2152 results for '5 cd amin bundl'
More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)It just keeps coming, lots more amazing obscure import titles, both LP and CD. Check it all out here, and act fast cause these go fast. ALSO JUST IN, a restock from our friends at Dionysus, see all o ...
TRIPTIDES AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)What a weekend kiddies, we have the new SHINDIG and some great stuff on ALIVE.First up, THE TRIPTIDES hallucinogenic new release, Alter Echoes. We have a presale on the AUTOGRAPHED bundle with a post ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
NEW BLACK LIPS & LEFT LANE CRUISER COLOR VINYL + MORE(Post)Great stuff this weekend, we have a repress of the BLACK LIPS first LP on Bomp on gorgeous APPLE GREEN vinyl, really nice looking. AND a new pressing of LEFT LANE CRUISER- Dirty Spliff Blues- on H ...
Monthly Import Shipment(Post)It’s that monthly import shipment you love so much! Lots of new arrivals, rarities and limited editions, so shop fast! We’ve doubled down on the CRAMPS, you guys seem to be snapping everything up as ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
MORE GREAT IMPORTS(Post)MORE great IMPORTS for you guys this week, both NEW arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items. Plus, I’m continuing “LAST COPIES” project, taking inventory of those titles that are about to ...
Discounts and Saale Items(Post)Got some great deals for you kids today! Deep discounts on many of the items listed on the site, click the button below, including some warehouse finds and $5 items. And no need for a CODE, the saale ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)IT’s hot (105!) and Covid-y in Los Angeles, but we’re powering thru it to bring you another fabulous update!Some new arrivals, a new batch of ONE ONLY items we’re selling at near cost, and restocks a ...
Massive Import Shipment!(Post)We’ve never had this many new titles at once, it’s a tidal wave of new items for you guys, including a lot of $5 and under adds. Very limited quantities, first come, first serve.The FADING YELLOW fol ...
Happy Memorial Day!(Post)We’ll be taking MONDAY off, so we wont be here until Tuesday, but meanwhile here’s a big batch of oddities, saale items, and weird warehouse finds for you guys to paw thru.We hope you are all going t ...
Midweek Mania!(Post)More incredible bargains, last copies, and deep discounts this week, click on the pretty pink box for details.And as always, check your favorite sections for adds and deals:$5 and UNDER $5- $10 ONE O ...
WEEKEND UPDATE - NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)Yes it’s the weekend again! Got a boatload of new arrivals for you guys, and some excellent warehouse finds too. And of couse, as always, more $5 and under items. You kiddies really loved the fliers ...
New Shindig and More!(Post)It’s that time of the month again kids, the new Shindig has arrived with none other than Marianne Faithful on the cover. Some other nice titles just in too, check it all out below.A batch of $10 cds ...
WEEKEND UPDATE! (Post)A lot of one only items this time around, plus the NEW BROWN ACID LP AND CD! Plus all of their previous titles available. Check it out!BROWN ACID -THE 11th TRIP (HEAVY ROCK FROM THE UNDERGROUND COME ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)More more more arrivals from your fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point you love so much. Check the entire label here!And more restocks, deep discounts and ONE ONLY ad ...
Midweek Update: Last Copies Heads Up!(Post)It’s our mid week update again, and you know what that means, MORE adds to our $5 and under section, and a bunch of things I have determined to be LAST COPIES! These are mostly items on our labels th ...
NEW SHINDIG #65 AND MORE(Post)Greetings everyone! We’re finally back in action with the new SHINDIG and lots more new arrivals. Seems like everyone on the planet (including us) had the flu and our shipments were slowed down consi ...
It's monthly IMPORT time(Post)The monthly IMPORT shipment has arrived, with some amazing new goodies for you, including the long awaited ULTIMATE BONEHEAD VOL 1 & 2 LPs, the STRANGE LAND, STRANGE PEOPLE comp LP, and tons more ...
NEW ARRIVALS and Big Discounts!(Post)Some new additions for you guys, plus more of those LAST COPY deals, items we’re clearing out at near cost or below. Get em while you can!And adds to the famous $5 and under section too, and the $5-$ ...
Weekend Update: NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE(Post)This weekend we have more, more, more of those $5 and under items, plus some exciting new psych releases. And for those of you who missed Radio Moscow autograph day, we had Parker sign extra copies o ...
NEW SHINDIG & UGLY THINGS!(Post)This weekend we have both the new SHINDIG and the new UGLY THINGS. Plus an amazing find, vintage T shirts once worn by the late great Greg Shaw, see below for details.Also a nice shipment from our fr ...
Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. We’ve also added a bunch more stuff to the famous $5 and under section.We’re ...
TUESDAY DEAL DAY AGAIN!(Post)Another fine assortment of discounts and saale items, plus some restocks and lots of add to your favorite sections: ONE ONLY | $5 and under | $5-$10BIG discounts this week on the garage label DIONY ...
MIDWEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got some warehouse finds for you guys this week, along with some NEW titlesand a big old batch of additions to your 3 very favorite sections in the whole world, check it out to see the latest discoun ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, plus a big restock on GEAR FAB and BROWN ACID, all titles now in stock!Also, a few more of our BENT CORNER bargains, mint vinyl, just a crunchy corner. Fantastic dea ...
Tons of new stuff this weekend!(Post)First off we have TWO new GOSPELBEACH shirts for you, one grey marble and one orange. These are the deluxe light fabric variety, you will love them!PLUS we’re offering two new HATS, one for ALIVE REC ...
JUST ADDED! New Radio Moscow shirt, new additions and restocks today(Post)Just in, a new RADIO MOSCOW BRAIN CYCLES T shirt, and be sure to check out our other Radio Moscow shirts too. we’ve got nice ones for Magical Dirt, The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz and more. Othe ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
NEW SHINDIG AND SAALE(Post)Yep, it’s Tuesday SAALE day again! You know the drill, discount already built into the site, no code required. ALSO JUST IN! THE NEW SHINDIG / KALEIDOSCOPE #47. SEE THE SITE FOR THE EXCITING DETAILS.
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)SUBJECT NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!It’s a big ole holiday weekend in the U.S., we’ll be taking Monday off, but just so you don't miss us too much I got the new Shindig AND a nice import shipment for you to ...
MORE CHEAPOS!(Post)Yet another big batch of discount items has just arrived! All kinds of goodies, at great prices. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.ALSO just in, a nice restock from our friends at GE ...
Super discounts! (Post)It’s our midweek update with bargains galore and adds you your favorite cheapo sections!$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLAST COPY- 200 items - Almost gone and at a discount Also ...
NEW SHINDIG + MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has landed, this time with a cover story on Aphrodites Child. Some nice restocks and Saale items too, plus a SUPER limited NERVES box set, 5 only! Check it all out below.Thanks,Suzy S ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Some pretty exciting mid-week arrivals here, including a repress on both vinyl and cd of L.A. 70s punk legends, the WEIRDOS! See below for the exicting details.Also just in, for your psych needs, a s ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS(Post)Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you. We’re closed Christmas day and Wednesday, but back at ya Thursday.Lots of archival one only items today, and nice batch of restocks from ARF ARF too.
MID WEEK BARGAINS(Post)It’s mid week bargains galore with the usual adds to our famous $5 and Under, $5-$10 and ONE ONLY section, for items that we wont be restocking and are selling at near cost.Click on the pretty pink b ...
MORE IMPORTS and CHEAPO STUFF!(Post)We know what you like, and we got a bunch of it. Giant import shipment arrives Monday with a ton of those bargain CDs you love so much, some great psych LPs, and all kinds of cool stuff plus restocks ...
NEW SHINDIG PLUS SAALE & LAST COPIES!(Post)Lots of goodies for you guys this week! First off we have the new issue of Shindig with a fabulous Little Richard cover. Also just added, some more archival sets, including an autographed Nikki Corve ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)The new Shindig is here, with a great cover article on the Standells. Also more new arrivals and restocks, check it all out here!Thanks,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some really great new items for you guys this week, including the first in our new line of shirts, coffee cups, hats, jackets, tote bags, and more! First up are two shirts for our friend th ...
It's Tuesday Again(Post)It’s Tuesday again, with that saale you love so much! The usual rules apply, no code required, the discount is already on the site, one copy each most so buy a lot and buy em fast.ALSO JUST IN, resto ...
WEDNESDAY UPDATE(Post)In addition to the usual adds, sale items and restocks we have a few fabulous warehouse finds for you, including rare test pressings and some crazy weird box sets.Also listed are some AUTOGRAPHED cop ...
GARAGE PSYCH AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have a big garage psych restock from our friends at GET HIP and also GEAR FAB, lots of cheapo cds and good deals. Check their complete stock list!ALSO just in, some more of those impo ...
SAALE! (Post)Lots of big discounts this week, including a SAALE on Shindig magazine, dozens of issues available for your summer reading at a great price, just $10 a pop! (NEW issue excluded)And check your fave se ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF!(Post)Big import restock, and lots of adds to our SAALE section. And as always, if you want a deal check our $5 and under and $10 and under sections.And if you want to listen to the latest and see some vid ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE!(Post)The legendary Greek TIMEMAZINE is back in stock, some with both CD and 7”! These wont be reprinted, so get them while you can.Also just in, I’ve listed another batch of those vintage T shirts we have ...
MIDWEEK ARRIVALS(Post)I’ve been digging out some of the original test pressings from the BOMP and AIP labels and you guys are loving them. Another batch listed here today, very limited quantities straight from the BOMP ar ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This time around we got a lot of cheapo cds for you bargain hunters, nothing over $10 and many at $5. Go for it! Also a nice restock of some import lps that were previously sold out, limited quantiti ...
SELLING BELOW COST!(Post)We got some real deals for you this week, check out the RESTOCKS AND SAALE items below, and lots more serious deals in the LAST COPY section. Also just in, a restock on those TIMEMAZINE mags you love ...
JUST IN! GEAR FAB!(Post)Lots of titles from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue label GEAR FAB back in stock. Check their full catalogue.And we have RESTOCKS on the very popular BOMP and ALIVE face masks, check it out!And che ...
Tuesday SAALE!(Post)It’s the Tuesday SAALE you guys love so much, back in action! We were a little busy with the new shopping cart to do the sale for a while, but the cart is up and running nicely now...Deep discounts ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Another batch of deals, restocks,new stuff and more, check it all out here! Plus a big shipment from GEAR FAB, the fantastic 60s and 70s reissue label!And of course lots of adds to these three sectio ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF, AUTOGRAPHS & MORE!(Post)Weekend saale stuff, autographs and more! Lots of adds to our last copies/saale section, check it out here, hundreds of items at cost!A new shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB too, plus a new one i ...
NEW ZINES AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have a big restock on everybody’s fave Greek fanzine (in English of course) TIMEMAZINE! Plus lots of discounts and SAALE items too, check it all out below. Thanks!SuzyBACK IN STOC ...
WEEKEND GOODIES!(Post)This weekend we have some amazing items for you, the most incredible being the very historical CAVERN CLUB folder from the BOMP FILES! Even I was surprised at the items I found there, everything from ...
Tuesday saale items(Post)Yeah, it’s TUESDAY SAALE day again, as always some discounted goodies, reminders of LAST COPIES of some great items, and of course, need I remind you, additions to the legendary $5 and under section! ...
PSYCH!(Post)Check this out kiddies, this week we got a batch of great PSYCH cds at amazing prices! A few titles at a very lo price because of a small crack in the case, great deal on those. Plus a ton of additio ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we got the brand new Shindig for you guys, along with more new import arrivals, and a ton of restocks of previously sold out items. GO for it!Thanks for everything guys, we wouldn't be h ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This time around we got more of those wacky one-only zines that missed the boat when the entire Bomp collection was donated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, these were all Greg’s and date from the ...
IMPORTS AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)It’s the weekend again, with yet another batch of amazing international items, both new and old, CD and vinyl. Check out the list. PLUS the new Shindig, this time it’s a BOWIE cover.Shop fast kids, t ...
PREORDERS AND NEW BOX SETS!(Post)This time around we have some very interesting new items for you, including 2 ORIGINAL PRESSINGS OF RARE 70’s vinyl! We have both DEERFIELD Nil Desperandum and DEERFIELD LIVE Original copies 1971, T ...
MORE DISCOUNTS, RESTOCKS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s our mid weeks update for you guys. This time around I found another batch of those BENT CORNER bargains for you guys, I think it’s a wonderful way to recycle these almost perfect records AND giv ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND MORE!(Post)Check out the rare BOMP singles listed here, more on our site in our “WAREHOUSE FINDS”section. Some really good stuff! Most one each.Also just in, yet another restock from our friends at the legendar ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE(Post)Lots of titles back in stock, a nice batch of 7” psych singles from HYPNOTIC BRIDGE and more $10 cds from the 60s and 70s label GEAR FAB. See titles below and check the rest of their catalogue!Also b ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS(Post)This weekend it’s that big monthly IMPORT shipment you love so much, with lots of new titles, and a bunch of previously sold out items back in stock. We have the new RADIO MOSCOW ALBUM in stock too, ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
FLASH SAALE(Post)It’s SUPER Tuesday! In addition to the usual warehouse finds, new additions to the $5 and under section, and sale items, I got a FLASH SALE for you on some of our label titles! 24 hours only, we’re o ...
MIDWEEK ARRIVALS(Post)Yet another crazy week, what’s next? We cant imagine, but we’re doing our best to make you guys smile in these insane times, and wishing peace, love and safety to all. It’s gotta get better! Meanwhil ...
MORE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)I’m selling these as fast as I list them, lots of great items including some books and mags from the BOMP archives and some BOMP/VOXX singles. Also a SAALE on a few issues of Shindig, I got too many ...
New Arrivals(Post)OK you crazy kids, it’s the weekend! New arrivals just in, and it wouldn’t be the weekend if I didn’t have some adds to the wildly popular “$5 and under” section. And I’ve been organizing our promo c ...
MONSTER IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)This is a big one kiddies, we got everything from a 60s garage single by the kid from Leave It to Beaver (!?) to some crazy ass Israeli psych pop LP to restocks on the hard to find (especially for ME ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)As always, some great bargains, and some more additions to the famous “$5 And Under Section”.Featured items this week are the BOMP books, the gorgeous hardcover is at the bargain price of $14 and I’l ...
BOMP/ALIVE FACE MASKS AND MORE!(Post)Check it out, we had some LIMITED EDITION FACE MASKS MADE! 100% SUPERSOFT COTTON FREE SHIPPING WITH ORDER! See below for details.Plus I’ve gone thru the STIV BATORS 7” section and finally figured out ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)UPDATED 8/23 → CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PICTURE VERSION A nice batch of new stuff this weekend, and a ton of restocks on those $10 cds you love all to pieces! Ltd quantities, whip out tho ...
NEW AND RESTOCKS!(Post)Just in on Alive, a repressing of the ultimate punk record, GG Allin, on classic black vinyl and a blue ltd edition, with a new cover.You collectors might be entertained to know that GG was very near ...
BIG LABOR DAY SAALE(Post)UPDATED 8/30 → CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PICTURE VERSIONNO CODE REQUIRED! Lots of adds to our $15 and under section, with new low prices! Check it all out here!And some new items too! See all of our new ...
Weekend Update: Warehouse finds & New Stuff(Post)It’s the weekend, and you’ll be thrilled to hear that I’ve got off my butt and dug into the warehouse for some more of those fabulous warehouse finds you guys love so much, many of them here in our w ...
Monster import shipment!(Post)It’s that once a month wacky and wild import shipment you love so much! Limited quantities so shop now, eat later. Everything from 60s Danish garage to 70s Finnish prog, we got it all baby! Back at y ...
NEW UGLY THINGS & MORE(Post)The new UGLY THINGS has arrived! And we got a ton more items from our famous $5 and under section, plus some nice warehouse finds. See the list below.Thanks,Suzy ShawTO ORDER: GO TO BOMPSTORE and u ...
BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Lots of items added to our LAST COPIES/SAALE section, some at or near cost. Check the items below and see them all here.Also a big discount on the remaining DARK UK LPS on Seelie Court. Selling at co ...
NEW ON ALIVE!(Post)Two fantastic repressings have just arrived, including GOSPELBEACH Let it Burn featuring NEAL CASAL, now with the missing insert left out of the first pressing! Also just in, Datura4 BLESSED IS THE B ...
WEIRDO IN THE HOUSE!(Post)That’s right, Cliff Roman from the 1977 punk band THE WEIRDOS will be here at our offices on Thursday and will be autographing albums for you guys, even personalized if you want! Just order by Thursd ...
More new arrivals and SAALE(Post)Lots of saale items this week, check our last copies and SAALE section!Also more new stuff, including another a brand new release from Hypnotic Bridge, check out the label.And more of those BENT CORN ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More more more fun stuff for my little darlings. Here’s the latest discounts and restocks for you!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SKUS 21564, 23552, 220 ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)We have a brand new title in from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue GEAR FAB label, along with a big batch of restocks from them too, check the label here!Also some more of those bargain archive cds, ...
MID WEEK BONANZA! (Post)Lots of cool one-only archival items, get em fast cause they sell out like crazy! More big discounts on LAST COPIES and adds to the $5 and under and $5-$10 section too. Start shopping!Suzy Shaw& ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)A new cd on everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB! Tons more available at a $10 price you wont find anywhere else. Check their label here!Lots of discounts and restocks and some remind ...
Imports, Warehouse Finds & More(Post)Happy weekend! Got some fantastic IMPORTS in for you guys,and some spectacular warehouse finds, including rare issues of the legendary Bomp magazine, along with some other hard to find books and mag ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Some great ltd ed cds here this time around, part of the TEXAS ROCK DYAMONDS series of small press-run CD releases. Ltd quantities but I put the items on inventory in the cart so if it allows you to ...
END OF AN ERA!(Post)We’re very sad to report that the original BOMP pressing plant, the legendary Rainbo Records, is closing suddenly next month after 80 years in business. BOMP has been there from the beginning and of ...
NEW ON ALIVE & SWAMP DOGG'S BIRTHDAY!(Post)This week we got a gorgeous repressing of the Swell Maps for you on blue vinyl. Looks great and sounds even better!And today is the legendary Swamp Dogg’s 80th birthday, we’ll be going to his birthda ...
IMPORTS ARRIVING MONDAY!(Post)Yes it’s that monthly import shipment you love so much, limited quantities so get it while you can get it, some great items arriving!Plus a bunch of adds to your very favorite section, $5 and under, ...
Midweek Discounts(Post)Got some more bargains for you guys here, I have discounted some more stuff and you don’t even need a promo code, the sale price is built into the cart. Click on the pretty pink box to see the list.
MIDWEEK RESTOCKS!(Post)This time around we have a big batch of RESTOCKS FROM GET HIP! Lots of garage and psych All $10!!Also just in, more restocks from Seelie Court. These are not being repressed and will be gone soon. Ge ...
DISCOUNTS AND BARGAINS(Post)We’re back from our long weekend with some restocks and bargains for you,plus a bunch of adds to your favorite cheapo sections! Check it all out here:* ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or bel ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Got a bunch more of those one only items you love so much listed this week, and a batch of singles from our friends at GET HIP. And of course our usual adds to your favorite sections:$5 and under - o ...