371 results for '"gear + fab"'
Got some new titles to ring in 2022, let’s hope it doesn’t suck as hard as 2021! Fingers crossed! Lots of restocks too, so dig in.Best,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU2 ...
MID WEEK NEW ARRIVALS & SAALE!(Post)This time around we got some of the original pressings of the 70s Texas psych band DEERFIELD in stock.Also just listed for PREORDER, the 7” from the 14 item DARK CATALOGUE RAISONNE series. Get your p ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This time around we got more of those wacky one-only zines that missed the boat when the entire Bomp collection was donated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, these were all Greg’s and date from the ...
NEW SHINDIG, MORE PSYCH IMPORTS(Post)Great stuff this weekend kiddies, we have the new SHINDIG for you, and another shipment of those wild 60s and 70s South American cdsyou’re gobbling up as fast I can get them! Everything from Brazilia ...
MIDWEEK SAALE!(Post)Lots of big discounts for you guys, check our “$5 and under" section and the “$10 and under"section for new additions. Also more more more WAREHOUSE FINDS, all kinds of one-only goodies are surfacing ...
MID WEEK DEALS!(Post)As always, got some bargains and restocks for you, and a nice shipment just in from our friends at the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Most at the $10 price point you love so much.And it’s cheap ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
GARAGE PSYCH AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have a big garage psych restock from our friends at GET HIP and also GEAR FAB, lots of cheapo cds and good deals. Check their complete stock list!ALSO just in, some more of those impo ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)This time around we have some very limited warehouse finds, including some long out of print CDS. Also a brand new psych vinyl release and a reissue of a rare prog LP from Houston. Check it all out b ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE(Post)Lots of crazy new arrivals this weekend, everything from 70s Turkish protest to 70s Brazilian psych and everything in between.Plus the new UGLY THINGSand a boatload of restocks, a batch of titles tha ...
NEW MERCH, CHEAPO LPS, RESTOCKS AND MORE(Post)It’s that time of year kiddies, time to start thinking about some great gifts, even if it’s for YOU!Here are some items of interest for your consideration:AUTOGRAPHED COPIES – 21 different titles on ...
WE'RE BACK(Post)We’re back from our Labor Day weekend unscathed, you probably heard that there was a big fire in Burbank, home of the ALIVE/BOMP offices. Check the photo I took here to see just how close it was! Lo ...
NEW YEAR BARGAINS(Post)We’re ringing in the new year with some nice bargains for you guys! Check our $5 and under and $10 and under sections for hundreds of titles at a great price.Also just in, some import restocks and so ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS AND NEWS!(Post)This week we have a few WAREHOUSE FINDS and lots of adds to your favorite sections, some real finds and fantastic prices for you. Get the scoop here!Thanks for supporting our bands, we can’t do it wi ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)It’s our famous mid week update! This time we have some warehouse finds along with a big batch of RESTOCKS - things previously sold out but back by popular demand.AND the new SHINDIG. NOTE! - We got ...
MID WEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you, selling at near cost. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.A few new goodies too, including a new T shirt for our boys LEFT LANE CRUISER.ALS ...
MIDWEEK DEALS!(Post)Time to check all of your favorite sections for the latest deals and bargains!$5 and Under| $5-$10| ONE ONLY! Some new arrivals too, and a bunch of tasty restocks. Click on the pretty pink box for t ...
MORE ARCHIVAL SETS!(Post)More archival sets for you this week. WOW!! The Pebbles set includes THE ORIGINAL FILING, FEB 1978, SIGNED BY GREG SHAW, FOR THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FOR THE BOMP STORE! Also included i ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND MORE!(Post)Got some groovy one-only box sets for you guys this week, and a new release from Hypnotic Bridge, the great psych singles label. And a new one from Bomp alumni Josie Cotton too.Also our usual midweek ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS & MORE!(Post)Yes it’s mid week again,and we have some NEW import items in, plus a batch of tasty restocks, and of course more DISCOUNTS, lots of items added to the famous 3 sections:* ONE ONLY - last copy and sel ...
NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK(Post)This time around I’ve scored a big batch of CDs from the hard to find CICADELIC label, at amazing prices. All great 60s and 70s psych and garage titles, so dig in! Limited quantities.Also this weeken ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Yowza kiddies, check out all the new merch! You want garage? We got it! Stoner psych? Oh yeah. Lo prices? DONE. Big ole import shipments have arrived with exciting new RSD limited editions, box sets, ...
SELLING BELOW COST!(Post)We got some real deals for you this week, check out the RESTOCKS AND SAALE items below, and lots more serious deals in the LAST COPY section. Also just in, a restock on those TIMEMAZINE mags you love ...
SAALE ITEMS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Just got some shipments in from our pals at GEAR FAB and GET HIP, great cds for only $10, dig in!Plus more of those 80 collector’s cassettes, and more TEST PRESSINGS.And more LAST COPIES at a great p ...
MORE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)I’m selling these as fast as I list them, lots of great items including some books and mags from the BOMP archives and some BOMP/VOXX singles. Also a SAALE on a few issues of Shindig, I got too many ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)Lots of new titles this week, some so rare that I cant find them online to get an image! Ltd quantities on a lot of these. ALSO a good batch of restocks for you, click on the pretty pink box to see t ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the new SHINDIG for you, more of that rare Mexican cds you love to much and some cool $1 7”, along with a bunch of restocks and other new stuff. We got a nice shipment from our p ...
BIG SHIPMENTS!(Post)This weekend we have a couple of big shipments arriving, one from our friends at GEAR FAB, with lots of 60s and 70s psych and garage titles, most at the $10 price point. See all of their titles here.
MORE IMPORTS + NEW SHINDIG!(Post)Another nice batch of imports for you guys this weekend, along with some warehouse finds and a few new archival sets. Check them all here, new ones are being added every week!ALSO new adds to our fam ...
THE GIRLS OF BOMP!(Post)Last time around we listed a new Pandoras set, and now we have a new autographed Nikki Corvette set! Featuring 7 vintage fliers from Nikki’s personal collection, a glossy photo, and an exclusive cove ...
MIDWEEK SAALE and LABEL NEWS!(Post)We’re doing our best to keep rock and roll ALIVE! We’ve got a bunch of our bands out on tour, BOBBY LEES, JAMES LEG, BEECHWOOD, and HANDSOME JACK ... check the dates and locations here!Parker from Ra ...
NEW SHINGIG AND MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)Got the new Shindig for you guys, along with some of those LAST COPY bargains, things we are selling at cost and wont be getting back.Also available again, the famous PEBBLES vinyl set! Both the 5 LP ...
MIDWEEK BARGAINS & NEW(Post)The indie record biz continues to sink/plummet into the abyss, as the plants become more and more occupied with not just Adele, but Taylor Swift pressings, yay!! So all of our planned releases (and e ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)More adds to our selling at near-cost ONE ONLY section, and lots of restocks from our friends at DIONYSUS, great 60s style garage and psych titles for bargain prices, most $5 and under. A few new ite ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SAALE!(Post)Got the new pressing of THE BLACK KEYS on ltd ed of 300 orange vinyl just in. Plus some imports too, and adds to our famous LAST COPIES section, things going at near cost.And yet another shipment fro ...
NEW ZINES AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have a big restock on everybody’s fave Greek fanzine (in English of course) TIMEMAZINE! Plus lots of discounts and SAALE items too, check it all out below. Thanks!SuzyBACK IN STOC ...
IMPORTS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)Got some nice restocks and SAALE items for you this time around, and another shipment from GEAR FAB, check it all out here. Also some great bargains from DIONYSUS, lots of under $5 items.Thanks for a ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of new arrivals and some restocks of stuff that sold out instantly last time, all shipping Monday.Thanks for everything guys, we wouldn’t be here without you!Suzy Shaw Your Mailorder GoddessDrop ...
MID WEEK BONANZA! (Post)Lots of cool one-only archival items, get em fast cause they sell out like crazy! More big discounts on LAST COPIES and adds to the $5 and under and $5-$10 section too. Start shopping!Suzy Shaw& ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Alright all you bargain hunters, it’s Wednesday again, time to hunker down and give a close look to our 3 big DISCOUNT sections on the shopping cart.Check out our $5 and under, our $5-$10and our famo ...
Phenomenal new arrivals!(Post)Lots of private press reissues at great prices this weekend, you wont find these titles anywere else at such low prices. And a ton of restocks from our friends at GEAR FAB, check out all of their tit ...
Wednesday Update with more discounts & new arrivals!(Post)It’s another WEDNESDAY, and that means DISCOUNTS, NEW ARRIVALS.Plus ome new titles in, including more more more for the $5 and under section, AND some adds to the $5-$10 section if you’re feeling flu ...
Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse(Post)Another great Tuesday in the BOMP warehouse. LOTS of SAALE items here, no code required, new prices are on the cart. And some new additions to all your favorite categories, $5 and Under, $5-$10, and ...
LAST COPIES BLOWOUT!(Post)UPDATED 9/06 → CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PICTURE VERSIONThis weekend we have a big saale on our last copies ever of some of the Seelie Court titles, obscure 70s titles on lp and cd, kinda like the stuff ...
SUPERSAALE-UP TO 50% OFF!(Post)Got some real deals for you guys, we’re blowing out some titles at near or below cost! Drop the skus into our search to see them all. One each on most, get on it fast.Also just in, a nice batch of im ...
NEW SHINDIG PLUS SAALE & LAST COPIES!(Post)Lots of goodies for you guys this week! First off we have the new issue of Shindig with a fabulous Little Richard cover. Also just added, some more archival sets, including an autographed Nikki Corve ...
NEW SHINDIG AND SAALE!(Post)Tons of new arrivals and restocks, and a bunch of items that I just put on saale to make room for more, more more!Just got a shipment in from GEAR FAB, 60s and 70s reissues mostly at the $10 price po ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some really great new items for you guys this week, including the first in our new line of shirts, coffee cups, hats, jackets, tote bags, and more! First up are two shirts for our friend th ...
WEEKEND!(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some restocks and saale items, and a shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label, most items at the $10 price point. Check it out here.Also ...
New Shindig and More!(Post)It’s that time of the month again kids, the new Shindig has arrived with none other than Marianne Faithful on the cover. Some other nice titles just in too, check it all out below.A batch of $10 cds ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Just in from Holland, lots of fun new items and rarities. And restocks on some previously sold out stuff too, check it all out here!Also just in, more more more from GEAR FAB, check the label out her ...
A Family Punk-Rock Store!(Post)Hope you all are having a great holiday! We’re here usual hours this week and next so go ahead and order.Check out the flier for the Bomp store, circa 1977, that we found in our archives, pretty funn ...
LAST COPIES & DEEP DISCOUNTS!(Post)More of those mid week bargains for you guys, lots of LAST COPIES and deep discounts! Also just in, some restocks from Dionysus, lots of garage and psych titles for unbelievable prices! Some items on ...
AUTOGRAPHS AND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Last week the Bomp/ALIVE crew paid a visit to the legendary SWAMP DOGG at his home here in Los Angeles and had a great afternoon hanging out with Swamp, Moog Star and Guitar Shorty (his housemates) a ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Another batch of deals, restocks,new stuff and more, check it all out here! Plus a big shipment from GEAR FAB, the fantastic 60s and 70s reissue label!And of course lots of adds to these three sectio ...
MIDWEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got some warehouse finds for you guys this week, along with some NEW titlesand a big old batch of additions to your 3 very favorite sections in the whole world, check it out to see the latest discoun ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND DISCOUNTS(Post)Another Wednesday with more bargains and discounts!Check the usual sections for the latest adds, some real deals in our $5 and Under, $5-$10 and ONE ONLY section, for items that we wont be restocking ...
IT'S THE WEEKEND!(Post)Look at all this amazing stuff I got for you guys this week! It’s a smorgasbord of CHEAPO CDS, BACK IN STOCK items, a whole bunch of adds to the fabulous ONE ONLY SECTION, and more more more. Ms Suzy ...
SAALE!(Post)It’s our Tuesday discount day, with a bunch of stuff at lower prices, and some back in stock items too. ALSO some additions to the insanely popular $5 and under section. Click on the pretty pink box ...
It's Tuesday Saale Day!(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, With drastic price reductions on most items already marked down on the site. Many are one copy only, so shop fast! We take the items off the cart as they sell so if you still ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE(Post)Just got the new issue of UGLY THINGS featuring the YARDBIRDS in stock!Also some new arrivals, and restocks of BROWN ACID and GEAR FAB titles that were previously sold out. Check 'em out, most at the ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipments in from Lion Records and our friends at GEAR FAB, CHECK THEIR CATALOGUE HERE! Lots of those $10 inflation beater items you love so much.PLUS more of those BENT CORNER BARGAINS! Half pri ...
$10 CD BLOWOUT AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a big batch of 60s and 70s reissue cds for you guys, I managed to get a great deal on some really quality titles. Also just in, a new one on GEAR FAB, check their entire catalogu ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys, including another one of those TEST PRESSING SETS we are starting to put together. These sets include items from the legendary Bomp archives, in addition to the actual ...
MID WEEK SAALE!(Post)Got some good discounts for you and a big batch of restocks of $10 cds and vinyl! Lots of Killed by Death and as always, more of the GEAR FAB label, 60s and 70s garage and psych at $10 a pop.Also som ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)Seriously, has it been another month since the last Shindig? Apparently so! The new issue is in stock now!Also just in, we have more of those fab SEELIE COURT titles arriving next Monday, we ran out ...
NEW AND RESTOCKS!(Post)Just in on Alive, a repressing of the ultimate punk record, GG Allin, on classic black vinyl and a blue ltd edition, with a new cover.You collectors might be entertained to know that GG was very near ...
MIDWEEK MANIA!(Post)Lots of SAALE items this time around, and a batch of last chance “one only" items too, selling at near cost.A few new “one only” T shirts too, straight from the BOMP warehouse. And of course be sure ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW(Post)Got some new items for you guys, AND some tasty SAALE items and restocks. Check it all out below!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW ARRIVALS SKU24457,24209,243 ...
HUGE BLOWOUT SAALE!(Post)AMAZING PRICES!!! I’m clearing off the shelves to make room for some massive incoming shipments, we’re selling off the last copies of some primo stuff at below cost. Check the LAST COPY section for d ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Yes kiddies, it’s more more, more, more from your new favorite label, GEAR FAB! All great reissues of 60s and 70s bands. A bunch of previously unavailable titles have arrived, along with restocks of ...
MIDWEEK RESTSOCKS & SAALE ITEMS(Post)Here are some tasty restocks and the usual assortment of SAALE items no need for a code, the discount is already on the cart.Thanks for supporting our bands! Suzy Shaw TO ORDER: GO TO BOMPSTORE and ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipment from Gear Fab just in, lots of 60s and 70s reissues, collect them all!And more of those archival sets with one of a kind items from the Bomp files, original letters from Greg Shaw, gloss ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, plus a big restock on GEAR FAB and BROWN ACID, all titles now in stock!Also, a few more of our BENT CORNER bargains, mint vinyl, just a crunchy corner. Fantastic dea ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
SAALE & NEW! (Post)Hope you all had a good holiday! Got some new stuff and lots of end of year discounts listed below, along with some restocks.Check our NEW STUFF section to see all the newest arrivals, and also some ...
NEW STUFF!(Post)Some new arrivals for you this weekend, along with restocks from DIONYSUS and more adds to our famous $5 and $10 sections, thousands of cheapo cds and vinyl records for amazing prices! Also just ...
NEW STUFF & SAALE!(Post)Lots of bargains and restocks for you guys this week, and a batch of cool CDS too. Check it all out below.And don’t forget the new BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES release… pretty great stuff here! “Their attac ...
WEIRDO IN THE HOUSE!(Post)That’s right, Cliff Roman from the 1977 punk band THE WEIRDOS will be here at our offices on Thursday and will be autographing albums for you guys, even personalized if you want! Just order by Thursd ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Lots of SAALE items, ONE ONLY, and restocks this time around, plus the NEW SHINDIG! Start shopping kids!Your BOMP/ALIVE team is here working hard for you from the Covid Capitol of the World, thanks f ...
UP TO 50% OFF!(Post)Crazy low prices, this week! I’m in a cleaning mood, making room for lots of new arrivals and getting rid of last copies and slow movers here, all great stuff. TONS of great bargains for you guys her ...
STILL HERE WITH LOTS OF NEW STUFF!(Post)We’re here and keeping ‘em coming for you guys! Many thanks for your orders, your kind words and mostly for your love of music that keeps people like us in business. Me, Ryan, Patrick, Peter and Will ...
EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!(Post)Looks like we got a tough couple of months ahead of us kids, but we’ll get thru it. I hope you’re all hanging in there, let’s all stay calm and not buy so much toilet paper, OK?? We can do it!!!Meanw ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the NEW SHINDIG, get our 3 issue BUNDLE for just $30. Also another batch of WAREHOUSE FINDS, rare BOMP 45s, magazines, and other rarities from the big BOMP treasure trove. Dig in ...
SAALE! (Post)Lots of big discounts this week, including a SAALE on Shindig magazine, dozens of issues available for your summer reading at a great price, just $10 a pop! (NEW issue excluded)And check your fave se ...
10% SAALE(Post)In addition to the usual saale items, restocks, and ONE ONLY adds, we’re gonna have a 10% off all of our T shirts this week. Check out the new photos, Ms. Suzy had a blast doing a photo session with ...