558 results for 'file yellow'
Check it out, they released a new volume of everybody’s fave 60s psych pop cd, FADING YELLOW #19! This is by far the best selling item we have ever carried on Bomp mailorder, we ordered tons but they ...
NEW FADING YELLOW & MORE!(Post)Huge import shipment arriving Monday, limited quantities of these so order FAST!The new FADING YELLOW #16is here, along with lots of cool garage, psych, 60’s and 70’s reissues, and more more more. Lo ...
NEW FADING YELLOW AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have one of those IMPORT SHIPMENTS you love so much, including the long awaiting FADING YELLOW 18!! Ltd quantities so shop fast!Thanks for all,SuzyDrop these skus into our search to s ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT IS HERE!(Post)Get those credit cards out kids, it's a big batch of those IMPORTS coming your way! There’s a lot of new titles, and restocks on formerly unavailable items.ALSO lots of adds to your favorite section ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)Big import shipment arriving this weekend, limited quantities so get in there!Also some restocks from the garage psych label Dionysus, check it out here, most under $10!And, check out our new BOMP! l ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND DISCOUNTS(Post)Another Wednesday with more bargains and discounts!Check the usual sections for the latest adds, some real deals in our $5 and Under, $5-$10 and ONE ONLY section, for items that we wont be restocking ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)At long last, a big shipment from our friends in Holland, lots of new stuff and restocks of previously sold out items! Shop fast, these are limited.LOTS of volumes of FADING YELLOW back in too, check ...
Massive Import Shipment!(Post)We’ve never had this many new titles at once, it’s a tidal wave of new items for you guys, including a lot of $5 and under adds. Very limited quantities, first come, first serve.The FADING YELLOW fol ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS(Post)Same as last time kids, I‘m getting kinda screwed on quantity, but I got the titles on inventory so if it’s showing as still available, it’s all yours.Check out the ltd ed CD versions of some of the ...
WEEKEND GOODIES!(Post)This weekend we have some amazing items for you, the most incredible being the very historical CAVERN CLUB folder from the BOMP FILES! Even I was surprised at the items I found there, everything from ...
Monthly import shipment(Post)It's here! Limited quantities on these new arrivals, lots of nice psych stuff and rare items.ALSO restocks on our T shirts, get the 5 shirt Radio Moscow bundle, or maybe an ALIVE or BOMP shirt. Tons ...
Preorders, Vinyl Blowout, Discount Gems, and Exclusive Archival Sets!(Post)All kinds of fun going on this weekend kids! First we have a batch of preorder items from our friends at Jackpot Records, pretty cool stuff. Try to get your orders in this weekend so we can get them ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT AND MORE!(Post)A big batch of new arrivals for you, along with more SELLING AT COST items, and two new archival sets, one from IGGY POP and one from the DEAD BOYS. Lots of original items and glossy photos from the ...
FROM THE ARCHIVES - ONE OF A KIND!(Post)This weekend we’ve dug deep into the BOMP archives to find you guys some one of a kind items, the original files and PRESS KITS that have been here in the BOMP offices since the 70s and 80s! Contents ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Just in to the fabulous BOMP/ALIVE warehouse, a whole ton of great import releases! Lots of amazing psych, limited editions, garage fuzz, and of course, let's not forget a lot of adds to the $5 and ...
DM3 HAS ARRIVED(Post)Coming Monday to the BOMP WAREHOUSE, we're getting them weeks before the technical release date due to our exclusive dealwith ALIVE RECORDS! ( Being married to the owner has it's perks!) Get the bund ...
MID WEEK DEALS!(Post)As always, got some bargains and restocks for you, and a nice shipment just in from our friends at the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Most at the $10 price point you love so much.And it’s cheap ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Lots of exciting WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, everything from the ORIGINAL Bomp promo files for the BOYFRIENDS to some very strange pressings of PEBBLES CDS!Also LOTS of adds to the LAST COPY SECTION, ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Great news kiddies, we got a nice import shipment at long last, lots of goodies including a new CRAMPS album, plus lots of restocks on previously sold out items. Check it all out here. Thanks fo ...
SAALE STUFF AND MORE!(Post)Got some fun new arrivals, including a reissue of an 80’s powerpop release from a former Bomp alumni!Also another one of those test pressing sets with lots of cool stuff from the Bomp archives, and a ...
GIGANTO IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)This is a big one! We have a huge batch of INTERNATIONAL titles arriving Monday in limited quantities, lots of really cool stuff ranging from cds to vinyl to rare psych reissues, some picture disc pr ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT! (Post)We have a nice batch of import cds and lps arriving for you this weekend, everything from garage to psych to blues.And 2 more archival sets too, including a BATTLE OF THE GARAGES VOL 2 set, with a h ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)In spite of Covid and Brexit, we got some new stuff for you guys! AND a big restock on GEAR FAB, check all of their titles, great reissues of 60s and 70s psych and garage bands.All volumes of BROWN A ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of new goodies for you, including more of your favorite “cheapo cds” and lots more.And we have some new titles from our friends at the Dionysus label, including som ...
NEW SHINDIG PLUS SAALE & LAST COPIES!(Post)Lots of goodies for you guys this week! First off we have the new issue of Shindig with a fabulous Little Richard cover. Also just added, some more archival sets, including an autographed Nikki Corve ...
MORE ARCHIVAL FINDS!(Post)We’re continuing to sell off the legendary Bomp archives, making room for a massive transfer of jackets from our now defunct pressing plant, the equally legendary RAINBO RECORDS. Check out this week’ ...
$10 CD BLOWOUT AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of 60s and 70s reissue cds for you guys, I managed to get a great deal on some really quality titles. Also just in, a new one on GEAR FAB, check their entire catalogu ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Finally got a new issue of Shindig with Jeff Beck (You may have noticed the last one went missing, lost in shipping, sorry about that!)In addition we have two more archival sets for you, both with co ...
More $5 items!(Post)I’m gonna do you a deal! Lots of adds to your favorite cheapo section, $5 AND UNDER. Over 500 items to browse thru, and if you’re feeling like a big spender, there are over 700 items in the $5-$10 se ...
SHINDG AND MORE(Post)LOTS of new titles here for you, including the new SHINDIG!I’m wheeling and dealing to get you guys some AMAZING deals on import LPs and cds, check the list for the latest arrivals. More in the GEAR ...
DISCOUNT TUESDAY(Post)It’s DISCOUNT TUESDAY AGAIN kids, and I’m in a “cleaning the warehouse” mood. I gotta make room for new product, so I’m blowing some stuff out at cost. Below is a list of titles that we have ONE EACH ...
MORE 60s & 70s imports!(Post)More new arrivals, deals, discounts and restocks, including the repress of the legendary 60s psych comps FADING YELLOW2 and 3, long out of print and now BACK! Lots of fun stuff to dig through.
MORE GREAT IMPORTS(Post)MORE great IMPORTS for you guys this week, both NEW arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items. Plus, I’m continuing “LAST COPIES” project, taking inventory of those titles that are about to ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)More imports this weekend, including lots of new items and restocks of items previously sold out. Dig in while you can!Happy Weekend!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SK ...
RARITIES FROM OUR ARCHIVES AND MORE!(Post)More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
NEW STUFF THIS WEEKEND(Post)This weekend we got a ton of WAREHOUSE FINDS, NEW ADDITIONS to the $5 and under section, and even a batch of cool one-each T shirts from the depths of the BOMP warehouse, including some previously ow ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND TO ALL OF OUR U.S. FRIENDS, it’ a nice long weekend for us here, so we plan to be extra lazy!Meanwhile, we got the new Shindig for you, along with a nice restock of some groovy ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE(Post)G’day to all of our new AUSSIE customers! We’re hoping you are enjoying the DATURA4 LP, that thing is still flying outta here, and as Badfinger would say, you better hurry cause they’re going fast if ...
MORE IMPORTS and CHEAPO STUFF!(Post)We know what you like, and we got a bunch of it. Giant import shipment arrives Monday with a ton of those bargain CDs you love so much, some great psych LPs, and all kinds of cool stuff plus restocks ...
STRAIGHT OUTTA BOMP! (Post)This week I’ve raided our walls and our files and put together some nice copies of archival BOMP fliers for you guys! So much great eye candy here at Bomp. Everything from THE RUNAWAYS, DEAD BOYS, PL ...
MIDWEEK MANIA(Post)We're clearing out the warehouse to make room for the fall arrivals, so get busy and stock up. It’s more more more discounts, SAALE items, and LAST COPIES, selling at cost.★ ONE ONLY - last copy and ...
IMPORT ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of vinyl and cds back in stock this week!And more of those archival sets you guys are buying as fast as I can make them! All packed in heavy poly sleeves with unique covers, and including items ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into the Bomp archives and finding all kinds of cool stuff for you guys, check out the latest here, and check all of our warehouse finds here.Also lots of imports and saale items, if yo ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Some really nice items this week! We have a few more archival sets for you, including an autographed MC5, an autographed set from our very own Josie Cotton, of Johnny Are You Queer fame, and a nice T ...
SAALE STUFF, RESTOCKS, AND NEW!(Post)Got some new items added this week, including more of those ARCHIVAL SETS from the legendary Bomp files. Check it out!And don’t forget to check out our $5 and under and $10 and under sections, thousa ...
Rarities, Saale, Brown Acid and More!(Post)We got some cool stuff just listed, some TEST PRESSING sets from our archives, will all sort of adds, like photos, letters, and press releases. Check it all out below.Also just in, a shipment from ou ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy popular imports, both new arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items.Also listed, SAALE items and one only. Check it out below.And a BIG reminder that many CDs wo ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS & MORE(Post)The monthly import shipment is in, at great prices! Check the list below for some real bargains.ALSO, we got a nice 10% off SAALE on T shirts this weekend, you can support your favorite band and get ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This week we’ve got a nice batch of import restocks, and big shipment of BROWN ACID cds, all at that $10 price you love so much! Great 70s prog and psych comps. LPs also in stock.Also a ONE ONLY arch ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have some nice stuff for you guys. The new Shindig has arrived, along with more of those imports you love so much. Ltd copies, so shop fast.Also just in, some obscure cheapo rock and ...
NEW SHINDIG & UGLY THINGS!(Post)This weekend we have both the new SHINDIG and the new UGLY THINGS. Plus an amazing find, vintage T shirts once worn by the late great Greg Shaw, see below for details.Also a nice shipment from our fr ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT! (Post)Yes kiddies, it’s that monthly (or so) import shipment you love so much! Limited quanties on these titles.You know what to do! In our continuing saga of E mail and computer issues, we are being bla ...
IMPORTS HAVE ARRIVED(Post)This weekend we have the monthly imports arriving, including lots of new stuff AND restocks of previously sold out titles. Also just in, restocks and a NEW title from everybody’s fave L.A. psych 7” l ...
Big Import Shipment(Post)Lots of new arrivals this weekend, plus a batch of restocks of items that were previously sold out.And hear the new GOSPELBEACH ALBUM and lots more! Check out and stream our Alive Playlist on Spotify ...
NEW STUFF, AUTOGRAHPHED ITEMS AND OVERSTOCKS(Post)It aint easy doing business this week, all of our lazy suppliers are closed for something called “VACATION“ for two weeks, ha ha, but we’ve managed to get some cool merch in for you anyway. Not only ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS!(Post)THE NEW FADING YELLOW HAS ARRIVED! Along with a big batch of those wild and wacky imports you love so much, lots of new arrivals along with restocks of previously out of stock items. Very limited qua ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some really great new items for you guys this week, including the first in our new line of shirts, coffee cups, hats, jackets, tote bags, and more! First up are two shirts for our friend th ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE(Post)It’s late August in the record biz, nearly time for the big September rush. We’ll be announcing the new PAUL COLLINS record on ALIVE on Labor Day weekend, so get ready! Culled from Paul Collins’ pers ...
NEW SHINDIG AND IMPORTS!(Post)It ain't easy getting product nowadays kiddies, but here ya go, nice batch of new import arrivals for you AND the new Shindig, finally. (They forgot to send it!)Happy shopping!Suzy ShawDrop these sku ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS(Post)This weekend it’s that big monthly IMPORT shipment you love so much, with lots of new titles, and a bunch of previously sold out items back in stock. We have the new RADIO MOSCOW ALBUM in stock too, ...
NEW, DISCOUNTS & LAST COPIES(Post)A bunch of cool stuff I dug out of the warehouse for you, plus a ton of adds to the famous $5 and under section! I’ve also gone thru some items that are LAST COPIES, click the pink button below. Sure ...
SELLING AT COST!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of items we are clearing out to make room for more! Great stuff at a great price.Also just in, more of those archival sets, with lots of rare goodies from the Bomp ...
BLACK FRIDAY IS NOW(Post)We’re having an early Black Friday saale for you guys, along with some fabulous gift ideas for you rabid collectors! 10% off anything your little heart desires! SAALE runs thru Saturday night.We’ve g ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES(Post)We put together a few more of those box sets you guys are loving, all with absolutely unique items from the Bomp files, you wont find anything like this anywhere else. All of our archives are promise ...
NEW SHINDIG AND NEW BARGAINS!(Post)Look at all this nice stuff I got for you guys today! Not only the new SHINDIG but lots of those cheapo CDS that you love so much. And of course, as for all eternity, adds to the $5 and under section ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & NEW STUFF!(Post)Got some more of those archival cds for you guys this week, and another one of our original pressing sets with all kind of goodies from the legendary Bomp files. And a restock of a sold out Shindig m ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)IT’S ANOTHER NEW SHINDIG for you guys, along with lots of other goodies. We have a lot of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section for you, these are items that we’re selling at near cost to clear off our ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)More new arrivals, including some cool box sets and more imports. Don't forget to dig into the DIONYSUS catalogue, lots of $1 items! Check it all out!Thanks for all!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We’re back this week with a bunch of cool stuff for you. Ryan was on vacation so we didn't send out an update last weekend, double fun this week!First off there is the new SHINDIG, this time with Ski ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipments in from Lion Records and our friends at GEAR FAB, CHECK THEIR CATALOGUE HERE! Lots of those $10 inflation beater items you love so much.PLUS more of those BENT CORNER BARGAINS! Half pri ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have part 2 of the IMPORTS, both new titles and restocks, plus the new Shindig! And check out the groovy reissues of the legendary SEEDS on 7”.Thanks for everything guys, love ya!Suzy ...
Giant Import shipment Pt 2!(Post)This weekend we have the second batch of imports for you, all kinds of groovy items from all over the world.And don't forget the new SHINDIG is in stockwith a fantastic cover story on BRIAN JONES.And ...
Mid week bargains and new stuff!(Post)More adds to our SAALE section, check it out here, and some new items too.3 more archival sets are available, including a Plimsouls set with a repro poster of the legendary Bomp magazine power pop co ...
MORE ARCHIVAL SETS!(Post)More archival sets for you this week. WOW!! The Pebbles set includes THE ORIGINAL FILING, FEB 1978, SIGNED BY GREG SHAW, FOR THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FOR THE BOMP STORE! Also included i ...
MORE GOODIES!(Post)It’s the weekend again, and I have another batch of goodies for you guys! MORE cheapo CDs and VINYL, lots of restocks, and a BONNEVILLES LP/T shirt bundle. (Autographed bundle SOLD OUT!)And in respon ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)GET YOUR DATURA 4, JAMES LEG, and RADIO MOSCOW limited edition pressings while you’re at it, and don't forget our amazing T SHIRT section!Thanks,Suzy ShawNew ArrivalsKILLED BY DEATH- Vol 1 (legenda ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Monthly import shipment arriving Monday, get your orders in now because these go fast, lots of nice restocks on previously sold out items too. Start shopping, happy weekend! Suzy ShawDrop these skus ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More more more fun stuff for my little darlings. Here’s the latest discounts and restocks for you!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SKUS 21564, 23552, 220 ...
DISCOUNTS!(Post)ANOTHER FINE BATCH OF YUMMY DISCOUNTS, new arrivals, and label last copies for you guys! Check it all by clicking on the pretty pink box!IMPORTANT! We are in the midst of some crazy-ass email migrati ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend. I’ve been going thru the fanzine archives to facilitate a big project that is being done by The RILM International Center in New York City. They are the organ ...
New Arrivals(Post)Happy New Year everyone! It’s our first update of the year, and it’s a nice one… more WAREHOUSE FINDS, brand new $5 items galore, and new lo prices on a bunch of stuff! Click the pink button below fo ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)Got some new titles for you guys today on the legendary GEAR FAB LABEL. A bunch of other new arrivals too, and some great items back in stock too.And in case you missed it in the weekend madness, the ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)BIG holiday weekend here in the U.S. so we’ll be back at ya on Tuesday with your order confirmations and all that.Meanwhile, got some restocks for you, and check out the GEAR FAB label, everything $1 ...
MORE IMPORTS + ALIVE DISCOUNTS, BUNDLES, AND THINGS YOU NEED!(Post)LOTS OF GOODIES FOR YOU GUYS THIS WEEKEND! Not only did we get a huge batch of IMPORTS, but we have some discounts on label titles. Just look at all the amazing stuff we’ve released, an incredible ro ...
Midweek Bargains!(Post)More of those fabulous discounts for you guys, including huge savings on most of the stuff listed here, AND some last copies that will be going away forever.Check out our BUNDLE AND BOX set section t ...
LAST CHANCE!(Post)We’re closing out the DATURA 4 AUTOGRAPHED bundle so that we can get the T shirt orders in, so it’s now or never kiddies! Dom and the band have autographed the EXCLUSIVE double sided insert, and we s ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)Just the new UGLY THINGS into our warehouse, along with a nice big import shipment. Limited quantities of the imports, so get em while you can get em.I’ve also been continuing with the long project o ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Just in from Holland, lots of fun new items and rarities. And restocks on some previously sold out stuff too, check it all out here!Also just in, more more more from GEAR FAB, check the label out her ...
Bargains, Saale and new arrivals!(Post)Nice big batch of stuff from our friends at NDN records, everything from the Barracudas to Sonny Vincent, including 7”, LP and cds. Also more more more from GEAR FAB, the eternal fave for 60s and 70s ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Yes, it’s that time of the month again, and yes, we DO have Cramps!!! Two new titles by them, in fact, check it out below with the rest of our monthly import shipment.Lots of new titles and a batch o ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT! (Post)It’s been a while, I know. Between Covid and Brexit, it’s been a long haul, but finally a nice batch of new arrivals AND restocks from overseas. Dig in!Suzy Shaw Drop these skus into our search to se ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This weekend we have a big vinyl and cd restock from our friends at Lion, lots of 60s and 70s reissues at great prices!Also some new cds, and two more archival sets with rare items from the legendary ...
NEW UGLY THINGS!(Post)We just got in the new UGLY THINGS for you guys, plus a shipment of strange and rare Mexican CDs. Only one or two each of these, then they are gone forever!Also just in, a shipment from our friends a ...
NEW IGGY AND MORE(Post)First, we’re all saddened by the terrible news about Tom Petty, as I’m sure most of you are. His music plays in the BOMP/ALIVE offices daily and always will, he was one of our favorites. He’ll be mis ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
Phenomenal FINDS!(Post)Yes it’s more more more of those far out imports this weekend, a big batch of new titlesplus a great restocks of items that we we were previously out of. Click on the pretty pink box for details!Don' ...
New Arrivals + Alive Best Sellers(Post)RSD is almost here, be sure to get down to your local store and pick up our special releases by HOLLIS BROWN and LEFT LANE CRUISER! See the ALIVE site for details, and while you’re at it, check out s ...
HENRY ROLLINS IN THE HOUSE!(Post)Some of you may only know him from Black Flag, but he’s the ultimate geeky fan-boy record collector, and came by BOMP to help us with our Iggy archives. He was trained by the Smithsonian and will tak ...