190 results for '"test + pressing"'
We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
MORE TEST PRESSINGS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)More TEST PRESSINGS and WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, as BOMP continues to clear out the warehouse. And lots of adds to your favorite 3 sections. Deep discounts on some ONE ONLY last copies too.★ ONE ON ...
LOTS OF SAALE ITEMS & MORE TEST PRESSINGS!(Post)The last of our product is arriving from the now defunct RAINBO RECORDS, home to so many indie labels for 80 years. We’re very sad to see them go, but the good news is that they were storing some ver ...
TESTIMONIAL: Just wanted to let you know the test pressings arrived last week(Post)Just wanted to let you know the test pressings arrived last week & to say thanks for the awesome freebies (Alive @ the Deep Blues Fest is possibly the only Radio Moscow music I didn’t have). You ...
HENRY ROLLINS IN THE HOUSE!(Post)Some of you may only know him from Black Flag, but he’s the ultimate geeky fan-boy record collector, and came by BOMP to help us with our Iggy archives. He was trained by the Smithsonian and will tak ...
MORE IMPORTS!(Post)Lots more new arrivals, including some new Seelie Court CDs. There are no more vinyl releases for a long time, from most labels, so Seelie Court switched to CD. Smart guys! Don’t be waiting for the L ...
MORE RARITIES!(Post)We’re continuing to clear the warehouse to make room for the arrivals from our pressing plant, the now defunct RAINBO records, the record business will never be the same.Keep an eye on our site for m ...
MIDWEEK MADNESS!(Post)Just in! The new DATURA4 - WEST COAST HIGHWAY COSMIC on all formats. There are still a couple of the autographed set available too, don't miss out. Dom Mariani has assembled the band membe ...
END OF AN ERA!(Post)We’re very sad to report that the original BOMP pressing plant, the legendary Rainbo Records, is closing suddenly next month after 80 years in business. BOMP has been there from the beginning and of ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)This weekend we have some very cool new arrivals for you.First up, Dom from Datura4 was kind enough to send us some AUTOGRAPHED singles, they look amazing!And a new one from HYPNOTIC BRIDGE too, get ...
WEEKEND(Post)More of those rare test pressings that you guys have been snapping up! These are from our archives and available nowhere else. Only 5 each made, and often only 1 or 2 are still around, since we send ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!(Post)Got an interesting assortment for you guys today, some more of my “cleaning out the warehouse”items, including some one-only T shirts and a bunch of one each slightly damaged mags for a good price, I ...
MID WEEK UPDATE - WAREHOUSE FINDS & MORE!(Post)For our midweek update we have some interesting warehouse finds for you guys, rare test pressings of early BOMP/VOXX and AIP titles. Only a few of each, these are collectors items of the highest orde ...
RARITIES AND ONE ONLY!(Post)Today we have an absolute bonanza of 70s and 80s one-only items excavated from the legendary BOMP warehouse. These will never, ever be back, so get them while you can. LOTS more TEST PRESSINGS, magaz ...
MIDWEEK ARRIVALS(Post)I’ve been digging out some of the original test pressings from the BOMP and AIP labels and you guys are loving them. Another batch listed here today, very limited quantities straight from the BOMP ar ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have a few MORE Iggy test pressings for you guys! Plus some more cool warehouse finds and new arrivals.RESTOCK in from our friends at GEAR FAB, the 60s and 70s reissue label. Everythi ...
NEW UGLY THINGS AND MORE!(Post)We’re still here and getting lots of new arrivals for you guy, including the NEW UGLY THINGSand even some imports, along with some more of those 80s cassettes from the BOMP archives, rare TEST PRESSI ...
CRATEDIGGERS PARADISE!(Post)For our midweek update this time around we have some nice surprises for you guys, including an autographed MC5 album AND the 2nd TEST PRESSING for the IGGY I’m Sick of you 7”, with the cover autograp ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We got some weird and wacky additions this week, including a batch of T shirts that have been here in the BOMP warehouse for a while but never listed, most given to us by the bands, some cool stuff.A ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)Got some cool warehouse finds this time around, including a ONE ONLY Pebbles starburst vinyl box set! Plus a batch of rare Rainbo test pressings for everything from Sun Ra to Mc5 to Iggy! Test pressi ...
This weeks new stuff!(Post)OK, I know you guys are all distracted by (1)That crazy UK thing!(YIKES) (2) The soccer game (3) 4th of July, BUT we cant have everyone just sitting around looking pretty here, so I’m gonna tempt you ...
MORE GREAT IMPORTS(Post)MORE great IMPORTS for you guys this week, both NEW arrivals and restocks of previously sold out items. Plus, I’m continuing “LAST COPIES” project, taking inventory of those titles that are about to ...
LATE WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)My fabulous tech Josh was traveling this weekend and unable to put together our usual scheduled update, and since I have no idea how to put together these Email blasts (I checked, it’s HARD!) we had ...
WEEKEND GOODIES!(Post)This weekend we have some amazing items for you, the most incredible being the very historical CAVERN CLUB folder from the BOMP FILES! Even I was surprised at the items I found there, everything from ...
IMPORTS PART 2!(Post)More imports this weekend, along with some groovy BOMP warehouse finds from the 70s and 80s.And some excellent bargains from your fave garage/psych label DIONYSUS, check their catalogue here, lots of ...
WEDNESDAY UPDATE(Post)In addition to the usual adds, sale items and restocks we have a few fabulous warehouse finds for you, including rare test pressings and some crazy weird box sets.Also listed are some AUTOGRAPHED cop ...
MIDWEEK NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)More of those warehouse finds you love so much, lots of 7” test pressings, some more autographed MC5 titles, and some crazy zines that I unearthed!Lots of big discounts this time around, no code requ ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This time around we have some new imports for you guys, along with the new TIMEMAZINE, coming with a 7” and a CD, plus restocks on all of their back issues too. Also restocks on the MESSER CHUPS viny ...
SAALE ITEMS AND NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Just got some shipments in from our pals at GEAR FAB and GET HIP, great cds for only $10, dig in!Plus more of those 80 collector’s cassettes, and more TEST PRESSINGS.And more LAST COPIES at a great p ...
MORE ARCHIVAL FINDS!(Post)We’re continuing to sell off the legendary Bomp archives, making room for a massive transfer of jackets from our now defunct pressing plant, the equally legendary RAINBO RECORDS. Check out this week’ ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS AND MORE(Post)First off, seeing as how it’s Wednesday, I’ve spent a little time in the warehouse digging out some new treasures for you guys! Found some gems this time, one each of most so shop fast.Also JUST IN - ...
1,200 PYSCH TITLES IN STOCK!(Post)1,200 PYSCH TITLES IN STOCK! Click below for our powerpop titles too. You can either drop the skus into the search OR just type PSYCH into our search to see the list. We also have over 1,000 titles p ...
WEEKEND UPDATE: NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)This weekend we got the new SHINDIG for you kiddies, and I found you guys a bunch more of those WAREHOUSE FINDS you love so very much! Big batch of tasty restocks too.Some sad news for those of you w ...
EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!(Post)Looks like we got a tough couple of months ahead of us kids, but we’ll get thru it. I hope you’re all hanging in there, let’s all stay calm and not buy so much toilet paper, OK?? We can do it!!!Meanw ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!(Post)Happy holidays to all of you, hope you are all weathering the latest of the endless storms. We’ll be closed our usual hours but here Thursday and back Monday to serve your mailorder needs!We have a b ...
VINTAGE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Got some more goodies for you guys this week, from the depths of the BOMP ALIVE warehouse! Some really cool stuff, check it out below.And our usual mid week SAALE and one only section, along with som ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS BLOWOUT!(Post)It’s taken me a few decades, ha ha but I finally got around to going thru some boxes of weird singles that were languishing in the legendary Bomp warehouse! Lotsa Bomp and Voxx product plus some craz ...
ARE WE BORED YET?(Post)Probably! I know I am, is it over yet??? We’re doing our best to keep you entertained while you’re locked down, and even have some cool new arrivals for you, including more of those amazing archive c ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Just in, the latest issue of Shindig!Also yet another another pressing plant miracle, a new pressing of both RADIO MOSCOW and the BOBBY LEES! Great looking blue vinyl on both, check it out here.And o ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into the Bomp archives and finding all kinds of cool stuff for you guys, check out the latest here, and check all of our warehouse finds here.Also lots of imports and saale items, if yo ...
10% OFF EVERYTHING STOREWIDE!(Post)Great news kiddos! We've got even more rare Warehouse Finds this weekend, PLUS we’re also having one of our rare SAALES. Don't wait, lot's of one only items.10% off everything, even our already disco ...
PREORDERS AND NEW BOX SETS!(Post)This time around we have some very interesting new items for you, including 2 ORIGINAL PRESSINGS OF RARE 70’s vinyl! We have both DEERFIELD Nil Desperandum and DEERFIELD LIVE Original copies 1971, T ...
WEEKEND SAALE STUFF, AUTOGRAPHS & MORE!(Post)Weekend saale stuff, autographs and more! Lots of adds to our last copies/saale section, check it out here, hundreds of items at cost!A new shipment from our friends at GEAR FAB too, plus a new one i ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)It’s a miracle kiddies, we got a shipment of NEW records! The record biz seems to be “Closed for Repairs” lately, hard to get anything in, but we did it. Limited quantities, check it out below.Happy ...
MIDWEEK SAALE!(Post)Lots of big discounts for you guys, check our “$5 and under" section and the “$10 and under"section for new additions. Also more more more WAREHOUSE FINDS, all kinds of one-only goodies are surfacing ...
MID WEEK NEW ARRIVALS & SAALE!(Post)This time around we got some of the original pressings of the 70s Texas psych band DEERFIELD in stock.Also just listed for PREORDER, the 7” from the 14 item DARK CATALOGUE RAISONNE series. Get your p ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This week we’ve got a nice batch of import restocks, and big shipment of BROWN ACID cds, all at that $10 price you love so much! Great 70s prog and psych comps. LPs also in stock.Also a ONE ONLY arch ...
BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Lots of seriously discounted items this week, clearing off the shelves for more, more more! And another batch of one-only selling at near cost items too, check it all out below.We’re having a lot of ...
GOT SOME NICE STUFF THIS WEEKEND!(Post)MORE IMPORTS AT GREAT PRICES this weekend! Plus restocks on previously sold out titles. All kinds of 60s and 70s prog, psych, and garage.Plus a big restock and a new title from the amazing L.A. psych ...
SELLING BELOW COST!(Post)We got some real deals for you this week, check out the RESTOCKS AND SAALE items below, and lots more serious deals in the LAST COPY section. Also just in, a restock on those TIMEMAZINE mags you love ...
SAALE STUFF AND MORE!(Post)Got some fun new arrivals, including a reissue of an 80’s powerpop release from a former Bomp alumni!Also another one of those test pressing sets with lots of cool stuff from the Bomp archives, and a ...
UP TO 50% OFF!(Post)Crazy low prices, this week! I’m in a cleaning mood, making room for lots of new arrivals and getting rid of last copies and slow movers here, all great stuff. TONS of great bargains for you guys her ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys, including another one of those TEST PRESSING SETS we are starting to put together. These sets include items from the legendary Bomp archives, in addition to the actual ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Got some really cool stuff this weekend, including two VERY LIMITED hand numbered TEST PRESSING "BOX" sets, you won't find these anywhere else. Only a few of these.And we have a new pressing on gorge ...
NOTHING OVER $10!!(Post)Yep, that’s right, some real bargains here. AND there are 800 MORE titles under $10, everything from 7” titles from the 70s and 80s to vinyl and cds. Check it out here:Drop these skus into our search ...
New Arrivals this week(Post)GET YOUR DATURA 4, JAMES LEG, and RADIO MOSCOW limited edition pressings while you’re at it, and don't forget our amazing T SHIRT section!Thanks,Suzy ShawNew ArrivalsKILLED BY DEATH- Vol 1 (legenda ...
DEEP DISCOUNTS & MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday again with some more LAST COPIES, adds to the $5 and UNDER SECTION, deep discounts, and NEW ARRIVALS for you guys. Also some “one each” archive copies, a bunch of warehouse finds, and lo ...
INSANELY GOOD DEALS, NEW ARRIVALS, SALE STUFF, WAREHOUSE FINDS, AND MORE!(Post)Me and Ryan (and even Josh, my tech who makes it all work from Oregon ) are over the flu at last and back in action, and we’ve added a crazy amount of new items this week, plus lots of additions to t ...
NEW ARRIVALS and SUPERSAALE! (Post)Yes it’s another mid week festival of BIG discounts, new arrivals, and excellent deals on LAST COPIES. Plus another batch of 5 vintage cassettes from Greg Shaw, a test pressing or two, and new CD and ...
Mid-Week Saale and Restocks!(Post)Another batch of discounts and last copies for you guys today. And be sure to use our fantastic search engine to find whatever kind of music you want, type in GARAGE to see 800 titles, type in PSYCH ...
MIDWEEK SAALE and LABEL NEWS!(Post)We’re doing our best to keep rock and roll ALIVE! We’ve got a bunch of our bands out on tour, BOBBY LEES, JAMES LEG, BEECHWOOD, and HANDSOME JACK ... check the dates and locations here!Parker from Ra ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, plus a big restock on GEAR FAB and BROWN ACID, all titles now in stock!Also, a few more of our BENT CORNER bargains, mint vinyl, just a crunchy corner. Fantastic dea ...
MID-WEEK UPDATE(Post)This time around we have a some cool restocks and SAALE items for you, plus yet another big restock from the great 60s and 70s reissue label, GEAR FAB!And of course adds to your favorite 3 cheapo sec ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, and more more more in our $5 and under and $10 and undersections, thousand of reissues and great stuff for unbelievable prices.Also more of those archival tests I’m ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES(Post)We put together a few more of those box sets you guys are loving, all with absolutely unique items from the Bomp files, you wont find anything like this anywhere else. All of our archives are promise ...
Mid Week Mania and 10% OFF!(Post)More crazy deals, saale items and last copies here for you. Check it all out below.And until Sunday night, we’re going to give you 10% anything on the ALIVE label. Radio Moscow, Bobby Lees, Nerves, E ...
WEEKEND!(Post)GOT A BIG SHIPMENT IN FROM GEAR FAB FOR YOU, we got the best prices anywhere so they sell out as fast as I get them! Most at the $10 price point, great 60s and 70s garage and psych. Check out the ent ...
CHEAPO CDS and LOTS OF NEW STUFF(Post)This weekend we have a tasty batch of new arrivals, including everything from the VERY FIRST original test pressing of IGGY KILL CITY 7” to a nice selection of 60s and 70s reissue cds at rock bottom ...
Rarities, Saale, Brown Acid and More!(Post)We got some cool stuff just listed, some TEST PRESSING sets from our archives, will all sort of adds, like photos, letters, and press releases. Check it all out below.Also just in, a shipment from ou ...
BOMP/ALIVE FACE MASKS AND MORE!(Post)Check it out, we had some LIMITED EDITION FACE MASKS MADE! 100% SUPERSOFT COTTON FREE SHIPPING WITH ORDER! See below for details.Plus I’ve gone thru the STIV BATORS 7” section and finally figured out ...
Early pressings, rarities and more!(Post)Oh happy day, Ms. Suzy has been digging around in some of the archives and found some stuff to keep you amused,lots of early pressings and rarities, see the list below for details.AND go to our revis ...
IMPORTS AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have a nice selection of restocks from all over the world! Lots of imports and some cheapo cds for you, plus a few rare box sets from our personal collection!And check out the fab 5 C ...
WEEKEND UPDATE! (Post)A lot of one only items this time around, plus the NEW BROWN ACID LP AND CD! Plus all of their previous titles available. Check it out!BROWN ACID -THE 11th TRIP (HEAVY ROCK FROM THE UNDERGROUND COME ...
BIG DISCOUNTS!(Post)Lots of items added to our LAST COPIES/SAALE section, some at or near cost. Check the items below and see them all here.Also a big discount on the remaining DARK UK LPS on Seelie Court. Selling at co ...
NEW SHINDIG PLUS SAALE & LAST COPIES!(Post)Lots of goodies for you guys this week! First off we have the new issue of Shindig with a fabulous Little Richard cover. Also just added, some more archival sets, including an autographed Nikki Corve ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipment from Gear Fab just in, lots of 60s and 70s reissues, collect them all!And more of those archival sets with one of a kind items from the Bomp files, original letters from Greg Shaw, gloss ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)More of those one-only items for you guys, plus a RADIO MOSCOW 5-only TEST PRESSING BOX SET, autographed by the original band members!Also our mid week saale, reminders, and last copies. Lots of fun ...
NEW STUFF & SAALE!(Post)Lots of bargains and restocks for you guys this week, and a batch of cool CDS too. Check it all out below.And don’t forget the new BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES release… pretty great stuff here! “Their attac ...
PREORDER ITEMS AND NEW STUFF!(Post)This week we have a huge batch of preorder vinyl, SHIPPING FEB 26TH, LAST DAY TO ORDER FEB 19. Lots of great 60s and 70s psych reissues. Be sure to get your orders in this weekend!Also just added, mo ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Some really nice items this week! We have a few more archival sets for you, including an autographed MC5, an autographed set from our very own Josie Cotton, of Johnny Are You Queer fame, and a nice T ...
HUGE shipment in for you this weekend & more!(Post)Whoa, got a HUGE shipment in for you this weekend, plus I’ve added yet more WAREHOUSE FINDS AND $5 items. We got the new SCHNITZELBEAT,Vol 2 on vinyl, a bunch of new singles,and some reissues of cool ...
Imports and warehouse finds!(Post)All kinds of weird stuff this time around! Some rare singles from the BOMP archives, another batch of cassettes, and MORE imports. Ltd quantities so get in there kiddies! Thanks, Suzy ShawDrop t ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MONTHLY IMPORTS!(Post)That’s right my darlings, not only do we have the new Shindig, we got a nice import shipment to keep you amused. Lots of 60s and 70s reissues, some modern psych, a box set or two, and all kinds of fu ...
WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)Yep, Ms Suzy has outdone herself this week! Found a tub buried in the warehouse best labeled “What do I do with THESE???” Some interesting and varied items, including a bunch of pretty nice, mint rec ...
MORE CHEAPOS!(Post)Yet another big batch of discount items has just arrived! All kinds of goodies, at great prices. Check it out by clicking the pretty pink box below.ALSO just in, a nice restock from our friends at GE ...
MID WEEK NEW STUFF!(Post)The new Pandoras set is sold out, but we have made the regular purple vinyl available, along with 4 new PANDORAS T SHIRTS! Great looking shirts available in all sizes, including a baby doll version.A ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Finally got a new issue of Shindig with Jeff Beck (You may have noticed the last one went missing, lost in shipping, sorry about that!)In addition we have two more archival sets for you, both with co ...
RARITIES FROM OUR ARCHIVES AND MORE!(Post)More items from the Bomp archives for you guys today, really cool one of a kind items! And some nice saale stuff and restocks too.Don't forget the new SHINDIG has arrived, and be sure to pick up the ...
SELLING AT COST!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of items we are clearing out to make room for more! Great stuff at a great price.Also just in, more of those archival sets, with lots of rare goodies from the Bomp ...
MID WEEK MADNESS!(Post)More more more crazy low prices, perfect time to fill in those collections!Some wacky new arrivals too, lots of one only singles from the depths of the BOMP warehouse, along with another batch of tho ...
AMAZING NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Check this out kids, some very interesting stuff this time around. Straight from the BOMP archives, we found some ORIGINAL MOCK UPS for the DEAD BOYS “Night of the Living Dead Boys” album cover, and ...
IMPORTS and MC5! (Post)Got some more imports in for you guys, and I put together a few more MC5 sets with some one of a kind items found in our archives. Polaroid photos, a Leni Sinclair photo book, autographs, fanzines, f ...
MIDWEEK SAALE!(Post)Got some nice bargains for you plus a shipment from our friend Tom Marolda of the legendary TOMS. Last copies of these excellent POWERPOP cds, be sure to get them while you can. Also a batch of LAST ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)More adds to our saale and one only section this time around, and some new stuff too!Back issues of Shindig and Ugly Things are available, most are going out of print and will not be restocked, so ma ...
Mid Week Update with more goodies!(Post)HAPPY WEDNESDAY MY DARLINGS, Got some pretty cool stuff for you today. First, just in, our NEW DATURA 4 T shirt, it looks great! Get one of their LPS or bundles too, why don't ya!!! The guys got ...
Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections(Post)Lots of new additions to your very favorite sections: our legendary WAREHOUSE FINDS, and EVEN MORE STUFF for the $5 and under section!Some new arrivals too, and a nice premiere of our own DM3 in POPM ...
CHECK OUT OUR NEW CHEAPO SECTION!(Post)We have a new $15 and under section on the cart, thousands of bargain titles, and you can even sort by price if you REALLY want a bargain. Check it all out here, and you can also search for whatever ...
NEW STUFF AND SAALE!(Post)Lots of items on saale this week, and a new psych arrival from our friends at Hypnotic Bridge, check out their entire catalogue here!Also a restock from our pals at GET HIP, most for $10, lots of coo ...
STILL HERE WITH LOTS OF NEW STUFF!(Post)We’re here and keeping ‘em coming for you guys! Many thanks for your orders, your kind words and mostly for your love of music that keeps people like us in business. Me, Ryan, Patrick, Peter and Will ...