81 results for 'CONQUEROR'
Black Keys Mania and More(Post)
It’s Black Keys mania kiddies! We’re getting a flood of BLACK KEYS orders, probably due to Dan’s new album and the Rolling Stone documentary on our own The Big Come Up. Black Keys fans would be missi ...
MORE IMPORTS + ALIVE DISCOUNTS, BUNDLES, AND THINGS YOU NEED!(Post)LOTS OF GOODIES FOR YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND! Not only did we get a huge batch of IMPORTS, but we have some discounts on label titles. Just look at all the amazing stuff we’ve released, an incredible ro ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE!(Post)The legendary Greek TIMEMAZINE is back in stock, some with both CD and 7”! These wont be reprinted, so get them while you can.Also just in, I’ve listed another batch of those vintage T shirts we have ...
IN OUR WARE HOSUE NOW - INCREDIBLE STARBURST VINYL(Post)IN OUR WAREHOUSE NOW! Wow, we are BLOWN away by these new PEBBLES starburst pressings,by far the most incredible vinyl we’ve ever seen! Available in a BOX set edition of 100 numbered sets,OR individ ...
SAALE ITEMS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Just got some shipments in from our pals at GEAR FAB and GET HIP, great cds for only $10, dig in!Plus more of those 80 collector’s cassettes, and more TEST PRESSINGS.And more LAST COPIES at a great p ...
10% SAALE(Post)In addition to the usual saale items, restocks, and ONE ONLY adds, we’re gonna have a 10% off all of our T shirts this week. Check out the new photos, Ms. Suzy had a blast doing a photo session with ...
30% OFF SAALE!(Post)30% off this week only!I’m feeling generous and decided to do a big saale for the amazing OFF THE HIP LABEL, bringing you all the best in garage, powerpop and rock 'n' roll music from Australia and a ...
CLAW MACHINE WIZARD + MORE GREAT ALIVE RELEASES(Post)Big thanks to all of you for making our new LEFT LANE CRUISER record a huge success, it's flying off the shelves! Get the HAND MIXED STARBURST VINYL before it sells out, dont come crying to me if you ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, thanks to all of you for making the new GOSPELBEACHa big success. All formats now available, including a 6 album “BOX” set with autograph and exclusive cover art and poster. GREAT deal.Che ...
Alive RSD Re-Press, DM3 and more...(Post)We got some really great stuff for you this week, including a repressing of the previously sold out RECORD STORE DAY RELEASE, THE ALIVE RECORDS 20th ANNIVERSARY SAMPLER - Rock and Roll is a Beautifu ...
$1 Items and huge discounts!(Post)Wow, what a treasure trove we have for you today! We asked our distributor to send us back a bunch of our titles that had gone out of print, all that was left were some copies that needed to be “refu ...
MID WEEK DEALS!(Post)As always, got some bargains and restocks for you, and a nice shipment just in from our friends at the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Most at the $10 price point you love so much.And it’s cheap ...
WEDNESDAY UPDATE(Post)We’re back in action with another batch of goodies for you guys! Here’s a list of some restocks, warehouse finds, some LAST COPIES, and some titles you may have missed.Check the $5 and under section ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & NEW STUFF!(Post)Got some more of those archival cds for you guys this week, and another one of our original pressing sets with all kind of goodies from the legendary Bomp files. And a restock of a sold out Shindig m ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)New Shindig just in, along with some adds to our famous LAST COPY section, selling at super cheapo prices!Also just arrived, restocks from our friends at GET HIP, purveyors of garage, psych and rock… ...
MID WEEK UPDATE(Post)Some nice one-only arrivals and warehouse finds, along with more adds to the $5 and under and the $5-$10 sections, and of course your favorite, LAST COPY! Get em while you can, these are being sold a ...
Mid week bargains!(Post)This week we have some serious discounts in our Big Three sections, surf them all for some amazing deals:★ ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below★ $5 and Under - over 700 items for you to ...
FLASH SAALE(Post)It’s SUPER Tuesday! In addition to the usual warehouse finds, new additions to the $5 and under section, and sale items, I got a FLASH SALE for you on some of our label titles! 24 hours only, we’re o ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Got an interesting assortment for you guys today, some more of my “cleaning out the warehouse”items, including some one-only T shirts and a bunch of one each slightly damaged mags for a good price, I ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
MIDWEEK SAALE AND LAST COPIES!(Post)Got a bunch of adds to our LAST COPY section, going at near cost! One each.Also back in, some CDS on the SEELIE COURT label, fab reissues of 70’s prog rock, ltd ed of 300. Most of these are sold out ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS(Post)It’s been a semi-hilarious week at BOMP mailorder. Last week instead of our big order of CDs we were waiting for we got a box containing pillowcases and dishcloths! You can’t imagine the fun we had w ...
WEIRDO IN THE HOUSE!(Post)That’s right, Cliff Roman from the 1977 punk band THE WEIRDOS will be here at our offices on Thursday and will be autographing albums for you guys, even personalized if you want! Just order by Thursd ...
Tuesday saale items(Post)Yeah, it’s TUESDAY SAALE day again, as always some discounted goodies, reminders of LAST COPIES of some great items, and of course, need I remind you, additions to the legendary $5 and under section! ...
NEW SHINDIG & UGLY THINGS!(Post)This weekend we have both the new SHINDIG and the new UGLY THINGS. Plus an amazing find, vintage T shirts once worn by the late great Greg Shaw, see below for details.Also a nice shipment from our fr ...
BACK WITH MORE DISCOUNTS & DEALS(Post)It’s TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY again, with a batch of lower priced items for you, along with RESTOCKS and ADDS to the $5 and Underand $5 -$10 section. Plus a couple of nice premieres for our very own GOSP ...
NEW, DISCOUNTS & LAST COPIES(Post)A bunch of cool stuff I dug out of the warehouse for you, plus a ton of adds to the famous $5 and under section! I’ve also gone thru some items that are LAST COPIES, click the pink button below. Sure ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)Some restocks and real deals for you guys, plus a batch of previously sold out Shindig mags. Make sure you dig into our ONE ONLY section, lots of items sold at below cost!Thanks guys,Suzy ShawDrop th ...
RARITIES FROM OUR ARCHIVES AND MORE!(Post)More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
NEW IGGY AND MORE(Post)First, we’re all saddened by the terrible news about Tom Petty, as I’m sure most of you are. His music plays in the BOMP/ALIVE offices daily and always will, he was one of our favorites. He’ll be mis ...
MORE ARCHIVAL SETS!(Post)More archival sets for you this week. WOW!! The Pebbles set includes THE ORIGINAL FILING, FEB 1978, SIGNED BY GREG SHAW, FOR THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FOR THE BOMP STORE! Also included i ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)More adds to our selling at near-cost ONE ONLY section, and lots of restocks from our friends at DIONYSUS, great 60s style garage and psych titles for bargain prices, most $5 and under. A few new ite ...
INSANELY GOOD DEALS, NEW ARRIVALS, SALE STUFF, WAREHOUSE FINDS, AND MORE!(Post)Me and Ryan (and even Josh, my tech who makes it all work from Oregon ) are over the flu at last and back in action, and we’ve added a crazy amount of new items this week, plus lots of additions to t ...
MIDWEEK ARRIVALS(Post)Yet another crazy week, what’s next? We cant imagine, but we’re doing our best to make you guys smile in these insane times, and wishing peace, love and safety to all. It’s gotta get better! Meanwhil ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
MID WEEK SPECIALS!(Post)Lots of amazing deals for you guys this week, plenty of discounts and adds to the BIG THREE section that you love so much:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 item ...
DEAL DAY!(Post)Today is DEAL DAY, with more adds to the ONE ONLY SECTION, the $5 and UNDER SECTION, and the $5-$10 SECTION. PLUS some restocks and lower prices on some of our regular catalogue items. Lots of new it ...
Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections(Post)Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections: our legendary WAREHOUSE FINDS, and EVEN MORE STUFF for the $5 and under section!Some new arrivals too, and a nice premiere of our own DM3 in POPM ...
It's Tuesday Saale Day!(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, With drastic price reductions on most items already marked down on the site. Many are one copy only, so shop fast! We take the items off the cart as they sell so if you still ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE(Post)Just got the new issue of UGLY THINGS featuring the YARDBIRDS in stock!Also some new arrivals, and restocks of BROWN ACID and GEAR FAB titles that were previously sold out. Check 'em out, most at the ...
MID-WEEK BARGAIN TIME!(Post)It’s more of those mid week bargains you love so much, lots of discounts and last copies at near cost, check the list below!And don’t forget that PARKER GRIGGS will be in the house this Thursday to a ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Lots of SAALE items, ONE ONLY, and restocks this time around, plus the NEW SHINDIG! Start shopping kids!Your BOMP/ALIVE team is here working hard for you from the Covid Capitol of the World, thanks f ...
New Stuff and Saale Items(Post)Man, that was quite a Record Store Day! Ryan and me worked our butts off, THANKS for the support, it was pretty great.If you didn't catch it the first time around, we are offering the two record sto ...
ALIVE TOP 5, PLUS RESTOCKS AND SAALE ITEMS(Post)If you haven’t already gotten our TOP FIVE BEST SELLING ALBUMS on Alive, check them out below! GOSPELBEACH, DATURA 4,RADIO MOSCOW, THE BLACK KEYS, AND JAMES LEG are currently topping our mailorder c ...
Discounted Items & More!(Post)GO ON, take a chance on the mystery bundle and get some great tunes!. All fantastic titles that we have extra promo copies of. SKU: 11055 $5Lots of other CHEAPO BUNDLES available too, check it out h ...
MORE INSANE IMPORTS(Post)Got another batch of international freakiness and oddities for you guys, I’ve uncovered a great treasure trove of weirdness, see the details below! Very limited quantities so dig in kids.Thanks and h ...
THE NEXT BIG THING!(Post)Hope you guys are getting ready for a big holiday weekend! We’re taking Monday off but we’ll be here until Thursday for you guys.Our latest releases are getting absolute raves from the press, but of ...
YOW!! Check all this new stuff we got for you guys!(Post)First off, the brand new SHINDIG, I know you want that! Also just in are a bunch of other new items sure to make you smile, and of course, new additions to the blazingly popular $5 and under section.
MORE 60s & 70s imports!(Post)More new arrivals, deals, discounts and restocks, including the repress of the legendary 60s psych comps FADING YELLOW2 and 3, long out of print and now BACK! Lots of fun stuff to dig through.
TONS OF NEW STUFF!(Post)Today we’re launching a new line of T shirts, hoodies, tote bags, mugs, and more. Check out the cool El Perro embroidered tie die shirt and hats, plus new Bomp and Alive shirts in lots of different ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)Hope everybody here in the U.S. had a great holiday weekend. We’re back with more more more for you guys. Lots of adds to your favorite sections:$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLA ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE!(Post)Got some groovy one-only box sets for you guys this week, and a new release from Hypnotic Bridge, the great psych singles label. And a new one from Bomp alumni Josie Cotton too.Also our usual midweek ...
MIDWEEK MADNESS(Post)This week I have a great deal on import cds for you guys, everything under $10! Plus a nice batch of hugely discounted one-only items. Plus a shipment of previously sold out items. Check it all out b ...
STRAIGHT OUTTA BOMP! (Post)This week I’ve raided our walls and our files and put together some nice copies of archival BOMP fliers for you guys! So much great eye candy here at Bomp. Everything from THE RUNAWAYS, DEAD BOYS, PL ...
NEW ON ALIVE!(Post)Two fantastic repressings have just arrived, including GOSPELBEACH Let it Burn featuring NEAL CASAL, now with the missing insert left out of the first pressing! Also just in, Datura4 BLESSED IS THE B ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Alright all you bargain hunters, it’s Wednesday again, time to hunker down and give a close look to our 3 big DISCOUNT sections on the shopping cart.Check out our $5 and under, our $5-$10and our famo ...
SELLING BELOW COST!(Post)We got some real deals for you this week, check out the RESTOCKS AND SAALE items below, and lots more serious deals in the LAST COPY section. Also just in, a restock on those TIMEMAZINE mags you love ...
NEW FLASHBACK and more!(Post)Happy weekend kiddies! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the new shopping cart, many thanks to all of you for the kind e mails.This weekend we have the new FLASHBACK MAGAZINE UK #6 arriving,al ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
Rarities, Saale, Brown Acid and More!(Post)We got some cool stuff just listed, some TEST PRESSING sets from our archives, will all sort of adds, like photos, letters, and press releases. Check it all out below.Also just in, a shipment from ou ...
MIDWEEK MANIA!(Post)Lots of SAALE items this time around, and a batch of last chance “one only" items too, selling at near cost.A few new “one only” T shirts too, straight from the BOMP warehouse. And of course be sure ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS AND MORE(Post)Lots of imports and limited editions arriving this week, and more saale items and restocks too. Don’t forget your Tshirts either, we got tons of great shirts for ALIVE,BOMP,RADIO MOSCOW,LEFTLANE CRUI ...
SAALE & RESTOCKS(Post)Greetings my little darlings! I know we’re a little late with the midweek SAALE but better late than never, right? We’ve been so busy with the latest ALIVE releases that I barely have time to keep u ...
Tuesday Saale(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And even more adds to our fa ...
SAALE STUFF AND MORE!(Post)Got some fun new arrivals, including a reissue of an 80’s powerpop release from a former Bomp alumni!Also another one of those test pressing sets with lots of cool stuff from the Bomp archives, and a ...
NEW STUFF!(Post)Some new arrivals for you this weekend, along with restocks from DIONYSUS and more adds to our famous $5 and $10 sections, thousands of cheapo cds and vinyl records for amazing prices! Also just ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & RESTOCKS!(Post)Lots of great deals for you this week, tons of items now on saale, and some last copies at near cost! Check it all out below, and more ONE ONLY LAST COPIES copies here.ALSO just in, yet another Seeli ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND PREORDER(Post)Got the new Ugly Things in stock for you! There’s a long piece on our own WEIRDOS, their BOMP LP is in stock and listed below.PLUS we’re taking PREORDERS on some GREAT new very limited import comps, ...
Tuesday Saale Day(Post)It’s TUESDAY SAALE DAY, lots of discounted items, click the button below. No code necessary, discount is already on the cart, one each of most so get em while you can get em. Plus a bunch of those $5 ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE(Post)G’day to all of our new AUSSIE customers! We’re hoping you are enjoying the DATURA4 LP, that thing is still flying outta here, and as Badfinger would say, you better hurry cause they’re going fast if ...