROWN ACID ...
MORE IMPORTS JUST IN!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of imports for you kids, along with a nice SAALE section of items we are blowing out at near cost. Check all of our SAALE items here.And if it’s a bargain your want ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yeah, I know, we barely got the LAST Shindig and already a new one! Also in, another batch of wacky international 60s and 70s vinyl, and some restocks of previously sold out items.ALSO just in, a fan ...
IMPORTS AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)The monthly imports have arrived, and you know the drill, ltd quantities so get in there, kids! Also the new SHINDIG! Check it all out below.Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to ...