GHOULS NIGHT OUT Vol 1 - Killer Halloween Rockers For Your Thrilling Pleasure- COMP CD
SIMPLETONEGroovy and ghoulish groovers from the deeper, weirder novelty scene of the 60s post rockabilly numbers about monsters, bug eyed R&B about the the boogie man, surf pop with schlockly Transylvanian narrators and more!
It's really fun stuff, much of it probably made in the wake of the "Monster Mash" craze, and likely played by stellar session musicians under pseudonyms but whatever the origin, it's bizarro and wildly fun stuff like they just don't make in today's music rackets!
Includes "The Cave" by Gary Spider Webb, "The Mechanical Man" by Bent Bolt And The Nuts, "Summertime" by The Thunderbirds, "Werewolf" by Carl Bonafede, "The Monster" by Bobby Please And The Pleasers, "Vampire's Ball" by Mann Drake, "The Thing (Part 1)" by Curtis And The Creepers and more