211 results for '5 + CD + ALIVE + BUNDLE'
The new Shindig is here, with a great cover article on the Standells. Also more new arrivals and restocks, check it all out here!Thanks,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU ...
FLASH SAALE(Post)It’s SUPER Tuesday! In addition to the usual warehouse finds, new additions to the $5 and under section, and sale items, I got a FLASH SALE for you on some of our label titles! 24 hours only, we’re o ...
Wednesday discount day!(Post)Yes it’s time for our midweek madness… lots of discounts and restocks and even some new stuff for you!Plus a big shipment from the great Aussie powerpop/rock/garage labelOFF THE HIP. Great prices and ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS & MORE!(Post)Yes it’s mid week again,and we have some NEW import items in, plus a batch of tasty restocks, and of course more DISCOUNTS, lots of items added to the famous 3 sections:* ONE ONLY - last copy and sel ...
Tuesday Saale(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And even more adds to our fa ...
JUST IN! GEAR FAB!(Post)Lots of titles from the legendary 60s and 70s reissue label GEAR FAB back in stock. Check their full catalogue.And we have RESTOCKS on the very popular BOMP and ALIVE face masks, check it out!And che ...
MIDWEEK SAALE & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s that MIDWEEK SAALE you love so much, no code required, new prices are built into the cart.In addition to those items, I decided to go ahead and list some WAREHOUSE FINDS items that were nearly o ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the NEW SHINDIG, get our 3 issue BUNDLE for just $30. Also another batch of WAREHOUSE FINDS, rare BOMP 45s, magazines, and other rarities from the big BOMP treasure trove. Dig in ...
NEW MERCH, CHEAPO LPS, RESTOCKS AND MORE(Post)It’s that time of year kiddies, time to start thinking about some great gifts, even if it’s for YOU!Here are some items of interest for your consideration:AUTOGRAPHED COPIES – 21 different titles on ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND MORE(Post)First off, seeing as how it’s Wednesday, I’ve spent a little time in the warehouse digging out some new treasures for you guys! Found some gems this time, one each of most so shop fast.Also JUST IN - ...
Tons of new stuff this weekend!(Post)First off we have TWO new GOSPELBEACH shirts for you, one grey marble and one orange. These are the deluxe light fabric variety, you will love them!PLUS we’re offering two new HATS, one for ALIVE REC ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. We’ve also added a bunch more stuff to the famous $5 and under section.We’re ...
Tuesday saale items(Post)Yeah, it’s TUESDAY SAALE day again, as always some discounted goodies, reminders of LAST COPIES of some great items, and of course, need I remind you, additions to the legendary $5 and under section! ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Just in, the latest issue of Shindig!Also yet another another pressing plant miracle, a new pressing of both RADIO MOSCOW and the BOBBY LEES! Great looking blue vinyl on both, check it out here.And o ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)SUBJECT NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!It’s a big ole holiday weekend in the U.S., we’ll be taking Monday off, but just so you don't miss us too much I got the new Shindig AND a nice import shipment for you to ...
MID WEEK DEALS!(Post)As always, got some bargains and restocks for you, and a nice shipment just in from our friends at the 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB. Most at the $10 price point you love so much.And it’s cheap ...
MID WEEK BIG SAVINGS!(Post)Tons of serious discounts on some of these items, we’re clearing out the warehouse and making way for the new winter releases. And lots of LAST COPIES listed here, get them while you can. ALSO a bat ...
SAALES, BARGAINS AND BACK IN STOCK!(Post)This weekend we have a bunch of goodies for you kiddies. Lots of great titles from our Aussie friends at OFF THE HIP, the finest in GARAGE, POWERPOP, and more...And if you want an investment more sol ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)GET YOUR DATURA 4, JAMES LEG, and RADIO MOSCOW limited edition pressings while you’re at it, and don't forget our amazing T SHIRT section!Thanks,Suzy ShawNew ArrivalsKILLED BY DEATH- Vol 1 (legenda ...
GROOVY IMPORTS!(Post)A HUGE batch of imports for you this week, my darlings. Tons of NEW items and lots of restocks on previously sold old stuff. Shop fast!And it’s LAST FEW of the new DATURA 4 West Coast Highway Cosmic ...
More MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, big thanks to all of you for your love and support these past few difficult weeks. It has been really heartwarming and much appreciated. The new Gospelbeachis flying off the shelves, and w ...
Midweek Bargains!(Post)More of those fabulous discounts for you guys, including huge savings on most of the stuff listed here, AND some last copies that will be going away forever.Check out our BUNDLE AND BOX set section t ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MONTHLY IMPORTS!(Post)That’s right my darlings, not only do we have the new Shindig, we got a nice import shipment to keep you amused. Lots of 60s and 70s reissues, some modern psych, a box set or two, and all kinds of fu ...
Label Spotlight & New Additions(Post)LABEL SPOTLIGHTThis week we’re showcasing two great ALIVE bands, LEFT LANE CRUISER AND JAMES LEG. The reviews are rolling in for both bands!JAMES LEG: The greatest feature of Below the Belt is the ov ...
Mid-week Update(Post)It’s that fabulous mid-week update you love so much, with discounts galore (no code required!). New arrivals, a bunch of tasty restocks, and of course adds to the LAST COPIES and $5 and under section ...
Lots of adds to our CHEAPO and LAST COPY sections!(Post)It’s the mid week update, you know what to do! Lots of add to our cheapo sections and LAST COPY section, check it out here:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 ite ...
THIS WEEK'S NEW STUFF & MORE(Post)We got a bunch of new arrivals for you,including more adds to your favorite $5 and under section and some new releases from our friends at DIONYSUS. Check out their catalogue here: DIONYSUSAlso some ...
BROWN ACID AND MORE(Post)Yep, it’s Vol 6 of that series you love so much, BROWN ACID, plus restocks on all of the other volumes too, Check it all out here!And if it’s great comp albums you want, check out PEBBLES here, some ...
NEW ONE-ONLY + BIG RESTOCK FROM GEAR FAB(Post)Some weird new one-only finds for this midweek update, plus a big restock from GEAR FAB! Click on the pretty pink box to see what’s back in stock.And of course the usual adds and discounts to your 3 ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of new goodies for you, including more of your favorite “cheapo cds” and lots more.And we have some new titles from our friends at the Dionysus label, including som ...
GARAGE PSYCH AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have a big garage psych restock from our friends at GET HIP and also GEAR FAB, lots of cheapo cds and good deals. Check their complete stock list!ALSO just in, some more of those impo ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)It might be a holiday in the record biz (most companies are closed until next week, lazy bastards!) but we still managed to get some new items to keep you amused.A couple of new bundles for you, plus ...
Tuesday Saale & Restocks(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day kiddies, I’ve added a bunch of items to your favorite section, the $5 and under, and gave you better prices on some of these babies. One each on a lot of these, so if you don't ...
MID-WEEK SAALE(Post)It’s the TUESDAY, well we're a little late so let's say... MID-WEEK SAALE, dig in fast, these are one each mostly. No need for a CODE, this saale is built into the cart, just click the big pink butto ...
DISCOUNTS AND BACK IN STOCK(Post)Got another big old list of stuff that's been discounted or back in stock...In other news, LEFT LANE CRUISER “The Pusher” made the CLASSIC ROCK’S ‘Tracks Of The Week’ listSULFUR CITY appears on the ...
ABOUT TO BE GONE FOREVER!(Post)As you guys know from my previous emails, the legendary RAINBO Records, who has been the pressing plant for BOMP/VOXX/AIP and ALIVE since the 70’s, has suddenly gone out of business, and we're scramb ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Got some import restocks this weekend for you guys! And make sure your Shindig collection is complete because the issues are selling out fast and I cant get more, get em while you can.And if you didn ...
NEW SHINDIG + GEAR FAB RESTOCKS(Post)First off, thanks for all the nice Labor Day orders this weekend, it was kind of insane yesterday, but we got everything out the door and on the way.NEWS ABOUT YOUR ORDERS! We just got got a brand ne ...
New Stuff and Saale Items(Post)Man, that was quite a Record Store Day! Ryan and me worked our butts off, THANKS for the support, it was pretty great.If you didn't catch it the first time around, we are offering the two record sto ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE IMPORTS!(Post)It’s Shindig time again, seems like it comes out every two weeks! And we have part 2 of the LIMITED EDITION IMPORTS for you also.And, back in stock: BOMP - BORN IN THE GARAGE BY MIKE STAX. 300 pages ...
TRIPTIDES AND NEW SHINDIG!(Post)What a weekend kiddies, we have the new SHINDIG and some great stuff on ALIVE.First up, THE TRIPTIDES hallucinogenic new release, Alter Echoes. We have a presale on the AUTOGRAPHED bundle with a post ...
RARITIES FROM OUR ARCHIVES AND MORE!(Post)More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
30% OFF SAALE!(Post)30% off this week only!I’m feeling generous and decided to do a big saale for the amazing OFF THE HIP LABEL, bringing you all the best in garage, powerpop and rock 'n' roll music from Australia and a ...
MIDWEEK RESTOCKS & MORE!(Post)This time around we got a bunch of crucial restocks back in, including a new release and some formerly out of stock titles from GEAR FAB, the great 60s and 70s reissue label.Also a batch of mid-week ...
NEW ARRIVALS and Big Discounts!(Post)Some new additions for you guys, plus more of those LAST COPY deals, items we’re clearing out at near cost or below. Get em while you can!And adds to the famous $5 and under section too, and the $5-$ ...
Tuesday SAALE DAY!(Post)Tuesday SAALE day! You know the drill, discount already built into the site, no code required.RECORD STORE DAY is coming soon, keep an eye on our site for news of our releases. We cant advertise the ...
TUESDAY DEAL DAY AGAIN!(Post)Another fine assortment of discounts and saale items, plus some restocks and lots of add to your favorite sections: ONE ONLY | $5 and under | $5-$10BIG discounts this week on the garage label DIONY ...
New Arrivals this Weekend(Post)It’s the weekend and we have some great new stuff for you, AND some restocks too, check it all out below, click the pink button for the complete list!We’ll be pre-selling the new JACK LEE double LP ...
Discounts, restocks & new stuff!(Post)Some nice bargains for you guys here, lots of last copies at near cost. And some new arrivals too, check it out below!Suzy ShawNEW ARRIVALS SKU24595, 24596, 24641, 24547, 24643Drop these skus into ou ...
SAALE & RESTOCKS(Post)Greetings my little darlings! I know we’re a little late with the midweek SAALE but better late than never, right? We’ve been so busy with the latest ALIVE releases that I barely have time to keep u ...
GIANT IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Just in to the fabulous BOMP/ALIVE warehouse, a whole ton of great import releases! Lots of amazing psych, limited editions, garage fuzz, and of course, let's not forget a lot of adds to the $5 and ...
NEW YEARS BARGAINS!(Post)Lots of restocks and discounts this week, gotta clear out the warehouse to make room for 2019! Check your favorite sections for the latest adds: $5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 IT ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, thanks to all of you for making the new GOSPELBEACHa big success. All formats now available, including a 6 album “BOX” set with autograph and exclusive cover art and poster. GREAT deal.Che ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)Brand new UGLY THINGS IN OUR WAREHOUSE! And lots of back issues restocked too, see the list!ALSO JUST IN – A shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB, purveyors of fine 60s and 70s pysch and garage titl ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy popular imports, both new arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items.Also listed, SAALE items and one only. Check it out below.And a BIG reminder that many CDs wo ...
TUESDAY SAALE DAY!(Post)As always, some great bargains, and some more additions to the famous “$5 And Under Section”.Featured items this week are the BOMP books, the gorgeous hardcover is at the bargain price of $14 and I’l ...
MIDWEEK DISCOUNTS AND NEWS!(Post)This week we have a few WAREHOUSE FINDS and lots of adds to your favorite sections, some real finds and fantastic prices for you. Get the scoop here!Thanks for supporting our bands, we can’t do it wi ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This week we have a big import shipment arriving, including the very limited VIP VOP TAPES - Vol 3, legendary compilations put together by Lux Interior himself, along with a restock of the previously ...
IT'S THE WEEKEND!(Post)Look at all this amazing stuff I got for you guys this week! It’s a smorgasbord of CHEAPO CDS, BACK IN STOCK items, a whole bunch of adds to the fabulous ONE ONLY SECTION, and more more more. Ms Suzy ...
MONTHLY IMPORTS & MORE(Post)The monthly import shipment is in, at great prices! Check the list below for some real bargains.ALSO, we got a nice 10% off SAALE on T shirts this weekend, you can support your favorite band and get ...
IMPORTS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)Got some nice restocks and SAALE items for you this time around, and another shipment from GEAR FAB, check it all out here. Also some great bargains from DIONYSUS, lots of under $5 items.Thanks for a ...
MIDWEEK MADNESS!(Post)Just in! The new DATURA4 - WEST COAST HIGHWAY COSMIC on all formats. There are still a couple of the autographed set available too, don't miss out. Dom Mariani has assembled the band membe ...
WAREHOUSE MANIA!(Post)SUBJECT- WAREHOUSE MANIA WAREHOUSE MANIA! Me and Ryan spent the whole day yesterday organizing the warehouse for the upcoming year, and baby,did we find some good stuff for you guys! There’s a lot of ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)WE GOT THE NEW SHINDIG for you, AND the NEW GOSPELBEACH shirts are back in stock, along with a BUNDLE including the shirt and a badge, check it out below.The reviews just don't stop rolling in, the b ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)That band Beechwood is taking off, 400,000 plays in Germany! Top 10 on the Red Eye charts already. Fingers crossed for those guys. Check out their video below, they look amazing.Lots of new cheapo CD ...
Weekend Update: New Stuff & Restocks(Post)TO ORDER: GO TO BOMPSTORE and use the search (you can just paste inthe SKU # at the end of each item, or use the title or artist) to find any items of interest. You can also use the search to find ty ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND FUN STUFF!(Post)Some interesting new items from the depths of the BOMP warehouse this week, and lots of discounts and SAALE items too. Adds to our cheapo sections too, $5 and under, $10 and under, and ONE ONLY!Check ...
MID WEEK DISCOUNTS!(Post)More more more arrivals from your fave 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB, most at the $10 price point you love so much. Check the entire label here!And more restocks, deep discounts and ONE ONLY ad ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)Got the new Shindig for you guys (coming THURSDAY, so don’t panic if we don’t sent it out right away, keep those panties on and tight until then!)Also some nice restocks of previously sold out items, ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Another great batch for you guys this weekend, including the new SHINDIG and more of those tasty imports.Happy shopping!Suzy Shaw Your Mailorder GoddessNEW SHINDIGSHINDIG!-#96 STATUS The birth o ...
Tuesday Saale Day(Post)It’s Tuesday SAALE day, as always with deep discounts, and al usual there is no code required, the discount is already on the cart. One each of a lot of these, shop FAST. And I’ve also added even M ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More more more fun stuff for my little darlings. Here’s the latest discounts and restocks for you!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SKUS 21564, 23552, 220 ...
WEDNESDAY UPDATE(Post)In addition to the usual adds, sale items and restocks we have a few fabulous warehouse finds for you, including rare test pressings and some crazy weird box sets.Also listed are some AUTOGRAPHED cop ...
MORE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)I’m selling these as fast as I list them, lots of great items including some books and mags from the BOMP archives and some BOMP/VOXX singles. Also a SAALE on a few issues of Shindig, I got too many ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF, AUTOGRAPHS & MORE!(Post)Weekend saale stuff, autographs and more! Lots of adds to our last copies/saale section, check it out here, hundreds of items at cost!A new shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB too, plus a new one i ...
NEW IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have more of those crazy international titles arriving, everything from Turkish psych to UK hard rock Blue Cheer style. Click on the pretty pink box to see the complete list. Limited ...
Previously sold out IMPORTS are BACK IN STOCK!(Post)Big restocks of some of those previously sold out IMPORT titles, including the last copies of the VAGRANTS CD!And big thanks to our friend HENRY ROLLINS, he loved our BEECHWOOD album and made “I Don' ...
MID WEEK FRENZY!(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you, selling at near cost. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.A few new goodies too, including a new T shirt for our boys LEFT LANE CRUISER.ALS ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Yep, even MORE new imports, and more restocks too. Super limited, get in there fast.Also arriving, restocks from the perennial favorite for 60’s and 70’s reissues at a $10 price point, GEAR FAB. Chec ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)Got some cool warehouse finds this time around, including a ONE ONLY Pebbles starburst vinyl box set! Plus a batch of rare Rainbo test pressings for everything from Sun Ra to Mc5 to Iggy! Test pressi ...
WEEKEND!(Post)Some great ltd ed cds here this time around, part of the TEXAS ROCK DYAMONDS series of small press-run CD releases. Ltd quantities but I put the items on inventory in the cart so if it allows you to ...
IN OUR WARE HOSUE NOW - INCREDIBLE STARBURST VINYL(Post)IN OUR WAREHOUSE NOW! Wow, we are BLOWN away by these new PEBBLES starburst pressings,by far the most incredible vinyl we’ve ever seen! Available in a BOX set edition of 100 numbered sets,OR individ ...
Warehouse Organization Rampage!(Post)Ms Suzy is on a warehouse organization rampage! Good news for you kids, check all the cool stuff I found for you! ORIGINAL PRESSINGS FROM THE 70’s and 80s, and more WAREHOUSE FINDS! Plus the usual ad ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)All kinds of crazy stuff this weekend. We got some rare singles, more of those wacky import cds at bargain prices, and even a couple of collectible VHS tapes from our archives!And if you got the post ...
LAST CHANCE!(Post)We’re closing out the DATURA 4 AUTOGRAPHED bundle so that we can get the T shirt orders in, so it’s now or never kiddies! Dom and the band have autographed the EXCLUSIVE double sided insert, and we s ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Yes my darlings, the new Shindig has arrived, with none other than JIMI HENDRIX on the cover. Check out the back issues too, we have lots of great issues in stock. Also just in, some new stoner psych ...
NEW BLACK LIPS & LEFT LANE CRUISER COLOR VINYL + MORE(Post)Great stuff this weekend, we have a repress of the BLACK LIPS first LP on Bomp on gorgeous APPLE GREEN vinyl, really nice looking. AND a new pressing of LEFT LANE CRUISER- Dirty Spliff Blues- on H ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)It just keeps coming, lots more amazing obscure import titles, both LP and CD. Check it all out here, and act fast cause these go fast. ALSO JUST IN, a restock from our friends at Dionysus, see all o ...
Discounts and Saale Items(Post)Got some great deals for you kids today! Deep discounts on many of the items listed on the site, click the button below, including some warehouse finds and $5 items. And no need for a CODE, the saale ...
Midweek Update: Last Copies Heads Up!(Post)It’s our mid week update again, and you know what that means, MORE adds to our $5 and under section, and a bunch of things I have determined to be LAST COPIES! These are mostly items on our labels th ...
HOLIDAY MANIA!(Post)If you’re trying to find the perfect gift for the holidays, we have lots of collectible tunes on our labels for you or your record maniac friends! First pressings, fantastic bundles, warehouse finds, ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF!(Post)Big import restock, and lots of adds to our SAALE section. And as always, if you want a deal check our $5 and under and $10 and under sections.And if you want to listen to the latest and see some vid ...
Monthly import shipment(Post)It's here! Limited quantities on these new arrivals, lots of nice psych stuff and rare items.ALSO restocks on our T shirts, get the 5 shirt Radio Moscow bundle, or maybe an ALIVE or BOMP shirt. Tons ...
BACK IN STOCK, SAALE, ONE ONLY AND MORE!(Post)It’s our semi-famous mid week update, with all kinds of crazy stuff… BACK IN STOCK, SAALE, ONE ONLY AND REMINDERS.I’ve had a good dig thru the magazine sectionin particular, lowing prices and fixing ...
RARE PSYCH, PROG AND MORE! (Post)Lots more of those obscure 60s and 70s titles for you guys this weekend, including 70s Turkish fuzz guitar, British psych, West Coast acid rock, and more. Plus a few warehouse finds, original pressin ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE(Post)IT’S ANOTHER NEW SHINDIG for you guys, along with lots of other goodies. We have a lot of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section for you, these are items that we’re selling at near cost to clear off our ...
Rock On!(Post)We’re super proud of our boys on ALIVE, just look at the amazing reviews that are rolling in! They’re doing a great job staying on the road too, it isn’t an easy life, they’re real troopers. Give em ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)Some restocks and real deals for you guys, plus a batch of previously sold out Shindig mags. Make sure you dig into our ONE ONLY section, lots of items sold at below cost!Thanks guys,Suzy ShawDrop th ...