59 results for '"bent corner bargain"'
Lots of goodies for you guys, the new SHINDIG is here, along with a huge shipment from our friends at Lion, lots of new cheapo cds and restocks on previously sold out items. Check the label here!And ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, along with a big shipment of CHEAPO CDS from our friends at GET HIP. Check all of our Get Hip titles here: GET HIPPlus another batch of BENT CORNER BARGAINS. Perfect viny ...
ARCHIVAL SETS AND MORE!(Post)This time around we have more warehouse finds, ONE ONLY VINYL SETS WITH RARE ARCHIVAL MATERIALS! You wont find anything like this anywhere else, INCLUDES ITEMS FROM GREG SHAW'S FILES! SOON TO BE DONA ...
TONS OF NEW STUFF!(Post)Today we’re launching a new line of T shirts, hoodies, tote bags, mugs, and more. Check out the cool El Perro embroidered tie die shirt and hats, plus new Bomp and Alive shirts in lots of different ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipments in from Lion Records and our friends at GEAR FAB, CHECK THEIR CATALOGUE HERE! Lots of those $10 inflation beater items you love so much.PLUS more of those BENT CORNER BARGAINS! Half pri ...
This weeks new stuff!(Post)OK, I know you guys are all distracted by (1)That crazy UK thing!(YIKES) (2) The soccer game (3) 4th of July, BUT we cant have everyone just sitting around looking pretty here, so I’m gonna tempt you ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)We’ve got some really great new items for you guys this week, including the first in our new line of shirts, coffee cups, hats, jackets, tote bags, and more! First up are two shirts for our friend th ...
MID-WEEK SAALE & NEW STUFF!(Post)Got some more of those archival cds for you guys this week, and another one of our original pressing sets with all kind of goodies from the legendary Bomp files. And a restock of a sold out Shindig m ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Big shipment from Gear Fab just in, lots of 60s and 70s reissues, collect them all!And more of those archival sets with one of a kind items from the Bomp files, original letters from Greg Shaw, gloss ...
More new arrivals and SAALE(Post)Lots of saale items this week, check our last copies and SAALE section!Also more new stuff, including another a brand new release from Hypnotic Bridge, check out the label.And more of those BENT CORN ...
MORE NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Lots of new stuff for you guys, including another one of those TEST PRESSING SETS we are starting to put together. These sets include items from the legendary Bomp archives, in addition to the actual ...
FROM OUR ARCHIVES(Post)We put together a few more of those box sets you guys are loving, all with absolutely unique items from the Bomp files, you wont find anything like this anywhere else. All of our archives are promise ...
THE GIRLS OF BOMP!(Post)Last time around we listed a new Pandoras set, and now we have a new autographed Nikki Corvette set! Featuring 7 vintage fliers from Nikki’s personal collection, a glossy photo, and an exclusive cove ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)We’re back from our vacation with a brand new issue of Shindig that just arrived, along with some new items and a batch of fab restocks.And a great new Bators/Dead Boys archival set, with lots of ext ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, plus a big restock on GEAR FAB and BROWN ACID, all titles now in stock!Also, a few more of our BENT CORNER bargains, mint vinyl, just a crunchy corner. Fantastic dea ...
Rarities, Saale, Brown Acid and More!(Post)We got some cool stuff just listed, some TEST PRESSING sets from our archives, will all sort of adds, like photos, letters, and press releases. Check it all out below.Also just in, a shipment from ou ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)More items just in, including lots of 60s and 70s cds at great prices, some books and zines, and more BENT CORNER BARGAINS. See all of them here!Plus we found a fantastic 10 page 9x12 full color prom ...
NEW STUFF AND BARGAINS GALORE(Post)The holidays are approaching but there’s still time to get in on 10% off sale for all orders over $100! You can even get the discount on the legendary “$5 and under “ items!Consider some of our AUTOG ...
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)Happy Memorial Day weekend to our U.S. customers, we’ll be off for the Monday holiday, lazy bastards that we are.Lots of fun stuff this time around, a nice big import restock, a $5 CD overstock saale ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Happy weekend my darlins, we have some more of those wild and crazy imports that you love so much, along with a big batch of previously sold out items.And our friends at the L.A. psych label Hypnotic ...
CHECK OUT OUR NEW CHEAPO SECTION!(Post)We have a new $15 and under section on the cart, thousands of bargain titles, and you can even sort by price if you REALLY want a bargain. Check it all out here, and you can also search for whatever ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND GREAT DEALS!(Post)Some nice items for the midweek update this time around. First off we have a repressing of the legendary ZEROS album on STARBURST vinyl, with 25 copies autographed by Javier Escovido.Some VERY RARE w ...
SELLING AT COST!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of items we are clearing out to make room for more! Great stuff at a great price.Also just in, more of those archival sets, with lots of rare goodies from the Bomp ...
MORE WAREHOUSE FINDS!(Post)I’m selling these as fast as I list them, lots of great items including some books and mags from the BOMP archives and some BOMP/VOXX singles. Also a SAALE on a few issues of Shindig, I got too many ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND SAALE ITEMS!(Post)For our midweek update we have some real finds for you.. first off is an AUTOGRAPHED WEIRDOS album on BOMP. And some new arrivals from NOMAD EEL, the L.A. psych label.AND a lot of adds to our ONE ONL ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This weekend we have some new arrivals and some groovy restocks of previously sold out items. And another batch of vinyl we are selling at cost!Also just added, another archival set, this time with t ...
MID-WEEK ARRIVALS(Post)We got some new arrivals for you, some from the Bomp archives. And a big batch of saale stuff too, click on the pretty pink box to see em all.Also just in, another archival set, this time it’s the Za ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Check it out kids, not only do we have the new Shindig for you, we got more of those warehouse finds you love so much! I’ve been going thru the files and the back room to dig out some treasures, find ...
MORE DISCOUNTS, RESTOCKS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)It’s our mid weeks update for you guys. This time around I found another batch of those BENT CORNER bargains for you guys, I think it’s a wonderful way to recycle these almost perfect records AND giv ...
WEEKEND NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of those archival sets you love so much, created with one of a kind vintage items from the Bomp files! This time it’s the Flamin Groovies, The Things, another Mc5 s ...
NEW SHINDIG & IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Happy Memorial Day weekend for our U.S. friends! We’ll be taking a little holiday Monday, back at ya Tuesday with shipping info and all that.The new Shindig has arrived, along with a nice import ship ...