823 results for 'Pebbles Box Set'
This time around we have some very interesting new items for you, including 2 ORIGINAL PRESSINGS OF RARE 70’s vinyl! We have both DEERFIELD Nil Desperandum and DEERFIELD LIVE Original copies 1971, T ...
Starburst Black Keys & Pebbles + New Arrivals for the weekend(Post)Hey kiddies! It’s a fantastic weekend, with a TON of new arrivals and a gorgeous new STARBURST VINYL PRESSING of the classic BLACK KEYS first lp. You gotta see this one!The PEBBLES STARBURST 5 LP HAN ...
MORE ARCHIVAL SETS!(Post)More archival sets for you this week. WOW!! The Pebbles set includes THE ORIGINAL FILING, FEB 1978, SIGNED BY GREG SHAW, FOR THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FOR THE BOMP STORE! Also included i ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
LIMITED AUTOGRAPHED SETS!(Post)Some really great items for you guys this week, we have some sets of the BADGE LP with a rare single and autographs. And for you Radio Moscow fans we have a set of the Brain Cycles album autographed ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
AUTOGRAPHED IGGY SET AND MORE!(Post)We got our friend James Williamson to autograph the cover of a two different Iggy sets we put together, one with a rare cassette, and we have another autographed GG Allin set from Merle Allin. On the ...
PANDORAS LTD ED OF 50 SETS!(Post)The long awaited reissue of the legendary Pandoras is finally here, on gorgeous clear purple vinyl! We did 50 hand numbered sets with an amazing cover, and including a poster, an eleven page bio, and ...
Preorders, Vinyl Blowout, Discount Gems, and Exclusive Archival Sets!(Post)All kinds of fun going on this weekend kids! First we have a batch of preorder items from our friends at Jackpot Records, pretty cool stuff. Try to get your orders in this weekend so we can get them ...
New stuff for the weekend!(Post)We've got some nice WAREHOUSE FINDS for you, including some one of a kind T shirts, books and mags, and 7”! Click on the pretty pink box to see the list, and start shopping.Thanks for supporting our ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We got some weird and wacky additions this week, including a batch of T shirts that have been here in the BOMP warehouse for a while but never listed, most given to us by the bands, some cool stuff.A ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Happy New Year to all my little darlings, thanks for all the biz in this crappiest of crappy years! We made it through and everything’s gonna be alright.Lots of crazy new arrivals this week, plus the ...
LAST PRESSINGS AND MORE!(Post)We have the last ever pressing of the famous PEBBLES VOL 1 and 2 in stock! With the original covers. Once we are sold out of these it will be one for the history books.Also just in, a nice restocks a ...
BROWN ACID AND MORE(Post)Yep, it’s Vol 6 of that series you love so much, BROWN ACID, plus restocks on all of the other volumes too, Check it all out here!And if it’s great comp albums you want, check out PEBBLES here, some ...
Lots of new stuff!(Post)Happy New Year and all that! I didn't want you to be bored so I did a little digging in the BOMP WAREHOUSE to find some new goodies for you, and it paid off, I found some really great items for you g ...
HOLIDAY WEEKEND! (Post)It’s a long weekend here in the U.S., so keep calm if you don’t hear from us until Tuesday, ok?Meanwhile, to keep you amused, we have another batch of imports for you, plus restocks from the ever pop ...
NEW STUFF & SAALE!(Post)Lots of bargains and restocks for you guys this week, and a batch of cool CDS too. Check it all out below.And don’t forget the new BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES release… pretty great stuff here! “Their attac ...
NEW SHINGIG AND MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)Got the new Shindig for you guys, along with some of those LAST COPY bargains, things we are selling at cost and wont be getting back.Also available again, the famous PEBBLES vinyl set! Both the 5 LP ...
Saale and Imports(Post)This weekend we have a ton of discounted LABEL titles, MORE of the NEAR-COST ONE ONLY ITEMS, and a bunch of IMPORT RESTOCKS. And if you missed any of our recent updates, the last few are all listed o ...
This weeks new stuff!(Post)OK, I know you guys are all distracted by (1)That crazy UK thing!(YIKES) (2) The soccer game (3) 4th of July, BUT we cant have everyone just sitting around looking pretty here, so I’m gonna tempt you ...
New IMPORTS for the weekend!(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys to check out this weekend. Another big import shipment, and some domestic arrivals as well, including the BROWN ACID series of 60s rarities.SHOP ON…Best,Suzy ShawNEW AR ...
New Arrivals - Warehouse Finds(Post)For all you collectors out there, we have a bonanza of WAREHOUSE FINDS this weekend. We’re going to need more storage space in our warehouse next year, with all the new ALIVE titles coming in, so I’v ...
Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse(Post)Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse. LOTS of SAALE items here, no code required, new prices are on the cart. And some new additions to all your favorite categories, $5 and Under, $5-$10, and ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS(Post)Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you. We’re closed Christmas day and Wednesday, but back at ya Thursday.Lots of archival one only items today, and nice batch of restocks from ARF ARF too.
More great stuff & deep discounts this week!(Post)Man, Ms. Suzy’s been REAL busy, found you guys some really nice stuff for your Wednesday bargains! Get a load of these: First off, I found a small batch of COLORED vinyl PEBBLES volumes 1-5, just two ...
IN OUR WARE HOSUE NOW - INCREDIBLE STARBURST VINYL(Post)IN OUR WAREHOUSE NOW! Wow, we are BLOWN away by these new PEBBLES starburst pressings,by far the most incredible vinyl we’ve ever seen! Available in a BOX set edition of 100 numbered sets,OR individ ...
WAREHOUSE MANIA!(Post)SUBJECT- WAREHOUSE MANIA WAREHOUSE MANIA! Me and Ryan spent the whole day yesterday organizing the warehouse for the upcoming year, and baby,did we find some good stuff for you guys! There’s a lot of ...
SAALE!(Post)It’s our Tuesday discount day, with a bunch of stuff at lower prices, and some back in stock items too. ALSO some additions to the insanely popular $5 and under section. Click on the pretty pink box ...
NEW STUFF THIS WEEKEND(Post)This weekend we got a ton of WAREHOUSE FINDS, NEW ADDITIONS to the $5 and under section, and even a batch of cool one-each T shirts from the depths of the BOMP warehouse, including some previously ow ...
Super discounts! (Post)It’s our midweek update with bargains galore and adds you your favorite cheapo sections!$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLAST COPY- 200 items - Almost gone and at a discount Also ...
BARGAINS GALORE!(Post)Yes it’s the famous mid week update, with lots of deals and adds to our legendary SAALE sections. Be sure to surf thru our $5 and Underand the $5-$10 sectionfor new additions, and of course our ONE O ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)A nice batch of new arrivals and back in stock items just in, click on the pretty pink box to see it all.And check out our $5 and under and $10 and under sections for new additions too.Thanks guys,Su ...
RARITIES AND ONE ONLY!(Post)Today we have an absolute bonanza of 70s and 80s one-only items excavated from the legendary BOMP warehouse. These will never, ever be back, so get them while you can. LOTS more TEST PRESSINGS, magaz ...
BACK WITH MORE DISCOUNTS & DEALS(Post)It’s TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY again, with a batch of lower priced items for you, along with RESTOCKS and ADDS to the $5 and Underand $5 -$10 section. Plus a couple of nice premieres for our very own GOSP ...
Midweek Mania!(Post)More incredible bargains, last copies, and deep discounts this week, click on the pretty pink box for details.And as always, check your favorite sections for adds and deals:$5 and UNDER $5- $10 ONE O ...
THIS WEEK'S NEW STUFF & MORE(Post)We got a bunch of new arrivals for you,including more adds to your favorite $5 and under section and some new releases from our friends at DIONYSUS. Check out their catalogue here: DIONYSUSAlso some ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
NEW AND RESTOCKS!(Post)Just in on Alive, a repressing of the ultimate punk record, GG Allin, on classic black vinyl and a blue ltd edition, with a new cover.You collectors might be entertained to know that GG was very near ...
DISCOUNTS, BARGIANS & MORE ONE ONLY!(Post)It’s Tuesday again, and that means discounts, bargains and lots of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section, near cost on these!In label news, the Bonnevilles new record is nearly finished, you can see th ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have a few MORE Iggy test pressings for you guys! Plus some more cool warehouse finds and new arrivals.RESTOCK in from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label. Everythi ...
New Arrivals this Weekend(Post)It’s the weekend and we have some great new stuff for you, AND some restocks too, check it all out below, click the pink button for the complete list!We’ll be pre-selling the new JACK LEE double LP ...
IMPORTS AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)The monthly imports have arrived, and you know the drill, ltd quantities so get in there, kids! Also the new SHINDIG! Check it all out below.Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Lots more new arrivals, including some new Seelie Court CDs. There are no more vinyl releases for a long time, from most labels, so Seelie Court switched to CD. Smart guys! Don’t be waiting for the L ...
Midweek Bargains!(Post)More of those fabulous discounts for you guys, including huge savings on most of the stuff listed here, AND some last copies that will be going away forever.Check out our BUNDLE AND BOX set section t ...
NERVES and other new stuff(Post)Got some great stuff for you guys this weekend, Just into our warehouse, a new STARBURST VINYL PRESSING of the Nerves classic LP One Way Ticket on ALIVE RECORDS.And check out our other gorgeous STARB ...
10% OFF EVERYTHING STOREWIDE!(Post)Great news kiddos! We've got even more rare Warehouse Finds this weekend, PLUS we’re also having one of our rare SAALES. Don't wait, lot's of one only items.10% off everything, even our already disco ...
NEW ARRIVAL IMPORTS & MORE(Post)Lots of good stuff this weekend, including some ltd ed items and some nice restocks.Also just in, a restock from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s reissues as a price you wont find anywher ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT! (Post)We have a nice batch of import cds and lps arriving for you this weekend, everything from garage to psych to blues.And 2 more archival sets too, including a BATTLE OF THE GARAGES VOL 2 set, with a h ...
It's the Tuesday Update(Post)Yeah, it’s Tuesday again! I’ve been digging thru some boxes of books and mags for you guys, I just HATE things gathering dust in the back of a warehouse when somebody could be enjoying them. Some of ...
NEW STUFF, AUTOGRAHPHED ITEMS AND OVERSTOCKS(Post)It aint easy doing business this week, all of our lazy suppliers are closed for something called “VACATION“ for two weeks, ha ha, but we’ve managed to get some cool merch in for you anyway. Not only ...
Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections(Post)Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections: our legendary WAREHOUSE FINDS, and EVEN MORE STUFF for the $5 and under section!Some new arrivals too, and a nice premiere of our own DM3 in POPM ...
Holiday Schedule(Post)We’ll be closing down until Monday the 28th, but we’ll be here Tuesday shipping like the maniacs we are! Get those orders in tonight or tomorrow morning, ok?Meanwhile, a few new items for you, includ ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Got some new items for you guys, plus a nice batch of cheapo cds from Collectables, lots of cool stuff.And if you’re in the mood for a bargain, check out the DIONYSUS label, lots of $1 items!Happy sh ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have a nice batch of import restocks and NEW items from our Aussie friends at OFF THE HIP. lots of powerpop and garage, check out all of their titles here and see the list of new item ...
LOTS OF SAALE ITEMS & MORE TEST PRESSINGS!(Post)The last of our product is arriving from the now defunct RAINBO RECORDS, home to so many indie labels for 80 years. We’re very sad to see them go, but the good news is that they were storing some ver ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!(Post)Happy holidays to all of you, hope you are all weathering the latest of the endless storms. We’ll be closed our usual hours but here Thursday and back Monday to serve your mailorder needs!We have a b ...
Buffalo Killers 10th Anniversary Sale(Post)Big congrats to our boys the BUFFALO KILLERS, it’s their 10th Anniversary and we’re celebrating with 10% off any BUFFALO KILLERS merch. PLUS we’ll include a BADGE, A POSTER, AND the new CUSTOM ROLLIN ...
CHEAPO CDS AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of $10 cds for you kids, along with some warehouse finds on vinyl, all original pressings from the 60s and 70s! One each on those.Plus we have a couple of new BUNDLES ...
4TH OF JULY WEEKEND(Post)Got a bunch of great import cds in for this weekend, and some more adds to the $5 and under section too.And be sure to use our search feature to find your favorite music, if you want psych, just type ...
LATE WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)My fabulous tech Josh was traveling this weekend and unable to put together our usual scheduled update, and since I have no idea how to put together these Email blasts (I checked, it’s HARD!) we had ...
SAALE STUFF, RESTOCKS, AND NEW!(Post)Got some new items added this week, including more of those ARCHIVAL SETS from the legendary Bomp files. Check it out!And don’t forget to check out our $5 and under and $10 and under sections, thousa ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)Got some cool warehouse finds this time around, including a ONE ONLY Pebbles starburst vinyl box set! Plus a batch of rare Rainbo test pressings for everything from Sun Ra to Mc5 to Iggy! Test pressi ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Lots of exciting WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, everything from the ORIGINAL Bomp promo files for the BOYFRIENDS to some very strange pressings of PEBBLES CDS!Also LOTS of adds to the LAST COPY SECTION, ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Yowza kiddies, check out all the new merch! You want garage? We got it! Stoner psych? Oh yeah. Lo prices? DONE. Big ole import shipments have arrived with exciting new RSD limited editions, box sets, ...
ALMOST CHRISTMAS!(Post)We’ll be working Monday and Tuesday, so still time to get in an order. If you’re looking for something special, check out our AUTOGRAPHED items here!Or just surf our site. We have thousands of books, ...
IMPORTS!(Post)MONSTER import shipment landing Monday. As always with these, very limited quantities, so if you want something get that button clicked FAST. All kinds of great psych and garage and limited editions.
NEW ON ALIVE AND IMPORTS(Post)This weekend we have a DOUBLE dose of new arrivals for you kiddies, not only do we have that MONTHLY IMPORT shipment you love so much, we have the NEW PAUL COLLINS album on ALIVE, including a 4LP “BO ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW! (Post)First off, some deep discounts for you, especially on the one-only items. Clearing out the warehouse to make room for more! Most of these selling at below cost.Also just in, two new psych pop titles ...
MID WEEK NEW ARRIVALS & SAALE!(Post)This time around we got some of the original pressings of the 70s Texas psych band DEERFIELD in stock.Also just listed for PREORDER, the 7” from the 14 item DARK CATALOGUE RAISONNE series. Get your p ...
NEW ARRIVALS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)NEW ARRIVALS Got some exciting new stuff for you guys this week, a big import shipment including some rare 60’s singles repros, the 10 7” BOX SET called BLACK DIAMONDS, a few import zines, and the la ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend, including two VERY LIMITED hand numbered TEST PRESSING "BOX" sets, you won't find these anywhere else. Only a few of these.And we have a new pressing on gorge ...
EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!(Post)Looks like we got a tough couple of months ahead of us kids, but we’ll get thru it. I hope you’re all hanging in there, let’s all stay calm and not buy so much toilet paper, OK?? We can do it!!!Meanw ...
SELLING BELOW COST!(Post)We got some real deals for you this week, check out the RESTOCKS AND SAALE items below, and lots more serious deals in the LAST COPY section. Also just in, a restock on those TIMEMAZINE mags you love ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)At long last, a big shipment from our friends in Holland, lots of new stuff and restocks of previously sold out items! Shop fast, these are limited.LOTS of volumes of FADING YELLOW back in too, check ...
NEW STUFF & NEW SHINDIG NEXT WEEK(Post)WHOA BABY, lots of very interesting new releases for you guys this weekend, plus the new SHINDIG arriving Tuesday! Start shopping! Thanks for all from the gang at BOMP. Best, Suzy Shaw SHINDIG ...
Crazy new arrivals!(Post)Wow, check out the new arrivals this week, we got a bunch of ONE ONLY BOX SETS, a batch of amazing international psych, prog and all sorts of weirdness and obscurities, on both LP and CD. Dig in whil ...
IMPORTS ARE ARRIVING!(Post)The monthly imports are landing Monday, and there are VERY limited quantities on some of the titles this time around, I got totally screwed on how many of each title I got, so I have turned on the IN ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Got a nice import shipment coming this weekend, including new items and restocks of lots of previously sold out stuff. Check it all out below.And if you missed the mid week update, the new SHINDIG ha ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, and there are still some $5 saale issues, check our BOOKS AND MAGS section to see all of our books and mags.And for those of you who preordered DEERFIELD, we’re shipping ...
GROOVY IMPORTS!(Post)A HUGE batch of imports for you this week, my darlings. Tons of NEW items and lots of restocks on previously sold old stuff. Shop fast!And it’s LAST FEW of the new DATURA 4 West Coast Highway Cosmic ...
THE GIRLS OF BOMP!(Post)Last time around we listed a new Pandoras set, and now we have a new autographed Nikki Corvette set! Featuring 7 vintage fliers from Nikki’s personal collection, a glossy photo, and an exclusive cove ...
THE NEXT BIG THING!(Post)Hope you guys are getting ready for a big holiday weekend! We’re taking Monday off but we’ll be here until Thursday for you guys.Our latest releases are getting absolute raves from the press, but of ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SUPER SAALE!(Post)Got a batch of new items for you, a big restock of previously sold out stuff, and a super Saale on selected vinyl titles! C'mon kids, buy some damned vinyl, will ya?? There’s more to life than $10 cd ...
NEW THIS WEEKEND!(Post)Some new titles have arrived, including a shipment of super cool cheapo CDS from our buddies at Distortions. Click on the pretty pink box for details.Back at ya Tuesday with your shipping info, thank ...
NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK(Post)This time around I’ve scored a big batch of CDs from the hard to find CICADELIC label, at amazing prices. All great 60s and 70s psych and garage titles, so dig in! Limited quantities.Also this weeken ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS(Post)It’s that import shipment you love so much, arriving Monday in our warehouse. All sorts of international strangeness and rarities, and VERY limited quantities, some of these area already nearly sold ...
Weekend Update!(Post)HAPPY WEEKEND! We got a couple of nice big shipments in for you, including a cool DEVO LP and CD, some restocks on SHINDIG, and FLASHBACK (the new issue is on the way but won't arrive until next Thur ...
NEW, SAALE, AND MORE!(Post)This week we have some new arrivals, and lots more items on saale. And a few more of those archival sets you love so much, including our new LABEL HEARTBREAKERS set- 5 new sealed albums for just $30.
LAST CHANCES & NEW RATES(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you guys, plus a bunch of restocks and NEW items, including a bundle of the last ever copies of the later volumes of the legendary PEBBLES series. Click on the ...
SAALE ITEMS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Just got some shipments in from our pals at GEAR FAB and GET HIP, great cds for only $10, dig in!Plus more of those 80 collector’s cassettes, and more TEST PRESSINGS.And more LAST COPIES at a great p ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)More new arrivals, including some cool box sets and more imports. Don't forget to dig into the DIONYSUS catalogue, lots of $1 items! Check it all out!Thanks for all!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our ...
New Arrivals(Post)Happy New Year everyone! It’s our first update of the year, and it’s a nice one… more WAREHOUSE FINDS, brand new $5 items galore, and new lo prices on a bunch of stuff! Click the pink button below fo ...
PREORDER & MORE(Post)This weekend we have a PREORDER section for a batch of incoming vinyl titles, get your orders in by Monday and we’ll ship to you the following Monday! Check it out below.Big restock on the BROWN ACID ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)As always, some great bargains, and some more additions to the famous “$5 And Under Section”.Featured items this week are the BOMP books, the gorgeous hardcover is at the bargain price of $14 and I’l ...
GIGANTIC BATCH OF TUNES(Post)Got a gigantic batch of tunes for you this Tuesday, including some new arrivals and restocks from the great AUSSIE label OFF THE HIP, check the full list of just in items below.Also a bunch of adds t ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)Some new arrivals AND some nice discounts for you guys! And for some real deals, check out the Dionysus releases, lots of items at $5 and under, all great garage, punk, psych, powerpop and more.Thank ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some cool stuff for the midweek update, including more CASSETTES from Greg Shaw’s collection, a batch of WAREHOUSE FINDS from the 70s and 80s, and a brand new title from the 60s and 70s rei ...
History(Page)Bomp! Records is an American indie label, featuring punk, pop, powerpop, garage rock, new wave, old school rock, neo-psychedelia and much more. Since 1974 Bomp! has included such artists as The ...