We’re back from a long, even lazier than usual weekend and we got some tasty stuff for you guys!The new Shindig is here, with a nice cover story on Blondie!Plus 2 new vinyl titles, ltd editions on co ...
HAPPY WEEKEND(Post)NEW ARRIVALS and RESTOCKS are here for the weekend. AND SHINDIG is back, we have their new issue available for you below, along with some other goodies that you’ll like.Thanks for supporting our ...
Discounts and Saale Items(Post)Got some great deals for you kids today! Deep discounts on many of the items listed on the site, click the button below, including some warehouse finds and $5 items. And no need for a CODE, the saale ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of cool new tunes for you this weekend, not the least of which is the new BEECHWOOD record on ALIVE.BEECHWOOD SONGS FROM THE LAND OF NOD - DELUXE BUNDLE WITH LP, CD, INSERT & EXCLUSIVE POSTER, S ...
PREORDER ITEMS AND NEW STUFF!(Post)This week we have a huge batch of preorder vinyl, SHIPPING FEB 26TH, LAST DAY TO ORDER FEB 19. Lots of great 60s and 70s psych reissues. Be sure to get your orders in this weekend!Also just added, mo ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Some really cool items arriving Monday!!! Super ltd as always with the imports, we have them on inventory so if you are able to put it in your cart, we got it!And lots of restocks of items that were ...
OFF THE HIP AND MORE FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Happy weekend my little cupcakes,we’ve got a TON of fantastic titles in for you, including a big shipment from our friends at OFF THE HIP in Australia. PLUS a tasty batch of discount VINYL too.As alw ...
NEW ON ALIVE!(Post)Two fantastic repressings have just arrived, including GOSPELBEACH Let it Burn featuring NEAL CASAL, now with the missing insert left out of the first pressing! Also just in, Datura4 BLESSED IS THE B ...
CHEAPO CDS AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of $10 cds for you kids, along with some warehouse finds on vinyl, all original pressings from the 60s and 70s! One each on those.Plus we have a couple of new BUNDLES ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Yep, even MORE new imports, and more restocks too. Super limited, get in there fast.Also arriving, restocks from the perennial favorite for 60’s and 70’s reissues at a $10 price point, GEAR FAB. Chec ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Some new cheapo cds this weekend, along with some high end vinyl restocks. We got it all!And if you’re looking for more $10 cds, check out the GET HIP catalogue here, most under $10!And for you REAL ...
MORE FREAKY IMPORTS!(Post)They just keep coming! Psych,fuzz,prog and hard rock from all over the world, just click on the pretty pink box to see the list. VERY limited quantities, order first, eat later!Thanks for all!Suzy S ...
CLAW MACHINE WIZARD + MORE GREAT ALIVE RELEASES(Post)Big thanks to all of you for making our new LEFT LANE CRUISER record a huge success, it's flying off the shelves! Get the HAND MIXED STARBURST VINYL before it sells out, dont come crying to me if you ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)The new Shindig is here, with a great cover article on the Standells. Also more new arrivals and restocks, check it all out here!Thanks,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU ...
New Shindig and More(Post)It’s mid week yet again, my little darlings, and not only do we have the new SHINDIG, we have some NEW ITEMS and more adds to the much beloved ONE ONLY section. These are items we are selling at near ...
Weekend Update(Post)Lots of new goodies for you this weekend, and a shipment of restocks too, just check our NEW section or click on the pretty pink box for the list. And of course some adds to the wildly popular $5 and ...
DISCOUNTS AND BACK IN STOCK(Post)Got another big old list of stuff that's been discounted or back in stock...In other news, LEFT LANE CRUISER “The Pusher” made the CLASSIC ROCK’S ‘Tracks Of The Week’ listSULFUR CITY appears on the ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)New Ugly Things has just arrived, and lots of back issues still in stock, check all of our books and mags!And more more more of the archival sets, they sell out as fast as I make them. All with uniqu ...
PREORDERS AND NEW BOX SETS!(Post)This time around we have some very interesting new items for you, including 2 ORIGINAL PRESSINGS OF RARE 70’s vinyl! We have both DEERFIELD Nil Desperandum and DEERFIELD LIVE Original copies 1971, T ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE - GET A FREE CD!(Post)It’s our mid week update, kiddies, with lots of fun stuff for you guys, even a FREE CD you can get with any order. We also have a big shipment of international oddities from the 60s and 70s, plus a r ...
Weekend Update: Warehouse finds & New Stuff(Post)It’s the weekend, and you’ll be thrilled to hear that I’ve got off my butt and dug into the warehouse for some more of those fabulous warehouse finds you guys love so much, many of them here in our w ...
TUESDAY DEALS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)It’s Tuesday DEAL DAY again, and your mailorder goddess has been busy wheeling and dealing, getting you guys some fantastic bargains on all kinds of goodies!First up, because we want you to sample so ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS & MORE(Post)I’ve been digging out some boxes from the rafters for you guys, some juicy finds from long ago and far away. One each, of course! Also we have some new stuff on CRYPT just into the warehouse, an ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend, including two VERY LIMITED hand numbered TEST PRESSING "BOX" sets, you won't find these anywhere else. Only a few of these.And we have a new pressing on gorge ...
RARITIES FROM OUR ARCHIVES AND MORE!(Post)More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
IMPORTS AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a nice selection of restocks from all over the world! Lots of imports and some cheapo cds for you, plus a few rare box sets from our personal collection!And check out the fab 5 C ...
LEFT LANE CRUISER AUTOGRAPHED DIRTY SPLIFF BLUES PREORDER(Post)LTD edition of 50 AUTOGRAPHED Dirty Spliff Blues on STARBURST vinyl plus CD, poster & T shirt. We’ll be offering the LP and CD on their own next week, but you can PREORDER the autographed bundle this ...
NEW STUFF AND BARGAINS GALORE(Post)The holidays are approaching but there’s still time to get in on 10% off sale for all orders over $100! You can even get the discount on the legendary “$5 and under “ items!Consider some of our AUTOG ...
NEW AND RESTOCKS!(Post)Just in on Alive, a repressing of the ultimate punk record, GG Allin, on classic black vinyl and a blue ltd edition, with a new cover.You collectors might be entertained to know that GG was very near ...
Starburst Black Keys & Pebbles + New Arrivals for the weekend(Post)Hey kiddies! It’s a fantastic weekend, with a TON of new arrivals and a gorgeous new STARBURST VINYL PRESSING of the classic BLACK KEYS first lp. You gotta see this one!The PEBBLES STARBURST 5 LP HAN ...
AMAZING NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Check this out kids, some very interesting stuff this time around. Straight from the BOMP archives, we found some ORIGINAL MOCK UPS for the DEAD BOYS “Night of the Living Dead Boys” album cover, and ...
NEW SHINDIG #65 AND MORE(Post)Greetings everyone! We’re finally back in action with the new SHINDIG and lots more new arrivals. Seems like everyone on the planet (including us) had the flu and our shipments were slowed down consi ...
WEDNESDAY UPDATE(Post)In addition to the usual adds, sale items and restocks we have a few fabulous warehouse finds for you, including rare test pressings and some crazy weird box sets.Also listed are some AUTOGRAPHED cop ...
BARGAINS!(Post)Yes it’s Tuesday again, and that means BARGAINS for you guys. Lots of adds to the legendary $5 and under section, and the ONE ONLY section (last copy of items we wont be restocking).Plus a batch of n ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the new Shindig and lots of other new arrivals too, including some one-only rare cds going for big bucks elsewhere. And check our huge $15 and under section for the latest adds.A ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
MORE IMPORTS + ALIVE DISCOUNTS, BUNDLES, AND THINGS YOU NEED!(Post)LOTS OF GOODIES FOR YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND! Not only did we get a huge batch of IMPORTS, but we have some discounts on label titles. Just look at all the amazing stuff we’ve released, an incredible ro ...
Happy New Year!(Post)While everyone else has been loafing around, Ms Suzy has been cleaning the warehouse and coming up with some new items for you guys! (Don't feel too bad, that's what I like to do on holidays)First of ...
MID-WEEK DISCOUNTS(Post)More of those mid week discounts and a batch of selling at near cost LAST COPIES for you guys, along with a nice restock from our groovy friends at Hypnotic Bridge, everybody’s favorite psych singles ...
NEW UGLY THINGS!(Post)We just got in the new UGLY THINGS for you guys, plus a shipment of strange and rare Mexican CDs. Only one or two each of these, then they are gone forever!Also just in, a shipment from our friends a ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE GROOVY IMPORTS!(Post)Put on those go-go boots and get out the hookah! Lots of import insanity from all over the planet, plus a batch of cheapo cds straight from the BOMP/ALIVE archives, one each only!Happy weekend! Suzy ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS(Post)It’s been a semi-hilarious week at BOMP mailorder. Last week instead of our big order of CDs we were waiting for we got a box containing pillowcases and dishcloths! You can’t imagine the fun we had w ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES(Post)We put together a few more of those box sets you guys are loving, all with absolutely unique items from the Bomp files, you wont find anything like this anywhere else. All of our archives are promise ...
Weekend Discounts!(Post)Great one time deals from our friends at GET HIP, super low prices on some nice garage psych releases! And check out the latest deals from our friends at OFF THE HIP, really low prices on their whole ...
BIG LABOR DAY SAALE(Post)UPDATED 8/30 → CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PICTURE VERSIONNO CODE REQUIRED! Lots of adds to our $15 and under section, with new low prices! Check it all out here!And some new items too! See all of our new ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Got an interesting assortment for you guys today, some more of my “cleaning out the warehouse”items, including some one-only T shirts and a bunch of one each slightly damaged mags for a good price, I ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
IMPORTS ARRIVING MONDAY!(Post)Yes it’s that monthly import shipment you love so much, limited quantities so get it while you can get it, some great items arriving!Plus a bunch of adds to your very favorite section, $5 and under, ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)It’s that fantastic monthly import shipment you love so much. Lots of new arrivalsand some items that were previously sold out and in demand are BACK! As always, limited quantities, so shop FAST.Than ...
NEW FLASHBACK & RARE CDS(Post)The new FLASHACK is finally here! Back issues available too.ALSO just in, more of those super-rare MEXICAN MINI LP COVER CDS only a couple of each and they’re gone forever.And for you AUTOGRAPH hound ...
SAALE AND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)JUST IN from our friends at HEAVY MEDICATION in Poland, a nice batch of CDS and LPS that I think you guys will like, styles are influenced by the NY Dolls, MC5, Scientists, ands Fuzztones. Also ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new issue has just arrived! Plus lots of restocks, discounts and archival cds. And be sure to check your favorite sections for more, more more additions.* ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at co ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND PREORDER(Post)Got the new Ugly Things in stock for you! There’s a long piece on our own WEIRDOS, their BOMP LP is in stock and listed below.PLUS we’re taking PREORDERS on some GREAT new very limited import comps, ...
IMPORTS!(Post)MONSTER import shipment landing Monday. As always with these, very limited quantities, so if you want something get that button clicked FAST. All kinds of great psych and garage and limited editions.
NEW ARRIVALS and SUPERSAALE! (Post)Yes it’s another mid week festival of BIG discounts, new arrivals, and excellent deals on LAST COPIES. Plus another batch of 5 vintage cassettes from Greg Shaw, a test pressing or two, and new CD and ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Yes kiddies, the new Ugly Things is in the house! Plus a nice restock of some awesome vinyl titles at great prices.And if it’s great prices you want, check out our LAST COPIES section, selling at nea ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of $10 cds for you guys, and some LAST COPIES “selling at cost” vinyl too.And some more archival sets, compiled with items from the legendary Bomp files going back to ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND FUN STUFF!(Post)Some interesting new items from the depths of the BOMP warehouse this week, and lots of discounts and SAALE items too. Adds to our cheapo sections too, $5 and under, $10 and under, and ONE ONLY!Check ...
MID-WEEK SAALE!(Post)It's that Midweek Saale update you love so much, with lots of discounts, last copies, and even some new stuff. And a bunch of books and mags at great prices too, nice reading material to pass the tim ...
CD Sale & New Arrivals(Post)ONE MORE SAALE for you guys! This time it's the CD SECTION. (This sale will apply only to CDS, NOT COMP CDS!) 10% off any cds until Sunday night. You can of course combine with other items, the disco ...
Wednesday Update(Post)It’s Tuesday again and you know what that means! Ms Suzy has been tweaking some more prices for you guys, and of course the traditional adds to the $5 and under section.Also just in, a shipment from ...
Weekend Update: NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE(Post)This weekend we have more, more, more of those $5 and under items, plus some exciting new psych releases. And for those of you who missed Radio Moscow autograph day, we had Parker sign extra copies o ...
NEW FLASHBACK and more!(Post)Happy weekend kiddies! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the new shopping cart, many thanks to all of you for the kind e mails.This weekend we have the new FLASHBACK MAGAZINE UK #6 arriving,al ...
NEW ON ALIVE & SHINDIG #49 (Post)Just in to our warehouse today, the amazing JAMES LEG of the Black Diamond Heavies with his second LP.BOMP MAILORDER has the worldwide exclusive on the CLEAR vinyl, a limited edition of 150. ALIVE fi ...
NEW SHINDIG AND & MORE FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Just got the new SHINDIG in for you little darlings this weekend, plus the new Ugly Things if you didn’t get that one yet. ALSO just in, a repressing of the original IGGY – SICK OF YOU 45 on Bomp! Ou ...
NEW SHINDIG, MORE PSYCH IMPORTS(Post)Great stuff this weekend kiddies, we have the new SHINDIG for you, and another shipment of those wild 60s and 70s South American cdsyou’re gobbling up as fast I can get them! Everything from Brazilia ...
Tuesday Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And I’ve also added even M ...
MID WEEK MADNESS!(Post)More more more crazy low prices, perfect time to fill in those collections!Some wacky new arrivals too, lots of one only singles from the depths of the BOMP warehouse, along with another batch of tho ...
END OF AN ERA!(Post)We’re very sad to report that the original BOMP pressing plant, the legendary Rainbo Records, is closing suddenly next month after 80 years in business. BOMP has been there from the beginning and of ...
Holiday Schedule(Post)We’ll be closing down until Monday the 28th, but we’ll be here Tuesday shipping like the maniacs we are! Get those orders in tonight or tomorrow morning, ok?Meanwhile, a few new items for you, includ ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, thanks to all of you for making the new GOSPELBEACHa big success. All formats now available, including a 6 album “BOX” set with autograph and exclusive cover art and poster. GREAT deal.Che ...
HOLIDAY WEEKEND! (Post)It’s a long weekend here in the U.S., so keep calm if you don’t hear from us until Tuesday, ok?Meanwhile, to keep you amused, we have another batch of imports for you, plus restocks from the ever pop ...
NEW IMPORTS AND MORE(Post)Another batch of goodies just in, including cheapo cds and more! And check our $5 and under section and $10 and under section if it’s cheap you want, tons of good stuff.Thanks,Suzy ShawDROP THESE SKU ...
CRATEDIGGERS PARADISE!(Post)For our midweek update this time around we have some nice surprises for you guys, including an autographed MC5 album AND the 2nd TEST PRESSING for the IGGY I’m Sick of you 7”, with the cover autograp ...
NEW BROWN ACID & MORE!(Post)Brown acid VOL 16 is here at long last, the great series dedicated to long-lost vintage '60s-'70s proto-metal and stoner rock, on cd and color vinyl lp! All volumes now in stock, collect them all, an ...
SAALE AND ONE ONLY!(Post)Lots of saale items and last copies for you guys, and if you want more bargains check out our $5 and under and $10 and under section! Thousands of items at rock bottom prices. Thanks for everyth ...
Tons of new stuff this weekend!(Post)First off we have TWO new GOSPELBEACH shirts for you, one grey marble and one orange. These are the deluxe light fabric variety, you will love them!PLUS we’re offering two new HATS, one for ALIVE REC ...
RARITIES AND ONE ONLY!(Post)Today we have an absolute bonanza of 70s and 80s one-only items excavated from the legendary BOMP warehouse. These will never, ever be back, so get them while you can. LOTS more TEST PRESSINGS, magaz ...
New IMPORTS for the weekend!(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys to check out this weekend. Another big import shipment, and some domestic arrivals as well, including the BROWN ACID series of 60s rarities.SHOP ON…Best,Suzy ShawNEW AR ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got a nice batch of cheapo 60s and 70s reissue cds just in, and lots more adds to our last copies SAALE section, some at cost or below.And a fantastic new archival set with lots and lots of extras fr ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Lots of new arrivals for you guys, including some cheapo 7” and some rare back issues of UGLY THINGS, formerly stashed in the Bomp warehouse and now available for sale!And of course the usual adds to ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy warehouse finds you love so much, including some zines from the 70s and 80s and some one of a kind vinyl. They go fast!Also that PAUL COLLINS book is back in stock, it so ...
NEW ARRIVALS & CHEAPO CDS!(Post)Huge shipment this weekend, lots of previously sold out items back in stock, most under $10! And a batch of new stuff too. Check all of our $15 and under bargains here, thousands of items available.C ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This time around we got more of those wacky one-only zines that missed the boat when the entire Bomp collection was donated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, these were all Greg’s and date from the ...
SAALE STUFF AND MORE!(Post)Got some fun new arrivals, including a reissue of an 80’s powerpop release from a former Bomp alumni!Also another one of those test pressing sets with lots of cool stuff from the Bomp archives, and a ...
UP TO 50% OFF!(Post)Crazy low prices, this week! I’m in a cleaning mood, making room for lots of new arrivals and getting rid of last copies and slow movers here, all great stuff. TONS of great bargains for you guys her ...
MIDWEEK SAALE & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s that MIDWEEK SAALE you love so much, no code required, new prices are built into the cart.In addition to those items, I decided to go ahead and list some WAREHOUSE FINDS items that were nearly o ...
Happy Weekend New Arrivals(Post)Happy Weekend!In label news,the ALIVE 20th Anniversary album is nearing completion (see the amazing BILL STOUT cover on the main ALIVE site) ANDY GABBARDS’S new LP is in the pipeline (see the video o ...
Weekend and new on ALIVE!(Post)Just in, the new BEECHWOOD album on Alive on clear red vinyl, the insert version is a BOMP MAILORDER exclusive, only 100 made. Give the guys some love and get your copy today!!"Whenever I listen to B ...
Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse(Post)Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse. LOTS of SAALE items here, no code required, new prices are on the cart. And some new additions to all your favorite categories, $5 and Under, $5-$10, and ...
Weekend Update!(Post)HAPPY WEEKEND! We got a couple of nice big shipments in for you, including a cool DEVO LP and CD, some restocks on SHINDIG, and FLASHBACK (the new issue is on the way but won't arrive until next Thur ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)It’s our famous mid week update! This time we have some warehouse finds along with a big batch of RESTOCKS - things previously sold out but back by popular demand.AND the new SHINDIG. NOTE! - We got ...
Bargains, Saale and new arrivals!(Post)Nice big batch of stuff from our friends at NDN records, everything from the Barracudas to Sonny Vincent, including 7”, LP and cds. Also more more more from GEAR FAB, the eternal fave for 60s and 70s ...
MID-WEEK SAALE(Post)It’s the TUESDAY, well we're a little late so let's say... MID-WEEK SAALE, dig in fast, these are one each mostly. No need for a CODE, this saale is built into the cart, just click the big pink butto ...
More LTD Imports(Post)Another batch of interesting stuff for you guys, same as last week in terms of LTD quantities, shop fast and hard!Thanks for all guys,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW 24671 ...
Imports and warehouse finds!(Post)All kinds of weird stuff this time around! Some rare singles from the BOMP archives, another batch of cassettes, and MORE imports. Ltd quantities so get in there kiddies! Thanks, Suzy ShawDrop t ...