83 results for 'BEECHWOOD'
We're back from the long holiday weekend with some new items and a bunch of adds to all of your favorite sections, the $5 and Under, the $5-$10, and the ONE ONLY. And dont forget to use our search to ...
Weekend and new on ALIVE!(Post)Just in, the new BEECHWOOD album on Alive on clear red vinyl, the insert version is a BOMP MAILORDER exclusive, only 100 made. Give the guys some love and get your copy today!!"Whenever I listen to B ...
NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK(Post)We just got in a big shipment for you guys, some real bargains for you. Check out the newest batch of $3 cds!Plus some restocks of previously sold out items too. Some of these are LAST COPIES, so ge ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE!(Post)The new Shindig has arrived, and don't forget our new money saving bundle, 3 SHINDIG magazines for a bargain price! Also just in, a few new releases from everybody’s favorite 60s garage label, GEAR F ...
NEW ARRIVALS AND DISCOUNTS(Post)Another Wednesday with more bargains and discounts!Check the usual sections for the latest adds, some real deals in our $5 and Under, $5-$10 and ONE ONLY section, for items that we wont be restocking ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)This week we have a big import shipment arriving, including the very limited VIP VOP TAPES - Vol 3, legendary compilations put together by Lux Interior himself, along with a restock of the previously ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)Lots of new stuff this week, including some amazing South African 70’s psych CDS and a few new vinyl reissues of some cool 60s psych and garage bands.Suzy ShawOWNER BOMP RECORDSLABEL NEWS & BUZZBEECH ...
WEEKEND!(Post)This weekend we have another batch of new goodies for you, including more of your favorite “cheapo cds” and lots more.And we have some new titles from our friends at the Dionysus label, including som ...
NEW STUFF & RESTOCKS FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)This weekend we have more of what you want! Everything from cheapo CDs and LPs to mags. Big restock from GEAR FAB, the great 60s reissue label. Check out all of their titles HERE, or click the pink b ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)Not only do we have the new SHINDIG, I got yet another batch of cheapo LPS and CDs for you guys! You can click on the pretty pink box for the list, lots of 60s and 70s psych and garage. And a big bat ...
MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT (Post)Lots of new arrivals this week, including a new psych zine, more cheapo cds, vinyl reissues, and lots more! Ltd quantities, so shop fast. Details below!Thanks for supporting our label guys, ROCK LI ...
BIG IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)We have a big ole import shipment landing Monday, with a lot of cool stuff for you guys. Not too late to do a little Christmas shopping, we’ll be here all next week to get your orders out. We’re clos ...
BACK WITH MORE DISCOUNTS & DEALS(Post)It’s TUESDAY DISCOUNT DAY again, with a batch of lower priced items for you, along with RESTOCKS and ADDS to the $5 and Underand $5 -$10 section. Plus a couple of nice premieres for our very own GOSP ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Lots of cool new tunes for you this weekend, not the least of which is the new BEECHWOOD record on ALIVE.BEECHWOOD SONGS FROM THE LAND OF NOD - DELUXE BUNDLE WITH LP, CD, INSERT & EXCLUSIVE POSTER, S ...
IMPORTS!(Post)MONSTER import shipment landing Monday. As always with these, very limited quantities, so if you want something get that button clicked FAST. All kinds of great psych and garage and limited editions.
WEEKEND UPDATE!(Post)Happy Memorial Day weekend to our U.S. customers, we’ll be off for the Monday holiday, lazy bastards that we are.Lots of fun stuff this time around, a nice big import restock, a $5 CD overstock saale ...
BARGAIN BONANZA!(Post)More of those Tuesday deals you love so much, with the traditional adds to the $5 and Underand $5-$10 SectionAND the ONE ONLY Section. We’ve even got a batch of new arrivalstoo. Happy shopping, and t ...
More Wild and Crazy Imports!(Post)Just when I think I’ve gotten them all, a new batch turns up! This week we have some fantastic crate digger specials and one only vinyl items, plus more of those box sets you love so much. Check the ...
BIG SHIPMENT JUST IN(Post)This week we have a ton of new South American arrivals, BUT I didn't get the quantities I wanted, most are just one or two, which is kind of huge bummer. The best plan I could think of was to activat ...
NEW ARRIVALS(Post)Happy weekend kiddies! We’ve got a big batch of new arrivals for you, and a gigantic restock of previously sold out items.THANKS for all,Suzy Shaw LABEL BUZZZ & NEWSBEECHWOODhas landed in th ...
LAST CHANCES & NEW RATES(Post)Got another batch of ONE ONLY items for you guys, plus a bunch of restocks and NEW items, including a bundle of the last ever copies of the later volumes of the legendary PEBBLES series. Click on the ...
Previously sold out IMPORTS are BACK IN STOCK!(Post)Big restocks of some of those previously sold out IMPORT titles, including the last copies of the VAGRANTS CD!And big thanks to our friend HENRY ROLLINS, he loved our BEECHWOOD album and made “I Don' ...
BLOWOUT!(Post)This time around we have some rock bottom deals on all kinds of goodies, including rare cassettes, CDs, and vinyl. One each on a lot of these, start shopping, my darlings.Check all of our VINTAGE CAS ...
Super discounts! (Post)It’s our midweek update with bargains galore and adds you your favorite cheapo sections!$5 and under - over 500 items$5-$10 - over 700 ITEMSLAST COPY- 200 items - Almost gone and at a discount Also ...
Phenomenal new arrivals!(Post)Lots of private press reissues at great prices this weekend, you wont find these titles anywere else at such low prices. And a ton of restocks from our friends at GEAR FAB, check out all of their tit ...
Massive import shipment!(Post)Happy weekend kiddies! It’s that monthly shipment of the weird, the rare, the strange, and the bizarre from all over the planet.Lots of new items and some fabulous restocks of previously sold out ite ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)Got some more of those crazy warehouse finds you love so much, including some zines from the 70s and 80s and some one of a kind vinyl. They go fast!Also that PAUL COLLINS book is back in stock, it so ...
NEW IMPORTS & 2022 WRAP UP(Post)More imports have arrived, lots of limited edition items and restocks.Also just in, the ALIVE 2022 WRAP UP BOX SET, with all 6 ALIVE releases for a great price. Everything from glam to psych to punk ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND RESTOCKS!(Post)More more more fun stuff for my little darlings. Here’s the latest discounts and restocks for you!Thanks for all,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allRESTOCK SKUS 21564, 23552, 220 ...
Bargains and last copies!(Post)Got in some new arrivals for our mid-week update, along with a lot of adds to our wildly popular sections:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 items for you to dro ...
MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, thanks to all of you for making the new GOSPELBEACHa big success. All formats now available, including a 6 album “BOX” set with autograph and exclusive cover art and poster. GREAT deal.Che ...
IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Happy weekend my darlins, we have some more of those wild and crazy imports that you love so much, along with a big batch of previously sold out items.And our friends at the L.A. psych label Hypnotic ...
Phenomenal FINDS!(Post)Yes it’s more more more of those far out imports this weekend, a big batch of new titlesplus a great restocks of items that we we were previously out of. Click on the pretty pink box for details!Don' ...
HUGE RESTOCK SHIPMENT(Post)More cheapo cds and 7” in this weekend, along with a huge restock shipment of previously out of stock items. Plus as always, add to the famous $5 and under section and the $5-$10 section.And surf the ...
BARGAINS!(Post)Yes it’s Tuesday again, and that means BARGAINS for you guys. Lots of adds to the legendary $5 and under section, and the ONE ONLY section (last copy of items we wont be restocking).Plus a batch of n ...
LASST COPIES AND MORE(Post)It’s Tuesday and that means some DISCOUNTS, LAST COPIES, and bargains galore. More adds to our famous $5 and under section AND our $5-$10 section too, be sure to have a look.Thanks for all, Suzy ...
SAAALE!(Post)It’s a little slow this week kids, and the last thing we want to do is to sit around here looking pretty, so I’m gonna give you a nice saale on the $5 and Under and the $5- $10 Section! You always lo ...
BIG MONTHLY IMPORT SHIPMENT!(Post)Lots of fantastic titles for you guys this weekend, we have a bunch of new stuff AND lots of restocks of previously sold out items too. Plus a batch of newly discounted cds. Don't forget that these i ...
CRAZY LO PRICES!(Post)Yet another big batch of super lo priced merch for you guys this weekend, great titles that I got at a real deal. Some of these $10 items are going for $40 elsewhere! Grab em up while you can. Limite ...
MORE TEST PRESSINGS & WAREHOUSE FINDS(Post)More TEST PRESSINGS and WAREHOUSE FINDS this week, as BOMP continues to clear out the warehouse. And lots of adds to your favorite 3 sections. Deep discounts on some ONE ONLY last copies too.★ ONE ON ...
TRIP OUT!(Post)It’s the 60s all over again, check out these new singles on the HYPNOTIC BRIDGElabel, great pic sleeves and cool sounds. Perfect for your next acid trip. Some really fun stuff.And we have a repressin ...
NEW ARRIVALS!(Post)This week we’ve got a nice batch of import restocks, and big shipment of BROWN ACID cds, all at that $10 price you love so much! Great 70s prog and psych comps. LPs also in stock.Also a ONE ONLY arch ...
MID WEEK BIG SAVINGS!(Post)Tons of serious discounts on some of these items, we’re clearing out the warehouse and making way for the new winter releases. And lots of LAST COPIES listed here, get them while you can. ALSO a bat ...
DEAL DAY!(Post)Happy Wednesday everybody! This week I’ve really outdone myself, a TON of adds to the ONE ONLY section, last copies of titles that I wont be restocking, some real deals.ALSO some new arrivals and res ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)Lots of new titles this week, some so rare that I cant find them online to get an image! Ltd quantities on a lot of these. ALSO a good batch of restocks for you, click on the pretty pink box to see t ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)This weekend we have the new SHINDIG for you, more of that rare Mexican cds you love to much and some cool $1 7”, along with a bunch of restocks and other new stuff. We got a nice shipment from our p ...
NEW FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)Plenty of new titles in this week to keep you amused! More cheapo CDs and LPs, a bunch of imports, and a T Shirt restock. All sizes now available for your favorites like Radio Moscow, Gospelbeach, an ...
MID-WEEK DEALS!(Post)Lots of deals for you guys this week, check out the LAST COPIES section, we added some great items at near cost, and another restock from GEAR FAB, more of the 60s and 70s reissues at the $10 price p ...
JUST IN!(Post)Some fun stuff for you guys this week. A new title from GEAR FAB, even more of their signature 60s and 70s reissues for a great price. Also available again, POKORA, HANS - 1001 RECORD COLLECTOR ...
MIDWEEK SAALE and LABEL NEWS!(Post)We’re doing our best to keep rock and roll ALIVE! We’ve got a bunch of our bands out on tour, BOBBY LEES, JAMES LEG, BEECHWOOD, and HANDSOME JACK ... check the dates and locations here!Parker from Ra ...
NEW IMPORTS!(Post)This weekend we have more of those crazy international titles arriving, everything from Turkish psych to UK hard rock Blue Cheer style. Click on the pretty pink box to see the complete list. Limited ...
NEW UGLY THINGS & MORE! (Post)The new UGLY THINGS is arriving Thursday, read all about it below, and be sure to get your back issues too.And yet MORE great cheapo garage, psych, and power pop cds and vinyl for you this week. I’m ...
THIS WEEK'S DEALS(Post)I got some really nice deals for you guys today! We rounded up the last copies of some excellent reissue LPS for very low prices, and we have another list of adds to the famous ONE ONLY section, AND ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND DISCOUNTS (Post)Yes it’s our famous mid week bargain Email-blast. Lots of items at near cost, and some re-stocks of some of your faves too.Also just in, THE BLACK KEYS on blue marble vinyl, 180 gram. It’s a beauty!C ...
MID WEEK DEALS AND NEW!(Post)Got some cool warehouse finds this time around, including a ONE ONLY Pebbles starburst vinyl box set! Plus a batch of rare Rainbo test pressings for everything from Sun Ra to Mc5 to Iggy! Test pressi ...
NEW BROWN ACID AND MORE!(Post)First off, if any of you tried to order by PAYPAL this weekend and were notified that we didn't accept PAYPAL, that’s a total lie. It was a PAYPAL glitch and they wouldn’t respond all weekend, they h ...
NEW STUFF FOR THE WEEKEND(Post)GREAT batch of tunes for you guys this weekend! We have some autographed copies of BEACHWOOD SPARKS and GOSPELBEACH, and a couple of rare records and CDs sent to us by Greg Allen former bandmate of J ...
NEW SHINDIG & MORE(Post)The new Shindig is here, with a great cover article on the Standells. Also more new arrivals and restocks, check it all out here!Thanks,Suzy ShawDrop these skus into our search to see them allNEW SKU ...
MID WEEK SPECIALS!(Post)Lots of amazing deals for you guys this week, plenty of discounts and adds to the BIG THREE section that you love so much:ONE ONLY - last copy and selling at cost or below$5 and Under - over 700 item ...
MONSTER IMPORT SHIPMENT(Post)This weekend we have a humongous list of new stuff for you guys, everything from a nearly free zine to cds to vinyl. Ltd quantities on these, we’ll allot the merch to the first orders. Click on the p ...
DEAL DAY!(Post)Today is DEAL DAY, with more adds to the ONE ONLY SECTION, the $5 and UNDER SECTION, and the $5-$10 SECTION. PLUS some restocks and lower prices on some of our regular catalogue items. Lots of new it ...
WEEKEND UPDATE(Post)That band Beechwood is taking off, 400,000 plays in Germany! Top 10 on the Red Eye charts already. Fingers crossed for those guys. Check out their video below, they look amazing.Lots of new cheapo CD ...
IT'S THE WEEKEND!(Post)Look at all this amazing stuff I got for you guys this week! It’s a smorgasbord of CHEAPO CDS, BACK IN STOCK items, a whole bunch of adds to the fabulous ONE ONLY SECTION, and more more more. Ms Suzy ...
MID WEEK SAALE AND NEW!(Post)Some new cheapo cds for you guys, plus a big restock on GEAR FAB and BROWN ACID, all titles now in stock!Also, a few more of our BENT CORNER bargains, mint vinyl, just a crunchy corner. Fantastic dea ...
TEST PRESSING SETS & MORE(Post)We’re digging into our archives and putting together some great TEST PRESSING SETS for you guys! These sets include not just the test pressings, which by themselves are very rare, (only 5 of each are ...
New arrivals and saale items!(Post)A new title just in from the L.A. garage psych label HYPNOTIC BRIDGE, along with a big batch of restocks, check the entire label here!Also a big restock from GEAR FAB, everybody’s fave 60s and 70s re ...
More MID WEEK BARGAINS!(Post)First off, big thanks to all of you for your love and support these past few difficult weeks. It has been really heartwarming and much appreciated. The new Gospelbeachis flying off the shelves, and w ...
DISCOUNTS, BARGIANS & MORE ONE ONLY!(Post)It’s Tuesday again, and that means discounts, bargains and lots of adds to our famous ONE ONLY section, near cost on these!In label news, the Bonnevilles new record is nearly finished, you can see th ...
MIDWEEK UPDATE GEAR FAB & MORE(Post)Big shipment in from our pals at GEAR FAB this week, including lots of new cheapo LPs for you guys, and restocks of previously sold out items! Lots of 60’s psych and garage at amazing prices. Check o ...
NEW SHINDIG AND MORE!(Post)It’s the new Shindig kids! Just into our warehouse, along with plenty more.I got some more of those rare Mexican 60s garage cds you love so much,and some more cheapo cds and vinyl too, we’re practica ...