371 results for '"gear + fab"'
Lots of titles from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue label GEAR FAB back in stock. Check their full catalogue.And we have RESTOCKS on the very popular BOMP and ALIVE face masks, check it out!And che ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE GEAR FAB & MORE(Post)Big shipment in from our pals at GEAR FAB this week, including lots of new cheapo LPs for you guys, and restocks of previously sold out items! Lots of 60’s psych and garage at amazing prices. Check o ...
NEW SHINDIG + GEAR FAB RESTOCKS(Post)First off, thanks for all the nice Labor Day orders this weekend, it was kind of insane yesterday, but we got everything out the door and on the way.NEWS ABOUT YOUR ORDERS! We just got got a brand ne ...
GEAR FAB SHIPMENT & BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Nice big shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s cds at the $10 price point. Check the label here.Also big DISCOUNTS on the remaining archival cds, we usually sell out of those the ...
GEAR FAB SAALE & MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)For our midweek update today we have some new arrivals, some reminders of items you may have missed, and a 10% OFF SALE ON THE GREAT GEAR FAB LABEL! SAALE LASTS UNTIL THURSDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT.GOSPE ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE!(Post)Hey kiddies, hope you guys are all doing well in these crazy times, we’re all just fine. We just got in a nice shipment in from GEAR FAB, all at that $10 price point you love so much, lots of 60s and ...
60s MANIA!(Post)This weekend we have a new shipment from the great 60╒s psych label GEAR FAB. A bunch of new titles and restocks on many more.And if you╒re in a 60╒s kind of mood, you cant go wrong with the legendar ...
HOLIDAY WEEKEND! (Post)It’s a long weekend here in the U.S., so keep calm if you don’t hear from us until Tuesday, ok?Meanwhile, to keep you amused, we have another batch of imports for you, plus restocks from the ever pop ...
MORE CHEAPOS!(Post)Yet another big batch of discount items has just arrived! All kinds of goodies, at great prices. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.ALSO just in, a nice restock from our friends at GE ...
NEW & RESTOCKS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Lots of new titles on the psych label NOMAD EEL, check it all out!Plus a big restock of GEAR FAB titles, the great 60’s and 70’s reissue label, check all their titles.And of course the usual adds to ...
BOMP/ALIVE FACE MASKS AND MORE!(Post)Check it out, we had some LIMITED EDITION FACE MASKS MADE! 100% SUPERSOFT COTTON FREE SHIPPING WITH ORDER! See below for details.Plus I’ve gone thru the STIV BATORS 7” section and finally figured out ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)Got some new titles for you guys today on the legendary GEAR FAB LABEL. A bunch of other new arrivals too, and some great items back in stock too.And in case you missed it in the weekend madness, the ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, and don't forget our new money saving bundle, 3 SHINDIG magazines for a bargain price! Also just in, a few new releases from everybody’s favorite 60s garage label, GEAR F ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Lots of shipments coming in this weekend, everything from restocks from our friends at GET HIPto more from GEAR FAB. Check it all out here.Thanks guys!Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF, AUTOGRAPHS & MORE!(Post)Weekend saale stuff, autographs and more! Lots of adds to our last copies/saale section, check it out here, hundreds of items at cost!A new shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB too, plus a new one i ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND MORE!(Post)Check out the rare BOMP singles listed here, more on our site in our “WAREHOUSE FINDS”section. Some really good stuff! Most one each.Also just in, yet another restock from our friends at the legendar ...
WEEKEND!(Post)GOT A BIG SHIPMENT IN FROM GEAR FAB FOR YOU, we got the best prices anywhere so they sell out as fast as I get them! Most at the $10 price point, great 60s and 70s garage and psych. Check out the ent ...
Preorders, Vinyl Blowout, Discount Gems, and Exclusive Archival Sets!(Post)All kinds of fun going on this weekend kids! First we have a batch of preorder items from our friends at Jackpot Records, pretty cool stuff. Try to get your orders in this weekend so we can get them ...
DISCOUNTS AND RESTOCKS(Post)More in from GEAR FAB, it flies outta here fast! Check the label here for great 60s and 70s reissues, most at the $10 price point: GEAR FABAlso some nice bargains and restocks, check the list below.
NEW ARRIVALS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)We have a brand new title in from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue GEAR FAB label, along with a big batch of restocks from them too, check the label here!Also some more of those bargain archive cds, ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some cool stuff for the midweek update, including more CASSETTES from Greg Shaw’s collection, a batch of WAREHOUSE FINDS from the 70s and 80s, and a brand new title from the 60s and 70s rei ...
New arrivals and saale items!(Post)A new title just in from the L.A. garage psych label HYPNOTIC BRIDGE, along with a big batch of restocks, check the entire label here!Also a big restock from GEAR FAB, everybody’s fave 60s and 70s re ...
MID WEEK SAALE & RESTOCKS(Post)Another nice shipment from the 60s/70s resissue label, GEAR FAB, all at the $10 price point. Check the entire label here.Also some restocks and saale items along with adds to our LAST COPIES section, ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of new LIMITED imports this weekend, along with a batch of previously unlisted GEAR FAB titles, I had them send me anything obscure and new that I’d never listed before, some pretty good stuff h ...
WE'RE BACK!(Post)Hope all of our U.S. customers had a fab 4th, we’re back with some great $10 titles from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s reissues all at the $10 price point! And if you don't alread ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We have a nice shipment in from our friends at Gear Fab, purveyors of 60s and 70s reissues at fabulous prices, most $10, Check out the label here.And two more archival sets, BOTH WITH SPECIAL COVERS ...
MORE WACKED OUT RARE 70s PROG & PSYCH!(Post)I’ve come up with another batch of international oddities, this week it’s time to get you some Venezuelan prog or some Argentine psych, we got it all, baby! And we’ve dug up some more GEAR FAB titles ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE(Post)Lots of titles back in stock, a nice batch of 7” psych singles from HYPNOTIC BRIDGE and more $10 cds from the 60s and 70s label GEAR FAB. See titles below and check the rest of their catalogue!Also b ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More just in from your fave 60s and 70 label GEAR FAB, vinyl and cd! Most at the $10 price point.And some adds to our famous one-only last copy section, selling at near cost or below to make room for ...
IMPORTS and MC5! (Post)Got some more imports in for you guys, and I put together a few more MC5 sets with some one of a kind items found in our archives. Polaroid photos, a Leni Sinclair photo book, autographs, fanzines, f ...
MID WEEK NEW AND SAALE!(Post)Lots of big discounts for you guys, check the LAST COPY section for items at near cost! And see the list below for more discounts and restocks.And a NEW one just in, from the label that we just cant ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)A new cd on everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB! Tons more available at a $10 price you wont find anywhere else. Check their label here!Lots of discounts and restocks and some remind ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE(Post)This time around we have a some cool restocks and SAALE items for you, plus yet another big restock from the great 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB!And of course adds to your favorite 3 cheapo sec ...
MID WEEK MANIA!(Post)Our new arrivals include some cool warehouse finds 7”, along with a few choice archival cds from the collection of the owner of ALIVE, amazing stuff! That dude has great taste!Also a nice restock fro ...
NEW SHINDIG & CHEAP CDS!(Post)Happy New Year kids!Yet another Shindig has arrived in our warehouse, along with a batch of cheapo cds, some which were sold out quickly before, we got some more for you guys!Also a new one from GEAR ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Another shipment has arrived with a bunch of new titles from the amazing 60’s psych label GEAR FAB, all at rock bottom prices.ALSO more from the Aussie label OFF THE HIP, check it all out here.Plus a ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
Great new cheapo LPs and CDs in today!(Post)Great new cheapo LPs and CDs in today! I’m working hard to get you guys some fantastic deals. These titles are going for much more elsewhere. Ms Suzy can be QUITE persuasive!And check out the GEAR FA ...
NEW STUFF!(Post)All kinds of crazy stuff for you this time around, including some vintage band T-shirts, more IGGY rarities, and the 70’s BOMP band The LAST with a reissue of their early material. Plus a new one fro ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yes my darlings, the new Shindig has arrived, with none other than JIMI HENDRIX on the cover. Check out the back issues too, we have lots of great issues in stock. Also just in, some new stoner psych ...
GET PSYCHED THIS WEEEND!(Post)The reviews are rolling in for the new GOSPELBEACH, check it out here! Shindig featured the song CITY LIMITS in their “FAVORITE SONGS OF THE MONTH. Be sure to get your copy before they’re gone.RADIO ...
Discounts, restocks & new stuff!(Post)Some nice bargains for you guys here, lots of last copies at near cost. And some new arrivals too, check it out below!Suzy ShawNEW ARRIVALS SKU24595, 24596, 24641, 24547, 24643Drop these skus into ou ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Some pretty exciting mid-week arrivals here, including a repress on both vinyl and cd of L.A. 70s punk legends, the WEIRDOS! See below for the exicting details.Also just in, for your psych needs, a s ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)Plus some new arrivals, including the latest from your favorite 60 and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, and a new Greek garage import.And the usual mid week adds to your favorite SALE sections here:* ONE ...
TONS OF NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have a nice big shipment from our friends at Lion, lots of high quality 60s and 70s reissues on both vinyl and CD.And another arrival from Gear Fab, including a brand new title and so ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)In spite of Covid and Brexit, we got some new stuff for you guys! AND a big restock on GEAR FAB, check all of their titles, great reissues of 60s and 70s psych and garage bands.All volumes of BROWN A ...
MIDWEEK RESTOCKS & MORE!(Post)This time around we got a bunch of crucial restocks back in, including a new release and some formerly out of stock titles from GEAR FAB, the great 60s and 70s reissue label.Also a batch of mid-week ...
BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Lots of items added to our LAST COPIES/SAALE section, some at or near cost. Check the items below and see them all here.Also a big discount on the remaining DARK UK LPS on Seelie Court. Selling at co ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Lots of deals for you guys this week, check out the LAST COPIES section, we added some great items at near cost, and another restock from GEAR FAB, more of the 60s and 70s reissues at the $10 price p ...
Crazy new arrivals!(Post)Wow, check out the new arrivals this week, we got a bunch of ONE ONLY BOX SETS, a batch of amazing international psych, prog and all sorts of weirdness and obscurities, on both LP and CD. Dig in whil ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of new items for you guys this weekend, along with restocks of sold out items too. All at inflation buster prices!Another batch of adds to our SELLING AT COST section too, one each of most, get ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Thanks for all the pre-orders for the new EL PERRO (Radio Moscow) autographed bundle, it sold out within hours, but we have the cd version with a bonus track in stock for those of you that want a pre ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)More more more arrivals from your fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point you love so much. Check the entire label here!And more restocks, deep discounts and ONE ONLY ad ...
SAALE AND NEW STUFF!(Post)For our mid-week update we got some archival cds for you guys, and a nice batch of newly reduced items. Check it all out below!AND a restock from our friends at GEAR FAB, the legendary 60s and 70s re ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got some new items in for you guys, along with a ton of restocks of cheapo cds too. The new GEAR FAR title sold out fast, we got more along with a lot of other GEAR FAB titles, check them all here.Al ...
SHINDG AND MORE(Post)LOTS of new titles here for you, including the new SHINDIG!I’m wheeling and dealing to get you guys some AMAZING deals on import LPs and cds, check the list for the latest arrivals. More in the GEAR ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS BLOWOUT!(Post)It’s taken me a few decades, ha ha but I finally got around to going thru some boxes of weird singles that were languishing in the legendary Bomp warehouse! Lotsa Bomp and Voxx product plus some craz ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yet another Shindig has arrived on our doorsteps, along with nice cheapo restocks from our pals at Gear Fab and Get Hip!Got some restocks on the SEELIE COURT label too, those go fast, get in there wh ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)It’s another fabulous weekend update for you guys, with lots more NEW ARRIVALS from GEAR FAB, check out all of their releases, all for only $10. Lots of groovy 60s and 70s garage releases from around ...
PSYCH!(Post)Check this out kiddies, this week we got a batch of great PSYCH cds at amazing prices! A few titles at a very lo price because of a small crack in the case, great deal on those. Plus a ton of additio ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE!(Post)Check it out kids, we got some great stuff here. Lots of $10 DOUBLE cds in lovely slipcases, plus a new release from everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB!Those double cds are close ou ...
MID-WEEK DISCOUNTS(Post)More of those mid week discounts and a batch of selling at near cost LAST COPIES for you guys, along with a nice restock from our groovy friends at Hypnotic Bridge, everybody’s favorite psych singles ...
NEW STUFF & RESTOCKS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)This weekend we have more of what you want! Everything from cheapo CDs and LPs to mags. Big restock from GEAR FAB, the great 60s reissue label. Check out all of their titles HERE, or click the pink b ...
Bargains, Saale and new arrivals!(Post)Nice big batch of stuff from our friends at NDN records, everything from the Barracudas to Sonny Vincent, including 7”, LP and cds. Also more more more from GEAR FAB, the eternal fave for 60s and 70s ...
60s and 70s Reissues for $10!(Post)A nice restock from the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point, check all of their releases here!Also some restocks and reminders. We’ll be working Monday, Tuesday and Thurs ...
MID-WEEK DISCOUNTS(Post)Some nice mid week discounts for you guys, plus a restock from the 60s and 70s reissue label GEAR FAB, check the label here!And don’t forget the new HANDSOME JACK release, only a few box sets left! T ...
NEW SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of tasty garage, psych, and stoner titles back in this weekend and a big batch of goodies from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of quality 60s and 70s reissues. Also some adds to our fantastic ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SAALE CONTINUES!(Post)Our 10% off vinyl sale continues thru the weekend, get 'em while you can, last copies and selling at cost for lots of titles!To get the deal, add your favorite items to your cart and enter the coupon ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS + MORE(Post)More warehouse finds and a new one on GEAR FAB for you kids this week! This time it’s a TRIPLE cd of rare 60s and 70s tracks from the Carolinas. Check the entire label here.And some cool one-only tit ...
JUST IN!(Post)Some fun stuff for you guys this week. A new title from GEAR FAB, even more of their signature 60s and 70s reissues for a great price. Also available again, POKORA, HANS - 1001 RECORD COLLECTOR ...
MIDWEEK SAALE!(Post)Got some nice bargains for you plus a shipment from our friend Tom Marolda of the legendary TOMS. Last copies of these excellent POWERPOP cds, be sure to get them while you can. Also a batch of LAST ...
MIDWEEK SAALE AND ONE ONLY(Post)This time around we have another big shipment from GEAR FAB, cool 60s and 70s psy reissues, and lots of SAALE items and one only too. Check it all out below.And we still have a few ALIVE, BOMP and LE ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND FUN STUFF!(Post)Some interesting new items from the depths of the BOMP warehouse this week, and lots of discounts and SAALE items too. Adds to our cheapo sections too, $5 and under, $10 and under, and ONE ONLY!Check ...
NEW SHINDIG + MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has landed, this time with a cover story on Aphrodites Child. Some nice restocks and Saale items too, plus a SUPER limited NERVES box set, 5 only! Check it all out below.Thanks,Suzy S ...
NEW SHIPMENT(Post)We got a nice shipment of 7”, LPs and CDs from my friend at HEAVY MEDICATION RECORDS in Poland. He describes his label here: “We are an indie label bringing real rock & roll to earthlings. We are ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND DISCOUNTS (Post)Yes it’s our famous mid week bargain Email-blast. Lots of items at near cost, and some re-stocks of some of your faves too.Also just in, THE BLACK KEYS on blue marble vinyl, 180 gram. It’s a beauty!C ...
BLOWOUT! Over 20% Off (Post)Big SAALE on a nice batch of last copies, no code required!And dig into our catalogue and get FIVE cds for just $30 plus free shipping, including international. Details below.Also just in, some wareh ...
Lots of adds to our CHEAPO and LAST COPY sections!(Post)It’s the mid week update, you know what to do! Lots of add to our cheapo sections and LAST COPY section, check it out here:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 ite ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)More of those one-only items for you guys, plus a RADIO MOSCOW 5-only TEST PRESSING BOX SET, autographed by the original band members!Also our mid week saale, reminders, and last copies. Lots of fun ...
MID-WEEK BARGAINS & MORE!(Post)Some nice mid-week bargains, saale and restocks for you guys. AND more more from that60s and 70s label GEAR FAB.Also restocks for the SEELIE COURT label.Check the entire label here. And see below for ...
2022 Off to a Good Start! (Post)The record biz might be in the toilet, but in spite of it all we got some pretty good stuff for you to start the new year!First off, we found a mis-labeled box of the fabulous BONNEVILLES Arrow Pierc ...
30% OFF SAALE!(Post)30% off this week only!I’m feeling generous and decided to do a big saale for the amazing OFF THE HIP LABEL, bringing you all the best in garage, powerpop and rock 'n' roll music from Australia and a ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have a few MORE Iggy test pressings for you guys! Plus some more cool warehouse finds and new arrivals.RESTOCK in from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label. Everythi ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)This weekend we have a nice batch of $10 cds for you guys, along with a big batch of restocks from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of garage and psych 60s and 70s reissues!Plus a few more of those ...
TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY(Post)It’s Tuesday DISCOUNT day, plus more additions to our NEAR COST “ONE ONLY” section! PLUS some more new titles from your favorite AUSSIE label OFF THE HIP.Also a lot of adds and new titles from GEAR F ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Lots of new stuff this week, PLUS a big batch of garage and psych restocks. We try to keep em coming! Shop on!And don't forget our latest releases, we still have some PORKCHOP autographed, B GIRLS A ...
NEW SHINDIG AND & MORE FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Just got the new SHINDIG in for you little darlings this weekend, plus the new Ugly Things if you didn’t get that one yet. ALSO just in, a repressing of the original IGGY – SICK OF YOU 45 on Bomp! Ou ...
MORE GOODIES!(Post)It’s the weekend again, and I have another batch of goodies for you guys! MORE cheapo CDs and VINYL, lots of restocks, and a BONNEVILLES LP/T shirt bundle. (Autographed bundle SOLD OUT!)And in respon ...
New Imports & Restocks for the Weekend(Post)Greetings from toasty Los Angeles, it was 115 yesterday, but it’s cooled off to 100 today. Yay!In spite of all that we have some new import arrivals for you guys, and a bunch of restocks too. Check i ...
NEW ARRIVAL IMPORTS & MORE(Post)Lots of good stuff this weekend, including some ltd ed items and some nice restocks.Also just in, a restock from our friends at GEAR FAB, lots of 60s and 70s reissues as a price you wont find anywher ...
NEW TELESCOPES ON ALIVE!(Post)Hope you guys are having as good of a holiday weekend as you possibly can have in the middle of this sh*t show! We’re not only here, but we got a nice new release for you. Check out the new TELESCOPE ...
DEEP DISCOUNTS & MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday again with some more LAST COPIES, adds to the $5 and UNDER SECTION, deep discounts, and NEW ARRIVALS for you guys. Also some “one each” archive copies, a bunch of warehouse finds, and lo ...
MIDWEEK ARRIVALS(Post)I’ve been digging out some of the original test pressings from the BOMP and AIP labels and you guys are loving them. Another batch listed here today, very limited quantities straight from the BOMP ar ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Another wild and crazy batch of goodies for you kiddies this weekend, plus a gigantic shipment from everybody’s fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Check all of their releases, and the new arri ...
NEW SHINDIG & UGLY THINGS!(Post)This weekend we have both the new SHINDIG and the new UGLY THINGS. Plus an amazing find, vintage T shirts once worn by the late great Greg Shaw, see below for details.Also a nice shipment from our fr ...
THE NEXT BIG THING!(Post)Hope you guys are getting ready for a big holiday weekend! We’re taking Monday off but we’ll be here until Thursday for you guys.Our latest releases are getting absolute raves from the press, but of ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Yep, even MORE new imports, and more restocks too. Super limited, get in there fast.Also arriving, restocks from the perennial favorite for 60’s and 70’s reissues at a $10 price point, GEAR FAB. Chec ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Got some new titles to ring in 2022, let’s hope it doesn’t suck as hard as 2021! Fingers crossed! Lots of restocks too, so dig in.Best,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU2 ...