FALLEN ANGELS -The Great Society Sucks: Halloween 1968 (60s psych) CD
CICADELICSince Washington DC was the home for the Fallen Angels, the band did not miss out on radicalizing the 1968 presidential elections by letting their disparaging views on the LBJ and his 'Great Society' be aired. Amidst all the politics is a great live performance by the Fallen Angels, combining original songs from their two psychedelic albums ('No Way Out' and 'Poor Old Man') with a previously unreleased song ('Everything Would Be Fine'), along with covers of Dylan (done acid-rock style), Donovan (raga-rock style), and Love (the highlight of the show, 'Signed DC' is a nine minute tour de force interrupted by a fist fight in the audience. The Fallen Angels broke up a year later in 1969, but not before blowing many a mind on the east coast during their glorious reign in Washington DC.